Friday, August 3, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 8/3/12

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The Challenges:
Fire When Ready - Kill 50 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3000cR
Well, the other challenges will not get this one done for you today, which is a shame, but fifty kills is not a lot to begin with, so do not worry too much about it. The "Cook 'em, Clean 'em!" challenge will probably get you about thirty or so kill with the "T-Hug It Out" challenge only getting you the four listed as you will likely do them while working on "Cook 'em, Clean 'em!" So after completing those, a single game of Grifball or Multi Team will be perfect for finishing off this challenge. Have fun.

T-Hug It Out - Kill 4 enemies with close quarters combat in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2500cR
As we should all know by now, close quarters combat in multiplayer Matchmaking is when you score kills with a Shotgun, Gravity Hammer, Energy Sword, Melee, or Assassination. You only need four close quarters combat kills for this challenge, which makes this obtainable in almost every playlist. You will likely get this done while working on the "Cook 'em, Clean 'em!" challenge but if you do not, a single game of Grifball, Team Slayer, Multi Team (anything short of Team SWAT and Team Snipers, really) should get this challenge done. You just need to actively try for these types of kills.

Cook 'em, Clean 'em! - Kill 15 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking while you're jet-packing. - 1800cR
And this is today's irritating challenge since jet-packing is retarded. So basically, you will need a gametype that features the jet-pack as a load out, like regular Slayer. Multi Team will have this a lot. Now, to score a kill while jet-packing, you will need to actually be jet-packing as the kill is scored, not when you throw the grenade or set the kills in motion. You need to be using the jet-pack, not falling when the grenade explodes and your opponent dies. Now, fifteen is a lot of kills to score so they will likely take two games to complete. Just purely focus on this challenge but do throw in some melee kills or what not for the "T-Hug It Out" challenge when you can.

Deathless Package - Complete The Package on Legendary without dying. - 4400cR
This is a little weird since Friday is typically a multiplayer Matchmaking only day. I guess today is the exception, however. The Package is a decently long mission which has you traipsing back through the wreckage of Swordbase after the Covenant got done with it. There are quite a few difficult Elites on this level as well as the Firefight like portion at the end. As usual with all these "without dying" challenges, you can die as much as you want. Play through not worrying about dying until you get to the last objective. Then Save and Quit to the main menu. Reload Campaign and finish the last objective without dying and the credits are yours.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

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