Saturday, June 16, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 6/16/12

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Check out my post talking about the Halo 4 gameplay trailer at E3!

The Challenges:
Shootin' and Lootin' - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2000cR
A hundred enemy kills should not be a problem today as you have a full campaign mission to play through and Long Night of Solace has a bunch of enemies, well over a hundred. Even if you find a way to skip most of those enemies, you still need to get sixty kills for "Single Wield" and then likely play a game or two for the "Came From Behind" challenge. Finally, this is the second to last day to complete the Weekly Challenge so that will finish off any remaining kills you might have. Have fun.

Came From Behind - Perform 2 Assassinations in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2200cR
Since this game has come out, whenever you have a challenge asking for assassination, Team Snipers has always been my go to playlist. When playing Snipers, players are always more focused on long range instead of what is near them. This will allow you to, typically, easily get behind them and go for the assassination. Two in a single game is extremely doable as well, you could probably get about four. Assassination on inclines or in the air will go faster so aim for that if you are under duress. Try to isolate a single opponent as players in groups are harder to assassinate. Should take one or two games to complete.

Single Wield - Earn 60 kills with small arms weapons in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2350cR
Getting small arms weapons kills in multiplayer Matchmaking is not hard, but it sure is time consuming. Now, small arms weapons in Reach are the Magnum Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Needler, and Brute Spiker. The best ones to use are the Needler and the Magnum Pistol as they are the most deadly. Now, Team SWAT is a great playlist for SWAT Magnums which means you will only be getting kills with the Magnum. For the Needler, Multi Team is a good option if you can get everyone to pick Elite Slayer. Invasion is another option, but tends to be more of a long range affair. Expect this challenge to take about four to six games to complete.

Lost Tyree, Lost Hutch - Complete Long Night of Solace on Legendary without dying. - 3800cR

So, this is actually the hardest challenge of the day and it will require some time. Long Night of Solace is definitely one of the longer missions in the game and has a bunch of Elites. The try to playing through for this challenge is that you can die as much as you want. Yes, the challenge says "without dying" but there is a workaround to that. Basically, play all the way to the last objective in the Corvette hangar dying as much as you want. Before walking up to Jorge to end it, Save and Quit the game. Now, hit Resume Campaign and load it back up. Walk up to Jorge and finish the mission and you will get credit for "Not dying."

See the Weekly Challenge here.

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