Friday, June 28, 2013

Halo 4 War Games Daily Challenges - 6/28/13

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The Challenges:

To The Victor Go The Spoils - Win 10 matchmaking War Games matches. - 2500 XP
As I usually say, it is good to see more general "wins" challenge, since the specific gametypes one are annoying as hell. To get wins you need to follow some pretty simple rules. First off, stay away from any playlist that features more than two teams. The lower the number of teams, the higher your chances of being on the winning one. Secondly, stick to gametypes that you know and are good at. Exploring different game modes can be fun, but it you are going for wins, it is a bad idea. Finally, play with teammates that you know and play well with. Communication and knowing your team is key to scoring wins quickly. It makes life so much easier. Be ready to play up to double or more games than wins needed.

Quick On The Trigger - Earn 8 Combat Skill Medals in a single match. - 1785 XP
Combat Skill medals, as we all probably do not remember due to them being so obscure, include the Killjoy, Headcase, From the Grave, Reload This, and Showstopper medals. You need eight of these today and they do need to be in a single game. Use precision weapons (DMR, BR, Light Rifle, Sniper) to score Headcase (headshot on a running target) medals and then use grenades when you are near death for the From the Grave medal. Reload This is pretty much dependent on the other player but people need to reload their weapons. Killyjoys and Showstopper are a bit more rare and harder to get so do not focus on them. Might take a few attempts to complete. Aim for objective gametypes to complete this challenge. Work on "To The Victor Go The Spoils" first.

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