Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 6/13/12

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Check out my post talking about the Halo 4 gameplay trailer at E3!

The Challenges:
Support Structure - Earn 30 assists in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2250cR
So you will be getting a little bit of everything today with the Daily Challenges. This is the lone challenge that will have you in Firefight today which is great for the Weekly Challenge. Now, assists are awarded when you deal forty percent damage to an enemy and someone else gets the kill. For Firefight, this means you need teammates. For that reason, I am suggesting you play in the Firefight playlist. Firefight Doubles is also an option, but it takes more time and you might not get through the entire game. Communicate with your teammates so they know you are going for assists and not to worry about you getting mad if they steal kills. Expect this to take two to three games to complete.

Fire When Ready - Kill 30 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2100cR
This is a pretty simple challenge today and should not cause any real issues. I would first got an complete the "Explosive Ordnance Distribution" challenge and then worry about hitting thirty kills. Hopefully, you are hitting about fifteen kills per game and this challenge will only take two games to complete. There is a good chance, however, that this will take three games to complete. If you got your ordnance weapon kills and just need a bunch of kills, play Grifball as you can score a ton of kills there and have this done even faster.

Leadership Element - Kill 30 enemy leaders in the Campaign today. - 2750cR

Even though this challenge says "leaders" what it really means is Elites. From my experience, only Elites count towards this challenge, while Grunts count as infantry, Jackals and Skirmishers count as specialists, and Brutes apparently just count as Brutes. ONI: Swordbase has a ton of Elites and you can possibly get this challenge done in a single game. Another great option is Long Night of Solace from Rally Point Bravo. I would do either run on Heroic so the AI teammates are not stealing kills from you before you can damage the enemy. If you damage the enemy and the AI kills it, it will still count as your kill.

Explosive Ordnance Distribution - Earn 7 kills with ordnance weapons in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2400cR
This is actually one of the highest number of kills I have ever seen this challenge require. However, we have a good fallback. Even though I am loathe to play in it myself, your best option for this challenge is Action Sack. You will want gametypes like Splockets or Dino Blasters, which both start you with ordnance weapons. By the way, ordnance weapons include the Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher, Plasma Launcher, and the Concussion Rifle. Action Sack has a lot of gametypes, however, so if you see these, vote for them, cause they may not come up for a little.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

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