Friday, June 15, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 6/15/12

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Check out my post talking about the Halo 4 gameplay trailer at E3!

The Challenges:
Ride the Wave - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 3000cR
As usual, after every Firefight Thursday, we have a Multiplayer Friday. Those are not real name, of course, but they are quite indicative of the challenges on those days. Now, a hundred kills will be very hard to reach if you only do today's challenges. You will likely only hit around forty to fifty kills with these today. So, for that final sixty or so kills to get you a hundred, load up some Firefight Matchmaking. This will allow you to easily polish off those kills and also get more progress on the Weekly Challenge.

Light Fare - Earn 40 kills with close quarters combat in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2600cR
So, I have always been a player who likes to play at range but I must admit that there is always something rewarding about getting in close and taking out an opponent with lesser means. For this challenge, you will need to do that forty times. Now, to get close quarters combat kills use the Gravity Hammer, Energy Sword, Shotgun, Melee, or Assassination. You can get all of those kills, except for Shotgun kills, in Grifball, which makes it a perfect playlist for this challenge. Expect this to take about two games.

Not as Clumsy or Random... - Earn 5 kills with precision weapons in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
Precision weapons are, in my opinion, the best weapons in Halo and include the DMR, Sniper, Needle Rifle, and Covenant Beam Rifle. Getting five kills in a game with these weapons is actually way easier than it sounds thanks to the Team SWAT and Team Snipers playlists. Each of these playlists start you with a DMR or Sniper, respectively, and all headshots are one hit kills. Five kills in a game is less than half of what you should be hitting per game. This should take you a single game to complete.

The Dream Shake - Earn 4 Double Kills in the same match in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 4000cR
Like the "Light Fare" challenge, four Double Kills is like best earned in the Grifball playlist as multikills are extremely common. Now, a Double Kill will be rewarded whenever you hit two kills within four seconds of each other. Make sure to spread these out because, it would be awesome to get a Killtastrophe, but it will not get this challenge done for you. If you cannot stand Grifball, which is understandable in some instances, Multi Team is a possible alternative. You will want to aim for an Objective gametype as that will give you more time to get those multi kills.

See the Weekly Challenge here.


  1. FYI: whenever there's a challenge "kill x number of enemies in any game mode in Reach," you can get those kills in the campaign or firefight locally (as in *not* via XBL or matchmaking), as long as it's on normal or harder. I find it pretty useful on days like today when completing all the other challenges only nets you around half of the kills you need (or less on the days when the number is absurdly high). I just start up a custom firefight game with all invulnerability, infinite ammo, etc and just go to town until I get it, then exit right out and watch the credits go into my account.

    1. That is true, but non-matchmaking challenges also give you a lot less completion credits. So you will get more credits overall playing in Matchmaking.
