To Be Precise - Get 200 kills with a Precision Loadout Weapon. - 7000 XP
Well, I was wondering when we were going to see these Waypoint Challenges pop-up and it seems that they will be going on in conjunction with the Infinity Challenge which will be taking place soon. It is not exactly clear what effect these challenges will have, but expect them to appear for either War Games or Spartan Ops for the next few weeks. This week, however, it is a War Games challenge and not a particularly hard one at that. Just need two-hundred precision loadout weapon kills. Now, precision loadout weapons in Halo 4 include the DMR (Designated Marksman's Rifle), the BR (Battle Rifle), the Covenant Carbine, and the Light Rifle. Precision weapons are always headshot capable and are best used at range. SWAT is likely your best option for this challenge as the only weapon you will pretty much be using is the DMR or the BR. You can easily score ten to fifteen kills a game which means you will need to get about fifteen to twenty games in this week to complete this challenge. Really, you can likely just play normally as long as you typically you precision weapons and you should have no trouble hitting the two hundred kills. Get to it.
See the War Game Weekly Challenge here.
See the War Games Monthly Challenge here.
See the Campaign Weekly Challenges here.
See the Spartan Ops Weekly Challenges here.
Are these going to go anywhere special, like rewarded with unlocking something on waypoint? I don't get the reason for the designation.