Saturday, August 4, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 8/4/12

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The Challenges:
Light Fare - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 3000cR
Today you will be venturing into at least multiplayer Matchmaking and Campaign mode for challenges. Hopefully, the other challenges today will take care of this one, asking you to score a hundred kills in any game mode in Reach. The "This is My Rifle..." challenge has you going for seventy-seven kills and completing the "L.D. Solace" challenge will likely earn you more than the twenty-three kills needed to reach a hundred kills. So, do not worry about this challenge at all as it is already taken care of by the other challenges.

I'm Rubber, You're Glue - Earn 1 sticky grenade Kills in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
Really? Just one? Well, I guess these are some of the easiest credits you will earn for a while so I'm not one to complain too much about getting two-thousand credits for on sticky grenade kill. Though it is interesting that getting seventy-seven kills with precision weapons is worth six hundred credits less than this. Anyway, you can do this in just about any playlist. Multi Team is great if you are not really skilled with grenades because there are higher chances of seeing Elite Slayer. Elite Slayer will have you spawn every single time with a Plasma Grenade and you only need to stick one player. Should be done in a single game.

This is My Rifle... - Earn 77 kills with precision weapons in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1400cR
This is actually a fair number of kills to score in a single day so it is weird to see so little credits awarded. Anyway, Team SWAT and Team Snipers are the best playlists for this challenge as they really only allow you to score kills via precision weapons (DMR and Sniper Rifle, respectively) or melee. Since these are all ranged weapons, melee is probably a bad idea. You should be able to score ten to fifteen kills a round so expect this challenge to take six to eight games to complete.

L.D. Solace - Complete Long Night of Solace, without dying, on Legendary with Mythic, Thunderstorm, Tilt, and Tough Luck on. - 8500cR
Well, this is the "challenging" challenge of the day. First off, this playthrough will require the Mythic (double health for enemies), Tilt (damage tables are modified to help the Covies), Thunderstorm (all enemies are upgraded to the next tier, which typically means Ultra), and the Tough Luck Skull (which just has all enemies dodging more) to be on. This has to be on Legendary and you must complete it "without dying." The last part is a fallacy however, as you can go through the entire missing dying as much as you want. What you need to do is Save and Quite before the final Objective and then reload the campaign from the main menu. Then complete it without dying and the challenge is completed.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

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