The Challenges:
So, you will likely need to go out of your way to complete this challenge asking for seventy-five kills in multiplayer Matchmaking. "Secondary Fire" will get you, maybe, twenty to thirty kills and "Close Talking will get you about thirty to thirty-five kills. That still leaves you short. For the remaining kills, play whatever you want and have fun, it's Friday!
Secondary Fire - Earn 25 assists today in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2875cR
It has been a while since we have had an assist challenge, but it is nice to mix stuff up every once and a while. Now, you will earn an assist when you deal at least forty percent damage to an enemy who is killed by another player before that health is regained. My go-to mode for this has always been Multi Team since there are so many enemies and some many people to steal the kills from you. Stick to high-traffic areas and actively try not to kills people, just damage them. Should take three to four games to complete.