Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 9/18/12

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The Challenges:

One Spartan Army - Kill 400 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2000cR
Well, challenged are all over the place today so you will be in all the various modes if you plan to get them all done today. Four hundred kills in Firefight is actually a manageable number but you will be playing four or so games to hit this number. On average you get about a hundred and twenty kills per games in the Score Attack playlist which is definitely the easiest for anyone to play with gametypes like 2X Score Attack and Gruntpocalypse. You will be playing about two to three games for "Blast Radius" anyway, so it will not be too bad to tack on two more games for this one.

Blast Radius - Kill 75 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with grenades. - 2500cR
This challenge should actually be really easy because grenades are never hard to find in Firefight Matchmaking and, in the right playlist, enemies will dies very easily to your grenades. For us, the playlist will be Score Attack and the preferred gametypes are 2X Score Attack and Gruntpocalypse. You are likely to run out of Grenades in either gametype so remember that there are always some at spawn and that Plasma Grenades are just as good as Fragmentation Grenades. You will want to try and catch enemies as they spawn since it makes them very easy targets and they do not move immediately. Expect this to take two of three games to complete since you will run out of grenades quite often.

Hard Mode: Enabled - Complete a Campaign mission on Heroic with these skulls activated: None, Tough Luck, Thunderstorm, Tilt, Mythic. - 2500cR
So, the "None" Skull. Huh. Yeah, that does not at all look like someone messed up with this challenge, does it? Anyway, this is the typical run through a campaign mission with random skulls on, which means a speedrun of a certain mission is likely in order. That mission is Nightfall and the guide to speedrunning it (LASO guide) can be found right here. As a note, the Tough Luck Skull makes enemies dodge more, the Thunderstorm upgrades them all, Tilt modifies the damage tables, and Mythic doubles the health of all enemies. This should really be worth more than twenty-five hundred, but they probably know we are just going to run through Nightfall at this point.

Five-time Champ - Win 5 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 4343cR
Ugh, five wins need to be obtained by you today to complete this challenge, which sucks when it is a weekday. Plus, they know that Borderlands 2 comes out today, right? On the bright side, the campaign challenge should be relatively quick. Now, scoring wins in multiplayer Matchmaking is all dependent on you picking playlist and gametypes that you are good at and having a good team. Try to play with friends as you should communicate better with them and function better as a team. For the gametypes you play, try to stick to games with only two teams no larger than five players. More teams automatically lowers the chances of you winning and more players makes the team less coordinated. Be prepared to play ten or more games to win these five.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

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