Thursday, October 11, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 10/11/12

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The Challenges:

One Spartan Army - Kill 100 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2000cR
This challenge should be no trouble at all today as it is completely covered by the other challenges. Typically, you will get about a hundred to a hundred and twenty kills in a game of Firefight Matchmaking and you will typically have to complete at least one game on Thursday as that is the designated Firefight Matchmaking challenges day. Today is not different but the challenges today, especially "That Pink Mist" will more than cover the spread on these a hundred kills being requested.

That Pink Mist - Kill 200 enemies with a Supercombine from the Needler or Needle Rifle in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3000cR
This challenge will not necessarily be hard, but it will take a damn long time to complete. Due to Firefight Doubles disappearing, this will be even more frustrating unless you can get three other friends to do it with you. Now, a Supercombine occurs when you stick enough needles into an enemy from a needle based weapon (Needler or the Needle Rifle) and they explode, killing the enemy. Typical Grunts on Heroic will see an explosion, but will actually die before the explosion so they do not count. First off, head to the standard Firefight playlist and you will want to aim for the Arcadefight gametype. In Arcadefight, there is a loadout that features the FRG (Fuel Rod Gun) and the Needler, so pick that one. You will not really start picking up the kills until the second round but get what you can in the first. If you have three other friends with you and all are using the Needler, this will work a lot better since your teammates will not be using Rockets and stuff to steal your kills. Expect this to take anywhere from three to eight games to complete.

Demon - Kill 50 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3000cR
Elites are the toughest enemies you will face in Firefight Matchmaking or, at least, they can be. In Firefight, they tend to be a bit easier than campaign, but we shall see. The hope is that, during the course of getting two hundred Supercombine kills, you will be able to score these fifty Elite kills. If not, hope fully you can hit at least thirty. Regardless of the number you have remaining, hit up 2X Score Attack in the Score Attack playlist after you are done with "That Pink Mist" and the final wave of each game will be about twenty Elites. Do however many games you need to in order to polish this challenge.

Survivor - Earn 9 Sprees in a Firefight Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
Sprees in Firefight Matchmaking are different from their multiplayer Matchmaking brethren in that they required double the number of kills to obtain. Instead of five kills, you will need ten kills. As well, once you hit fifty kills, the next spree comes at a hundred and then five hundred. If you stay alive the entire time for a Firefight Matchmaking game, you can only get six sprees (sparing weapon sprees, but we will be using the Needler the entire time, right?). Once you hit fifty kills, just die once and you can start the sprees all over again. You just need four more sprees at that point so it should be really easy to complete.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

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