Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 6/12/12

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Check out my post talking about the Halo 4 gameplay trailer at E3!

The Challenges:
Blastin' and Relaxin' - Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2343cR
Since you are being asked to play multiple games in Firefight Matchmaking today for the "Demon" challenge, you should have no trouble scoring a hundred and eighty kills today. You will also have, at least, a partial campaign mission playthrough for the "Nature vs. Nurture" challenge and at least on game in multiplayer Matchmaking for the "Not as Clumsy or Random..." challenge. If you do somehow end up short, just play a game of 2X Score Attack or Gruntpocalypse to finish off this challenge.

Demon - Kill 30 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2400cR
As you may know, I would typically suggest that you play 2X Score Attack in the Score Attack playlist twice for this challenge. Today, however, I am changing my tune a little due to the Weekly Challenge. You are better off playing three or four games in the Firefight Playlist instead since it will allow you to rack up a bunch of Waves for the Weekly. Elites appear quite often in the Firefight playlist so you should be able to rack up at least ten to fifteen kills a game. Expect this method to take you two to three games to complete.

Nature vs. Nurture - Kill 15 Moa in Winter Contingency on Normal or harder. - 4000cR

So, this challenge is actually a lot easier than it sounds. Basically, Moa are the ostrich looking things on the very first mission, Winter Contingency, that just tend to get in the way. At the very start of the level you will receive a checkpoint right in front of two Moa. Kill those two and then go to the start menu and hit "Reload Checkpoint" to bring you right back in front of the two Moa. And kill them again. Rinse and repeat until you get to fifteen kills. That is about as simple as it gets.

Not as Clumsy or Random... - Earn 5 kills with precision weapons in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
This is the lone multiplayer Matchmaking challenge of the day and will have you playing in either the Team SWAT or Team Snipers playlist if you want it done really fast. Team SWAT starts you with a DMR and shots to the head are a one-hit kill. Team Snipers starts you with the Sniper, obviously, and shots to the head are a one-hit kill. Pick your poison but these are the best options for anyone having trouble. You can also get this done in playlists like regular Team Slayer or Invasion, but there is no guarantee of starting with these weapons and they can be hard to find on some maps. Take the path of least resistance.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

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