Thursday, January 31, 2013

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/31/13

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The Challenges:
One Spartan Army - Kill 150 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2250cR
Well, all of these challenges today will be completed in just two games of Firefight Matchmaking. It will be that simple. This challenge, asking you for a hundred and fifty kills will be completed during you second game and will be taken care of by the "Hyper Lethal Vector" challenge. All of the other challenges are also taken care of by that one, so no need to really worry about anything today. Just relax and enjoy the free credits.

Scoped - Kill 100 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with precision weapons. - 2000cR
Precision weapons in Reach include the DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle), the Sniper Rifle, the Needle Rifle, and the Covenant Focus Beam. In Firefight Matchmaking, however, the easiest weapon to get your hands on will be the DMR. You will be going for two-hundred headshots with the "Hyper Lethal Vector" challenge but I will tell you that this challenge will be completed in the first game and your gametype of choice should be Gruntpocalypse as you can headshot every single enemy in that game. So, like the other, this one is taken care of, move along.

Halo 4 War Games Daily Challenges - 1/31/13

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The Challenges:
Spartan Master Killer - Kill 15 Players in a single War Games match. - 2950 XP
These challenges today are pretty simple and should take very little time to complete. This first challenge, asking you to score fifteen kills in a single game can be completed in no time at all. First off, You need a playlist with a lot of player and no kill limit. That pretty much means Dominion or Grifball. I would head for the larger vehicles, like Scorpion and Wraith Tanks. Stay near bases to play defense and you should have no trouble racking up the kills. Grifball allows you to get an insane number of kills regardless. This is also doable in most other slayer-based playlists, just easier in Dominion and Grifball.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Halo 4 Spartan Ops Weekly Challenges - 1/28/13

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The Challenges:
Shield Break - Kill 50 Jackals. - 10000 XP
Well, for once, Jackals are not hard to find in an episode of Spartan Ops. In fact, this episode is crawling with the little bastards. Always be wary or ranged Jackals and ones with Needlers as they will destroy you pretty fast. You do not even need to play through the entire episode to hit the fifty Jackal kills needed for this challenge. Chapter One got me twenty-one Jackal kills, Chapter Two got me fifty-eight Jackal kills, Chapter Three brought in seventy-six Jackal kills, Chapter Four gave sixty, and Chapter Five gave sixteen. Once Season One of Spartan Ops is over and we are in another predictable lull, this will be the best episode for completing these challenges.

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/30/13

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The Challenges:
Shootin' and Lootin's - Kill 250 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 3800cR
Most of this challenge, in fact all of it, should be taken care of today by the other challenges since you need two-hundred and fifty kills cumulative from all the game modes of Halo Reach. You will get about a hundred and forty from the "Demon" challenge followed by a hundred or so from the "L.D. Solace" challenge. Finally, "Oops! All Kills" will likely bring in about thirty or so kills. Like usual, do not worry about this challenge at all.

Demon - Kill 40 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2800cR
This is the sole Firefight Matchmaking challenge of the day but it will go a long way towards completing "Shootin' and Lootin'" so no problems here. Elites are the hardest enemies to kill in Firefight Matchmaking. This challenge will, however, most likely take two games to complete since I am urging you to play in the Score Attack Playlist. Aim for 2X Score Attack since the final wave will always be twenty or so Elites. Do your best to make sure that none of them kill themselves and you will have this done in two easy games. Get to it.

Halo 4 War Games Daily Challenges - 1/30/13

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The Challenges:
Drop Bears! - Assassinate 3 Players in a single match. - 2750 XP
As usual, like every time we get this challenge, you will need to score three assassination in a single game. You can trigger an assassination animation by holding the melee button behind an enemy. The animation needs to mostly complete for it to count. Now, Team Slayer Pro had been the best playlist for me to get assassinations, but that is now gone so we need other playlists. I have had luck in FFA Regicide on maps like Haven or Adrift (more Haven than the other one) which means stick to smaller maps. Dominion might be worthwhile for some, but that maps are much larger so you will likely need to hide in the bases.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/29/13

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The Challenges:
Light Fare - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 3000cR
You will be in all three of the main modes of Reach today to finish off all the challenges. This challenge, asking for a hundred kills all together in Reach, will be taken care of by the other challenges. The "Survivor" challenge will score you a hundred and twenty kills, "There Are Many Like..." will score you two hundred kills, and the "Light Fuse, Run Away" challenge will bring in about twenty or so kills. All in all, no need to go out of you way to complete this challenge.

Survivor - Earn 7 Sprees in a Firefight Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
A spree in Firefight Matchmaking is earned when you score ten kills in a row without dying. You can get up to five sprees, just short of what you need for this challenge, by scoring fifty kills without dying. You should be scoring these quite easily so this challenge should take little time to complete. This challenge does not stipulate just Killing Sprees so weapon and other miscellaneous sprees will also count. Once you hit fifty kills I would just die so you can start those sprees over and have this done in no time flat.

Halo 4 War Games Daily Challenges - 1/29/13

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The Challenges:
Game Over, Man! - Complete 4 matchmaking War Games matches. - 1250 XP
None of the Weekly challenges will really be pushing you towards this challenge as they do not require too many games every day. The "That's Just Perfect" challenge, however, will likely take a bunch of game, probably more than four, to be completed especially since you do no specifically need wins. The hope is that it will take care of this challenge and will require very little work from you. Now, in Halo 4 join-session-in-progress games will count for this challenge but quitting early, disconnecting, or getting booted will not count so try not to do that too often.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Halo 4 Campaign Weekly Challenges - 1/28/13

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The Challenges:

Reclamation - Complete Reclaimer on Legendary difficulty with the Mythic, Tilt, Tough Luck and Thunderstorm skulls. - 30000XP
This is a long mission, featuring lots of vehicular combat but, unlike the last time you played it, you do not need to run it solo. Legendary difficulty, however, is still required. Now, the Mythic skull will cause all enemies to have double health, the Tilt skull will cause the enemies to become stronger, the Tough Luck skull will cause enemies to dodge more often, and the Thunderstorm will upgrade all enemies. We have been dealing with these same modifiers for the past few weeks with all the other previous campaign missions so you should be getting the hang of it by now. Remember, this is all likely leading up to LASO challenges so it will only get worse. Regardless, I would grab at least one friend for this challenge to help man the vehicle turrets cause the marines in this game suck, as they do in every Halo game.

Halo Reach Daily and Weekly Challenges Guide - 1/28/13

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The Challenges:
Gunslinger - Kill 40 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3500cR
Well, a lot of multiplayer Matchmaking challenges today, to go along with the difficult Weekly Challenge asking for fifty wins this week. Even without that challenge, however, this one will be taken care of by the other daily challenges since it only asks for forty kills in multiplayer Matchmaking. "Aggressive Negotiations" will get you twenty kills while "Put Your Quarter Up" will likely get you a hundred or so kills. Really, no need to worry about any of this. Move on.

Blast Radius - Kill 40 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with grenades. - 1000cR
This is the lone Firefight Matchmaking challenge of the day and there is a chance that you can complete it in a single game. First off, you are able to score grenade kills in Reach utilizing the Fragmentation (Frag) Grenade and the Plasma (Sticky) Grenade. Both can be found pretty regularly in Firefight as you will spawn with Frags after you die and dead Covies means a lot of Plasma grenades on the ground. Gruntpocalypse is the easiest gametypes for this challenge as you can easily get Grunts as they spawn. Pick a small map so the Grunts are more clustered. This may take two games but there is a chance to complete it in one.

Updated: Halo 4 War Games Daily and Weekly Challenges - 1/28/13

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The Challenges:
In the Back - Assassinate 3 Players. - 1400 XP
Assassinations are not too hard to come by and, typically, for these challenges you need a bunch. This time, however, you just need three assassinations overall. Now, to score an assassination, you need to go behind an enemy and hold down the melee button. An animation will then trigger that needs to mostly complete for the assassination to count. Now, Regicide is a probably the best spot to score assassination in any sort of Slayer game since Team Slayer Pro was taken away. Generally, however, you will want to stick to objective games since you can then hide and ambush people. Expect this to take two to three games to complete.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/27/13

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The Challenges:
Covenant-cide - Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3200cR
So, you have two challenges today for multiplayer Matchmaking and two challenges today that are Firefight Matchmaking. This challenge is grouped with the later and will hopefully only take a single games to complete. Attempt to complete "Katanarama" first and then worry about this challenge. Hopefully, completing "Katanarama" will take care of this one for you but, if it doesn't, just one lone single game will finish it all up.

The Dream Shake - Earn 4 Double Kills in the same match in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 4000cR
Now, a Double Kill is earned when you score two kills within four seconds of each other. This is the most basic form of a multikill and the easiest to obtain. Work on "Light Fuse, Run Away" first as you might be able to complete this while working on it. If not, then I would suggest heading to the Grifball playlist and playing a game or two in there. Multikills are an extremely common site in Grifball and you can score them without even trying. Should take a single game of Grifball to complete.

Halo 4 War Games Daily Challenges - 1/27/13

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The Challenges:
In Your Face - Earn 12 CQC Medals. - 1400 XP
There are three Close Quarters Combat medals in Halo 4 and they are the Melee, Beat Down, and Bulltrue medals. Remember that, for the Beat Down medal, when behind an enemy, just tap melee instead of holding it to perform a Beat Down. To get these, you will typically want to be on a smaller map in an objective oriented game as it will allow you to get as many medals as possible. You will be playing a lot of Infection and Dominion today, and I really mean a lot of Infection. In Infection you can typically score Bulltrues and Melee medal with ease. Hitting twelve will not be an issue and, even if you fall short, you can score some in Dominion once you go to get the needed wins in that.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/26/13

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The Challenges:
One Spartan Army - Kill 150 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2250cR
This is the only challenge today in Firefight Matchmaking so you will need to go out of your way to get this one. The Score Attack playlist is the easiest option as you can play Gruntpocalypse or 2X Score Attack. Both of these gametypes will allow you to score about a hundred and twenty kills per game so you will undoubtedly end up short of your goal. Therefore, expect to play two games to hit the total for this challenge.

Throwing Fireballs - Kill 8 enemies with grenades in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1600cR
Eight grenade kills in a single game will actually be quite the challenge. You can use Fragmentation (Frag) Grenades or Plasma (Sticky) Grenades to score these kills. Gametype is important and Multi Team has always done the best for me since you have nine targets and all of them are also trying to kill another nine targets. Go for small maps like Countdown (Swordbase is a little too big) and head to the middle. Just toss your grenades as people are attacking each other and you should be all set. Expect this to take a few games to complete.

Halo 4 War Games Daily Challenges - 1/26/13

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The Challenges:
Deft Hand - Earn 5 Combat Skill Medals. - 1500 XP
Combat Skill medals, as we all probably do not remember due to them being so obscure, include Killjoy, Headcase, From the Grave, Reload This, and Showstopper medals. You need four of these overall today and they do not need to be in a single game. Use precision weapons (DMR, BR, Light Rifle, Sniper) to score Headcase (headshot on a running target) medals and then use grenades when you are near death for the From the Grave medal. Reload This is pretty much dependent on the other player but people need to reload their weapons. Killyjoys and Showstopper are a bit more rare and harder to get so do not focus on them. Should take a game or two to complete. Playing matches for the "Dominator" and "Baller" challenges will take care of this one, so no need to go out of your way for it.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/25/13

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The Challenges:
Light Fare - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 3000cR
Well, a hundred kills are needed for today. Whether or not the other challenges will get you to this point, I have absolutely no clue. It very well could, depending on what gametypes you choose to venture into for the challenges. If you fall short, be sure to head to Grifball as it can get you thirty or more kills per game if scoring does not happen too quickly. Otherwise, just have fun and play what you want as a hundred kills should not take long at all.

Sweep the Leg - Perform an Assassination in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
This is a simple enough challenge that I would bet that most players could probably complete with every other game they play. To score an assassination, you need to get behind an opponent and hold the melee button. This will trigger and assassination animation that needs to mostly complete for the assassination to count. If you fail to score one while going for "Go Right Ahead Folks" and "Triple Thrill" then play Teams Snipers and a small map.

Halo 4 War Games Daily Challenges - 1/25/13

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The Challenges:
One, Two, Three, Four... - Earn 9 Multikill medals. - 1500 XP
A multikills in Halo 4 is earned when you score multiple kills each within four and a half seconds of each other. These are decidedly less common in Halo 4 than they were in Reach so you really need to set up the right gametype and such to score them. Now, having access to large number of enemies and heavy weapons is a great way to score multikills. Dominion has always fared well for me on a map like Vortex. Standard Infinity Slayer will likely make progress on this for you as well. It is all up to personal preference and wherever you have had success in the past. You will likely find yourself in Oddball for the "Baller" challenge below and you can definitely score some multikills there so go to the other suggested playlists after finishing "Baller."

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Halo 4 Spartan Ops Weekly Challenges - 1/23/13

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The Challenges:
Shield Break! - Kill 70 Jackals. - 1500 XP
Oh, look. New Spartan Ops missions for Episode six. Well, it actually is a welcome sight as we have new set pieces to play in and actually get to more interesting parts of the Spartan Op's inaugural season's storyline. Now, the challenges are pretty simplistic, as they always are for Spartan Ops and they will generally be completed within the first three chapters is you play solo. This challenge, asking for seventy Jackal kills, was actually the last one that I completed. Jackals are typically hard to come by but there first two levels have a bunch of them (Chapter One had forty something by my count). They are more sparse in Chapter Three, but there are some there to snag. Replay the first two mission if you run short due to having teammates.

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/24/13

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The Challenges:
Blastin' and Relaxin' - Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2343cR
Well, no need to worry about this challenge today thanks to the other challenge, one in particular. The "Flat Tire" challenge will have you scoring three or four games worth of kills at about a hundred and twenty kills per game. On top of that, "A Heroic Breach" will likely have you hitting two games at the same amount of kills. As you can see, this is all well over the a hundred and eighty kills needed for this challenge so you have very little to worry about.

Demon - Kill 40 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2800cR
Elites are the toughest enemies you will face in Firefight and can be an extreme pain. Today, however, with all the other challenges, they should present very little problem. The "Flat Tire" challenge will have you playing about three to four games and each one will likely have ten to fifteen Elites. That is very likely to finish off this challenge. After that, you need to complete "A Heroic Breach" which will have you doing another two games that will each have twenty Elites if you pick 2X Score Attack. All in all, this challenge should pretty much be done for you.

Halo 4 War Games Daily Challenges - 1/24/13

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The Challenges:
Spartan Takedown - Kill 20 Players. - 1450 XP
There are three favorable aspects to today's challenges. First off, they can be completed in a single game without too much work. Secondly, they do not require you to win games. Finally, these challenges can be easily completed while working on the "Dominator" Weekly Challenge. This challenge, asking you to score twenty kills, will likely be taking care of while going for those Dominion wins today. The twenty kills do not need to be in a single game but can easily be done in one. Focus on "Threading the Needle" first, however.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/23/13

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The Challenges:
Fire When Ready - Kill 50 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking - 3000cR
You may need to go out of your way to complete this challenge today due to the lack of multiplayer Matchmaking kills that will be generated by the "Home Field Advantage" challenge. However, it simply depends on how many wins it takes you to get to the two wins required. All in all, this challenge should not take more than three or four games to complete. Get to it and good luck with it.

Survivor - Earn 5 Sprees in a Firefight Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
A spree in Firefight Matchmaking is earned when you score ten kills in a row without dying. You can get up to five sprees, just what you need for this challenge, by scoring fifty kills without dying. You should be scoring these quite easily so this challenge should take little time to complete. As well, this challenge does not stipulate just Killing Sprees so weapon and other miscellaneous sprees will also count. You will need to go out of your way for this challenge as it is the only Firefight Matchmaking challenge today.

Halo 4 War Games Daily Challenges - 1/23/13

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The Challenges:
Got Backup - Get 12 kills with a Secondary Weapon. - 1250 XP
Secondary weapons in Halo 4 include the Magnum Pistol, the Plasma Pistol, and the Bolt Shot. You are only really likely to score kills with the Magnum and Boltshot as the Plasma Pistol will likely just end up getting you killed. If you are on a map with a lot of narrow corridors, the Bolt Shot is best but use the Magnum if you are in more wide open spaces. Now, you just need twelve kills over the day, not in a single game. You will be playing at least nine games for the "Raise the Flag" challenge and probably a few more for "Dominator" which means that you just need to score two or so kills with a secondary weapon per game to finish this challenge off.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/22/13

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The Challenges:
Covenant-cide - Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3200cR
Today, it seems that you will need to go out of your way to complete this challenge. There is no guarantee that the other challenges will complete this for you. There is, in total, all of one challenge the involves Firefight and it is only asking you to score seventy kills. If you happen to need two games to complete the challenge and complete it early enough in the second game, you can just cut loose and finish this challenge off. If not, a nice game of 2X Score Attack, or Gruntpocalypse, is likely in your future.

The T.G. Opposition - Kill 70 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with the Shotgun. - 3000cR
There is really only one way to reliably get a shotgun in Firefight Matchmaking and that is to go into the standard Firefight playlist and pick Arcadefight. Now, a seventy kills likely just barely take two games to complete because you will likely need to compete with three other players for kills, but it is slightly possible in a single game. The Shotgun is a very short-range weapon so that will make it more difficult. Aim for a smaller map like Courtyard or Corvette and, again, expect to play two games for this challenge.

Halo 4 War Games Daily Challenges - 1/22/13

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The Challenges:
Your Majesty - Win 9 matchmaking Regicide matches. - 2750 XP
Well, we knew we were going to get more challenges like this even with a Weekly challenge dedicated to wins in the Dominion gametype. This makes this challenge plenty more aggravating than before but leaves you to figure out whether you want to play standard or Team Regicide. Since we are going for wins, Team Regicide will be your best bet since you automatically have a fifty percent chance of winning instead of a twelve or so percent chance. Whenever possible, make sure that you eliminate the King on the other team and that you do what you can to protect yours. As always, communicate with your teammates. Expect that this challenge may take up to eighteen games to complete, however.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Halo Reach Daily and Weekly Challenges Guide - 1/21/13

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The Challenges:
One Spartan Army - Kill 100 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2000cR
You will need to go out of your way for this challenge today due to the fact that there are no other Firefight Matchmaking challenges today. A hundred kills will be pretty easy to come by, however, since a standard game in the Score Attack playlist will yield about a hundred and twenty kills. Whether you do 2X Score Attack or Gruntpocalypse is completely up to you but remember that a smaller map will make it all go a lot faster.

Eyes in the Sky - Kill 10 enemies with the Designator in ONI on Heroic. - 1500cR
This is rare weapon that is only seen in a few places in Reach. However, the one on ONI: Swordbase is very easy to get to and to use. Load up Rally Point Bravo and then start to make your way towards the base gate. Once you enter it, the Target Designator can be seen on the right. You can very easily tag an enemy that is coming down the ramp and bring the fire down on them. Ideally, one salvo will complete this challenge. If it manages to fall short, you do have another salvo or you can just reload a checkpoint to add to your total.

Halo 4 Campaign Weekly Challenges - 1/21/13

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The Challenges:

Prediction: Pain - Complete any Campaign Mission on Heroic or higher difficulty with the Famine, Luck and Thunderstorm skulls. - 2500 XP
So, unlike previous weeks, this challenge is not requiring the same skulls as the mission specific one below. You could simply add on the Famine skull while running through Infinity but I would definitely not recommend it as ammunition is very precious in Halo 4. Instead, as usual, I would recommend that you run through the level Dawn on Heroic difficulty with the indicated skulls. Famine will cause all dropped weapons to have half as much ammunition, the Tough Luck skull will cause all enemies to dodge more often, and the Thunderstorm skull will upgrade all enemies. Adding Tilt and Mythic to that sound like a horrible idea to me for so little credits.

Halo 4 War Games Daily and Weekly Challenges - 1/21/13

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The Challenges: 
Deadeye - Kill 12 Players with a headshot. - 1350 XP
To score a headshot in War Games, you will need a headshot capable weapon. In Halo 4, these include the DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle), the BR (Battle Rifle), the Magnum Pistol, the Sniper Rifle, the Covenant Carbine, the Beam Rifle, the Light Rifle, and the Binary Cannon. The easiest way to score these headshots will be in a gametype like SWAT where almost all of the kills are headshots. You do not need twelve in a single game so you can just play normally while you amass these headshots since you need to score nine Slayer Matchmaking games today along with a bunch of Dominion games as well. This will easily get taken care of.

We Are the Champions - Win 9 matchmaking Slayer matches. - 2750 XP
So, this would not typically surprise me too much, but they are keeping up with the "Win 40+/- games" of a random gametype for one of the Weekly challenges which makes this one suck. Slayer gametypes are in the Big Team Infinity Slayer, Infinity Slayer, SWAT, and the Crimson DLC playlist. Join-session-in-progress games will count for this challenge if you win them so you will hopefully get lucky and placed on some winning teams. Personally, I prefer the gametypes with smaller teams since that gives me more control and better chance of being on the winning team. Free-for-all is something that I would straight out avoid. Expect that this may take up to eighteen games to complete.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/20/13

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The Challenges:
Blastin' and Relaxin' - Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2343cR
No need to worry about this challenge today thanks to the other daily challenges. First off, "Flat Tire" will get you about two-hundred and forty kills or more with the potential for more added in thanks to "Hyper Lethal Vector." The "Fourth Horseman" challenge will really not add in much at all but possibly a little. The main point here is to not worry about this one at all. Complete the others and you are all good.

Hyper Lethal Vector - Kill 150 enemies with headshots in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2125cR
The easiest way to score headshots in Firefight Matchmaking is in the Score Attack playlist. First off, you will need a headshot capable weapon (DMR, Magnum Pistol, Needle Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Covenant Focus Rifle). Almost all gametypes will allow you access to that. Now, what you need next are targets that can easily be headshot. Typically, this would mean Grunts which means that the best gametype for you would be Gruntpocalypse. 2X Score Attack is also an option but you will need to work harder for those headshots. Work on this challenge after "Flat Tire" as you will definitely score headshots while working on that.

Halo 4 War Games Daily Challenges - 1/20/13

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The Challenges:
Rolling Thunder - Earn 7 Killing Spree medals. - 1600 XP
A Killing Spree in War Games is earned when you score five kills in a row. As this challenge stipulates "Killing Spree medals" other sprees such as weapon and miscellaneous sprees will not count. Now, you do not need seven in a single game, just overall but even that can be a bit of a task with the current state of War Games Matchmaking. You really do not have a choice in what gametypes to go for this in thanks to the "Baller" challenge and the Weekly "Raise the Flag" challenge. Play through what you can with those and you will likely hit seven sprees before you finish. Good luck to you, though, as you will likely need it.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/19/13

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The Challenges:
Light Fare - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 3000cR
This challenge will take very little work at all today thanks to the other various challenge which have you racking up a bunch of kills. First of is "Now I have a Machine Gun", which has you scoring thirty kills in multiplayer Matchmaking, followed by "Short, Controlled Bursts", which has you getting two-hundred kills in campaign. Finally, we have "Un, Deux, Trois" and the bunch of kills it will add on top of "Now I have a Machine Gun". Nothing to worry about today for this challenge.

Now I have a Machine Gun - Earn 30 kills with automatic weapons in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2343cR
Automatic weapons in Halo Reach include the AR, the Plasma Rifle, the Plasma Repeater, the Needler, and the Brute Spiker. You will not really get to see the Brute Spike too much in multiplayer Matchmaking so focus on the AR and the Needler. Multi Team has always fared well for me with this challenge since you almost always start out with an AR and everyone is killing each other. Due to trying to get wins, however, you may want to stick with Team Slayer. This will only take a few games to complete, however, so it will likely be done before "Un, Deux, Trois".

Halo 4 War Games Daily Challenges - 1/19/13

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The Challenges:
Game Over, Man! - Complete 4 matchmaking War Games matches. - 1250 XP
Well, over all, easier challenges today though it is odd that we get the easier ones on the Weekend and the hard ones on the Weekdays. Regardless, this challenge is just asking you to complete four games today. This just means that you need to be in the match when the final score is tallied. Join-session-in-progress games will count towards this challenge and they can be any gametype in any playlist that you wish. Pick whatever gametype you wish but I would recommend trying to complete the "Drop Bears!" challenge while getting your games complete as well.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/18/13

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The Challenges:
Gunslinger - Kill 40 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3500cR
Being as it is now Friday, it is time for multiplayer Matchmaking challenge as is the tradition on every Friday. Whether or not these challenges will get you to forty kills is a little bit up in the air, however. Most likely, they will as the "Single Wield" challenge will already yield you thirty kills and another ten kills while working on "I'm Rubber, You're Glue" and "Killing Spree" does not seem far off. If you happen to have trouble hitting the number, though, just play an extra game and you should be all set.

I'm Rubber, You're Glue - Earn 1 sticky grenade Kills in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
Sticky grenades, also called plasma grenades, are not entirely common in multiplayer Matchmaking unless you have the correct gametype. First off, to get a stick grenade kill, the explosion of the grenade stuck to your opponent needs to be what causes the death, not anything else. You only need one so this will not be too much trouble but head for Multi Team if you are having trouble since that will give you a bunch of targets and some easy kills.

Halo 4 War Games Daily Challenges - 1/18/13

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The Challenges:
In the Back - Assassinate 3 Players. - 1400 XP
Assassinations are not too hard to come by and, typically, for these challenges you need a bunch. This time, however, you just need three assassinations overall. Now, to score an assassination, you need to go behind an enemy and hold down the melee button. An animation will then trigger that needs to mostly complete for the assassination to count. Now, Regicide, which is currently the Infinity Challenge main playlist, is a probably the best spot to score assassination in any sort of Slayer game since Team Slayer Pro was taken away. Generally, however, you will want to stick to objective games since you can then hide and ambush people. Expect this to take two to three games to complete.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/17/13

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The Challenges:
Blastin' and Relaxin' - Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2343cR
You will have no problem completing this challenge today thanks to the other challenges. You need a hundred and eighty kills in any game mode of Reach today but you happen to have a bunch of Firefight challenges that should take care of this one. "The T.G. Opposition" will get you a hundred to two-hundred kills and "Scoped" will get you about two-hundred and forty kills. No need to go out of your way at all for this one, just complete the other ones.

The T.G. Opposition - Kill 100 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with the Shotgun. - 3000cR
There is really only one way to reliably get a shotgun in Firefight Matchmaking and that is to go into the standard Firefight playlist and pick Arcadefight. Now, a hundred kills may take two games to complete because you will likely need to compete with three other players for kills and the Shotgun is a very short-range weapon so that will make it more difficult. Aim for a smaller map and, again, expect to play two games for this challenge.

Halo 4 War Games Daily Challenges - 1/17/12

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The Challenges:
Got Backup - Get 12 kills with a Secondary Weapon. - 1250 XP
Secondary weapons in Halo 4 include the Magnum Pistol, the Plasma Pistol, and the Bolt Shot. You are only really likely to score kills with the Magnum and Boltshot as the Plasma Pistol will likely just end up getting you killed. Now, you just need twelve kills over the day, not in a single game. The best place to get these kills, however, will be in a gametype like SWAT where you can just score easy headshots. If that is your plan, you will want a smaller map like Adrift or Haven, since the Magnum will get raped by a DMR or BR on the larger maps. If you are just playing normally, twelve secondary weapon kills will likely take three to four games to complete.