Monday, December 24, 2012

Halo 4 War Games Daily and Weekly Challenges - 12/24/12

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The Challenges: 
Spray and Pray - Get 15 kills with an Automatic Loadout Weapon. - 1250 XP
Automatic Loadout Weapons in Halo 4 include the AR (Assault Rifle), Storm Rifle, and the Suppressor. Since this specifically indicates Loadout Weapons, the SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon), Needler, or turrets will count for this challenge. You only need fifteen kills today, not in a single game, so this is a lot easier. Another bright side is that automatic weapons in Halo 4 are absolutely deadly close up, way more so than Reach. If you are at range, do short, controlled bursts to whittle down your target. You will want smaller maps, so standard Infinity Slayer may be your best bet for this challenge if you are looking to get it done fast. Otherwise, just play normally and use automatic loadout weapons when you can.

We Are The Champions - Win 9 matchmaking Slayer matches. - 2750 XP
This is the hardest challenge of the day, and that includes the Weekly Challenges as well. Hopefully you have today off so you can spend time in matchmaking. Slayer gametypes are in the Big Team Infinity Slayer, Infinity Slayer, SWAT, and the Crimson DLC playlist. Join-session-in-progress games will count for this challenge if you win them so you will hopefully get lucky and placed on some winning teams. Personally, I prefer the gametypes with smaller teams since that gives me more control and better chance of being on the winning team. Free-for-all is something that I would straight out avoid. Expect that this may take up to eighteen games to complete.

The Weekly Challenges:
Spartan Master Killer - Kill 18 Players in a single War Games match. - 4600 XP
So, we have seen this as a Daily Challenge before, but only requiring fifteen kills. Apparently, adding three more kills makes this a Weekly Challenge. Regardless, this challenge should not take too long if you are in the right gametype. First off, objective gametypes are best for this challenge as there is no kill limit. As well, large player gametypes, like Big Team Infinity Slayer, will also allow you to get a bunch of kills in a single match. The choice is entirely yours but make sure you have good teammates with you that will let you steal kills from them (just kidding!).

Exterminate! Exterminate! - Kill every member of the opposing team at least once in a match. - 6300 XP
So, I believe this was a Daily Challenge in recent memory (like yesterday, to be honest). No clue why it is more than double today, who the hell knows. Allow me to quote from yesterday: You do need to kill every member of the opposing team, just not at all once. This probably happens more often than not without you even noticing it. You will want to stick to gametypes with a low number of players per team. This means Team Slayer Pro, Infinity Slayer, or SWAT. Each one of those gametypes has teams of four players maximum. I'm not entirely sure how people joining and leaving the game effect this stat, but most likely you will need to have killed every player who is on the team once the game ends. Should take a game or two to complete.

See the War Games Monthly Challenge here.
See the Campaign Weekly Challenges here.
See the Spartan Ops Weekly Challenges here.
See the Weekly Waypoint Challenge here. 

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