Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 11/20/12

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The Challenges:
Light Fare - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 3000cR
You should really have no problem getting a hundred kills today thanks to the other challenges. "Flat Tire" will be getting your about three hundred and sixty kills to four hundred and eighty or so. As well, "Credits for Completion" will get you about a hundred or so kills. As you can see, you are very well off even ignoring the "Roast 'em, Toast 'em" challenge.

Flat Tire - Kill 10 enemy vehicles in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2343cR
Guess they could not wait until Thursday to give us this challenge, huh? Well, vehicle are rare in Firefight Matchmaking since they changed how enemies spawn, but no one making the challenges seems to have realized this. So, instead, we will have to abuse the features of the map Holdout to score the vehicle kills. Now, Holdout has static Banshee spawns which will give you a Banshee every two to four minutes. You need to draw the game out as long as possible to get about three to four kills a game. As well, you will want to play Sniper, Rocket, or FRG Attack as vehicle kills in 2X Score Attack will not count for this challenge. Expect to play three to four games for this one.

Roast 'em, Toast 'em - Kill 10 enemies while jet-packing in Exodus on Normal. - 2400cR
So, you can just load up Exodus at Rally Point Bravo and this will start you right before you get the jet pack. First of all, you will need to be actively using the jet-pack armor ability when the kill occurs. You cannot be falling and you cannot be out of the armor ability. Grenades are actually great for this as you can throw them into a crowd of Covies and then hit the armor ability to have all those kills register as kills while jet-packing. It really is that easy.

Credits for Completion - Complete 6 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1300cR
I wish that Halo 4 would take a note from the challenges in Reach on how to vary it up and actually have some challenges that are not always aggravating. Regardless, in Reach, you will need to play games from start to finish to have them count as completed. If you get kicked, disconnected, or quit, the game will not count towards this challenge. Play whatever you want as this is the only multiplayer Matchmaking challenge today.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

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