Friday, May 27, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 5/27/11

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The Challenges:

Shootin' and Lootin' - Kill 400 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2000cR
You will be doing a lot of Matchmaking today. The most tiresome challenge will be the "Put Your Quarter Up" challenge. The issue here is, however, that fifteen games in multiplayer Matchmaking will probably not get you to four hundred kills unless you through some Grifball. five or six games of Grifball, depending on their length and you connection can yield about two hundred kills plus quite a bit of change. Do not expect to get fifty kills every game though.

Then you should step over to Team Snipers for the "Came From Behind" and "Neuroscience" challenges. This may rack you up another fifty or so kills in about three or four games. So we have narrowed it down to about a hundred or so kills left. At this point, as well, you should have player about eight to ten games played leaving a much smaller number for the "Put Your Quarter Up" challenge. Polish all that off in the Living Dead playlist and you should be done. Note that you may want to slip in a game of Firefight at the end just to polish off any remaining kills.

Came From Behind - Perform 3 Assassinations in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1200cR
For the first time in a long while, I did not enjoy this challenge earlier this week. It took me about five games to get, but they were five aggravating games. Still, it is the fastest method I know of and I actually got five assassinations in that game. I urge you to play Team Snipers but pick small maps. I got the challenge done on Boardwalk, but I had absolutely no luck on a map like Hemorrhage. Remember small maps and constantly circling around your opponents is the key to success.

Neuroscience - Kill 10 enemies with headshots in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1200cR
This is another good reason to play Team Snipers. You can get the ten headshots done here very easily. Sniper only take a single shot to the head to kill an opponent, whether they have shields or not, as compared to a DMR in which you must drop the shields first. If you are unable to get this challenge in Team Snipers, there is definitely a chance you can get it done in Living Dead if you happen to be a survivor all three rounds and are on a good map. Good luck aiming for the head.

Put Your Quarter Up - Complete 15 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1750cR
See Shootin' and Lootin' for completion tips.

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