Saturday, December 1, 2012

Halo 4 War Games Daily Challenges - 12/1/12

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The Challenges:

Spray and Pray - Get 15 kills with an Automatic Loadout Weapon. - 1250 XP
Automatic Loadout Weapons in Halo 4 include the Assault Rifle, the Storm Rifle, and the Suppressor. Generally, you will probably be getting most of your kills for this challenge with the Assault Rifle (AR). Now, these do not need to be done over a single game and can be spread out throughout the day. Gametypes like Infinity Slayer and Regicide should do pretty well in getting you automatic weapon kills as long as you actively try to use them. As a note, the Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) and the Needler do not count for this challenge as they are not loadout weapons.

Exterminate! Exterminate! - Kill every member of the opposing team at least once in a match. - 2700 XP
I'm sure that at least a few people, when first seeing this challenge, thought that they had to score an Extermination medal in a game. Luckily, you do not. You do need to kill every member of the opposing team, just not at all once. This probably happens more often than not without you even noticing it. You will want to stick to gametypes with a low number of players per team. This means Team Slayer Pro, Infinity Slayer, or SWAT. Each one of those gametypes has teams of four players maximum. I'm not entirely sure how people joining and leaving the game effect this stat, but most likely you will need to have killed every player who is on the team once the game ends. Should take a game or two to complete.

See the War Games Weekly Challenges here.
See the War Games Monthly Challenge here.
See the Campaign Weekly Challenges here.
See the Spartan Ops Weekly Challenges here.

1 comment:

  1. For the daily challenges today, try playing KOTH. I use AR as loadout and it works pretty well. I got both challenges in two games.
