Thursday, May 26, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 5/26/11

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The Challenges:
One Spartan Army - Kill 250 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1875cR
All the challenges today are Firefight and none are controller-breakers.  Well, "Flat Tire" possibly is but we will get to that in a moment.  Again, I am urging you to play in Score Attack.  These two-hundred and fifty kills should take just over two games, but you will be playing three to four games anyway.  The kills will come before everything else is finished so this one should not cause you any worry.

Flat Tire - Kill 5 enemy vehicles in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1000cR
Sniper Attack on Holdout is you best option for this.  You might be enticed to play 2X Score Attack so you can also get the Elite kills taken care of but, I urge you, do not do that.  Killing vehicles at all during 2X Score Attack does not seem to count towards the challenge.  This may have something to do with the damage multiplier, but who knows.  

You can actually pick  Sniper, FRG, or Rocket Attack, but Sniper is the easiest.  You simply need to make the game timer go down to about zero.  During this time there is a chance that up to five Banshees will spawn for you to kill.  There could be as little as two, though.  Typically, three is the number you should assume you are getting.  Take them out with two sniper shots.  Good luck kiting the last Hunter behind.  It should not be too hard.

Blast Radius - Kill 40 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with grenades. - 1000cR
You can spread this challenge out through the multiple games or just get it done in a single game.  The preference is up to you.  You will die quite a few times during Sniper Attack since you will be trying to extend the game and scanning the skies so you might as well toss out all those grenades.  Hitting Grunts as they spawn is also a fantastic way to rack up the kills.

Demon - Kill 40 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1400cR
You will amass maybe ten or twelve Elite kills while going for the Flat Tire challenge.   This means that you will most like needs about thirty kills to finish off this challenge.  This will mean two games of 2X Score Attack since you get a wave of twenty to twenty-five Elites at the end.  They are quite easy to kill in 2X Score Attach.  The AR rips right through them and the DMR is a machine at distance.  Wipe them out and secure these easy credits.

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