Thursday, November 15, 2012

Halo 4 War Games Daily Challenges - 11/15/12

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The Challenges:
Game Over, Man - Complete 4 matchmaking War Games matches. - 1350 XP
This challenge seems pretty simple, and probably because it is, but the question is what exactly the word "Complete" means in this instance. In Reach, this meant playing a game from start to finish, no ifs, ands, or buts. Of course, Reach did not have "join session in progress" capabilities. There seem to be two separate recorded stats of "Games Played" and "Games Completed" and I am unsure which one this challenge is drawing from. The simple solution is to play games until it unlocks. Hopefully, this does not require you to play games from start to finish, but be prepared for that possibility.

The Kill-O-Tron - Earn 5 Multikills medals in a single match. - 2650 XP
In all honesty, it is much hard to get multikills in Halo 4 than it was in Reach. There are several factors that contribute to this, but I think the main reason is that, in general, maps are much bigger than they were in Halo Reach. As a reminder, a Multikill is scored when you score multiple kills within 4.5 seconds of each other. One of the keys to getting multikills is having enemies close by and an appropriately powerful weapon in that gametype to kill them with. Now, for some people who are actually good with vehicles (which does not yet include me in this iteration of Halo), Big Team Infinity Slayer is your best bet as long as you can get into a Banshee or a Mantis. Dominion is another option if you are more vehicle inclined. For those of us who are not so great with vehicles, it is more coming down to personal experience and preference. SWAT will be my trusted gametype, but objective gametypes like Capture the Flag or King of the Hill can also be useful since you typically know where enemies are going. Expect this to take a few games to complete.

See the Weekly Spartan Ops Challenges here.
See the Weekly War Games Challenges here.
See the Monthly War Games Challenges here.
See the Weekly Campaign Challenges here.

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