Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 8/14/12

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The Challenges:
Blastin' and Relaxin' - Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2343cR
Well, no real point in fussing over this challenge today as it is well taken care of by all the other challenges. Try to look at this challenge, asking you to score a hundred and eighty kills, as just free credits. The "Scoped" challenge will get you two-hundred kills, "Close Talking" will get you a hundred kills, and "LD. Winter" will probably get you in the neighborhood of eighty or so kills. Regardless, these add up to way more than the hundred and eighty kills needed to satisfy this challenge. Move along.

Scoped - Kill 200 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with precision weapons. - 2500cR
In Firefight Matchmaking, and in all of Reach for that matter, precision weapons include the DMR (Designated Marksman's Rifle), the Sniper Rifle, the Needle Rifle, and the Covenant Beam Rifle. In Firefight Matchmaking, you will most likely, be using the DMR and Sniper for kills. Now, load up Score Attack and then choose either 2X Score Attack or Gruntpocalypse. Both gametypes will give you a DMR and the enemies will be very easy to kill. You will get about a hundred and twenty kills in a single game which means that you will need to play two games to finish off this challenge.

LD. Winter - Complete Winter, without dying, on Legendary with Mythic, Thunderstorm, Tilt, and Tough Luck on. - 5000cR
Sparing Nightfall, Winter Contingency is probably the easiest campaign mission with New Alexandria as a close second. You can run through large portions of Winter Contingency but you must face some enemies. (Follow this guide for where you can run through.) Now, the Mythic Skull will double all enemy health, the Thunderstorm Skull will upgrade all enemies, the Tilt Skull will make their weapons more powerful, and the Tough Luck Skull will make them dodge more. However, you can die as much as you want for this challenge. To get around the "without dying" part, simply Quit and Save before hitting the button to complete the level. Then hit Resume Campaign and finish the level without dying for credit. So simple.

Close Talking - Earn 100 kills with close quarters combat in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3343cR
Well, this is like another freebie if you are working on the Weekly Challenge. Close quarters combat kills in Reach are kills made with the Gravity Hammer, Energy Sword, Shotgun, Melee, or Assassination. Now, in the Grifball playlist, you can only get kills via those methods, sparing the Shotgun. And since these games typically have large kill counts, you can get upwards of thirty kills a game. If you stick to Grifball, expect this challenge to take three to five games to complete. If not, well, be prepared for a very long day in multiplayer Matchmaking. Stick to the Grifball.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

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