Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/31/12

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The Challenges:
Light Fare - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 3000cR
You should really have no trouble completing this challenge today as a hundred kill in Reach will be easily covered by all the other challenges today. Even just partially working on the "Demon" challenge, by playing a single game of 2X Score Attack. Just ignore this challenge and accept the free credits.

Demon - Kill 50 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3000cR
The best gametypes for this challenge is 2X Score Attack in the Score Attack playlist. At the end of every game, the final wave is all Elites. You will likely get about twenty to twenty-five kills during the round. This means that you will need to play at least two games to hit the required fifty kills and maybe another if you fall short. Go for open maps like Beachhead in the hopes that a Drop-pod will come down and bring another four Elites to add to the numbers. Unfortunately, you are really limited by what games you are given.

Golden Opportunity - Find and kill the Gold Ranger-class Elite in any Campaign mission on Heroic or harder. - 5000cR
The easiest Golden Ranger-class Elite, BoB, to kill in campaign is during the level ONI: Swordbase. Start from Rally Point Bravo on Heroic and quickly make your way up to the garage. To the left near where you actually start the level, there is a chance that you will see a BoB fleeing to this area. Use the Target Designator which is at the base of the ramp and you should have no trouble scoring this very easy kill for the five-thousand credits.

Single Wield - Earn 77 kills with small arms weapons in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2800cR
Head for the Team SWAT playlist and the gametype you will want is SWAT Magnums. In SWAT Magnums, the only weapon on the maps and in the loadouts, as you have probably guessed, is the Magnum Pistol. This counts as a small arms weapon and you will be able to score one-shot head-shot kills with this weapon thanks to it being SWAT. Multi Team will also be a good playlist for this challenge as you can score a bunch of kills with the Magnum and Needler there. Expect this challenge to take a decent number of games, possibly up to ten.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Halo Reach Daily and Weekly Challenges Guide - 1/30/12 - Power's back!

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The Challenges:
Covenant-cide - Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3200cR
This challenge is really a freebie, as they usually are. Typically, you will score about a hundred and twenty kills during a Firefight Matchmaking game in the Score Attack playlist. You might fall a little short, but be not worried as you will likely be playing two games of Firefight Matchmaking for the "Flat Tire" challenge. Either way, you should definitely hit two hundred and twenty kills in two games so move on to the "Flat Tire" challenge.

Flat Tire - Kill 5 enemy vehicles in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2000cR
This is one of those challenge that is exceedingly irritating if you are not in the right playlist. Actually, this used to be very easy until enemy spawning in Firefight Matchmaking was changed so there are basically no dropships. You need to go for this challenge on a level where vehicles spawn on their own. The only such level is Holdout where Banshees will spawn ever two to four and a half minutes. The idea is to make the game go down to the last seconds and you can possibly get up to five vehicles kills in a single game, though I would expect to get about two to three. As for the gametype, stick to Sniper, Rocket, or FRG Attack since, for some reason, 2X Score Attack vehicles kills do not count toward the challenge.

Five-time Champ - Win 5 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 4343cR
Winning any number of games for a challenge is not normally an enjoyable experience since nothing ever work out when you are really trying for it. It's like looking for a Lego piece in a big pile. You can never find that piece when you want to, though you have seen it a hundred times when you didn't need it. Anyway, you have to play seventeen games today for "The Love of the Game" challenge. As long as you score wins in about a third of those games, you will have this challenge completed. Just stick to gametypes you know and love and take breaks often so you do not get frustrated.

The Love of the Game - Complete 17 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3700cR
Harbor no illusions, this challenge will dominate your gameplay for today along with the always irritating "Flat Tire" challenge. I am a little shocked by the amount of credits given for this challenge, but we have to make do with what is given. Your goal will be to stick to the quick gametypes and, also, to win five games for the "Five-time Champ" challenge. This is really down to personal preference as well since, after seventeen games, you will be getting tired of any gametype. SWAT is one of the quicker gametypes, as long as it is on a small map, and even standard Team Slayer can go by pretty quickly. Take breaks every few games as doing seventeen in a row is not a good idea.

The Weekly Challenge:
Multiplicative - Earn 200 Multikills in multiplayer Matchmaking this week. - 25000cR
To get this challenge done over this week, you need to score two-hundred multikills overall in multiplayer Matchmaking. This comes out to a meager thirty multikills a day. Now, in multiplayer matchmaking, a multikill is two kills within four seconds of each other. You can string this along up to ten kills, but after that it simply stops. Getting ten kills in a row, all within four seconds of each other will get you nine multikills. Now, Grifball is likely your best option for this challenge, as it always is, since Multikills are exceedingly common in this playlist. You can score tons per game and you can even hit thirty in a single game. I would spend two or three games a day in this playlist and you will likely have the challenge done before Sunday.

Power Outage

Power is currently out here so I will post the challenges for today as soon as the power is back. Sorry, everyone.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/29/12

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The Challenges:
One Spartan Army - Kill 150 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2250cR
This challenge will require you to play two games in Firefight Matchmaking. The first game can be whatever you want. Gruntpocalypse and 2X Score Attack on small maps will be the quickest and guarantee you the most kills. Sniper and Rocket Attack are good alternatives. For the second game, aim for Crashsite. Now, this is a gametype that is not seen too often but if you see it, jump on it as you can just die or let the generator explode to end the game. This saves you from having to play through an entire game once you already have the challenges completed.

Short, Controlled Bursts - Kill 200 enemies with automatic weapons in the Campaign today. - 3000cR
Since this is the longer and more difficult challenge, I would recommend that you do "Roast 'em, Toast 'em" first and then start this challenge. Two hundred kills with automatic weapons is something that you will need to really try for, as most kills in campaign tend to come with precision weapons in my experience. I would start on Winter Contingency on Normal or Heroic and just go for it. You do not actually have to score the killing shot on each enemy, but just put some rounds on them and then let your AI teammates finish off the kills which you will be getting credit for. This will likely take well into the level ONI: Swordbase so be prepared for some dedicated game time.

Roast 'em, Toast 'em - Kill 10 enemies while jet-packing in Exodus on Normal. - 2400cR
Easiest way to complete this challenge is to load up Exodus at Rally Point Bravo, which will start you right before you pick up the jet-pack. Ten kills is easy enough to achieve and should not give you any trouble as enemies are pretty forthright in showing up. First of all, you will need to be actively using the jet-pack armor ability when the kill occurs. You cannot be falling and you cannot be out of the armor ability. Grenades are actually great for this as you can throw them into a crowd of Covies and then hit the armor ability to have all those kills register as kills while jet-packing. It really is that easy.

This is My Rifle... - Earn 60 kills with precision weapons in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2700cR
This should only take you a handful of games to complete as the you will likely get about ten to fifteen kills a game with precision weapons if you are in the right playlist. First off, stick to Team SWAT or Team Snipers as both gametypes start you with precision weapons and those are the only weapons on the maps. Unless you are really good at Snipers, stick to SWAT since the games are faster and just require faster reactions. Remember that this is also the last day to work on the Weekly Challenge of getting two-hundred small arms kills.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/28/12

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The Challenges:
Shootin' and Lootin' - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2000cR
Since you will be playing at least twelve games today for the "Who's a Big Winner" challenge, you should have no trouble reaching a hundred kills. You need to average at least nine kills a game though you will likely be playing more than twelve games so it is not a big issue. If you are having trouble getting kills, play Grifball where you can rack up about thirty to fifty kills in a single game.

Throwing Fireballs - Kill 7 enemies with grenades in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1400cR
Multi Team should almost always be your go to playlist for getting grenade kills. In Multi Team, players tend to get really close together and attempt to melee each other. This is a really good time to get grenade kills as long as you time it right. Getting seven kills in a single game can be tough however. Try for objective games if you can as those tend to last longer and you get more kills. Team Objective is also a good place for grenade kills. I would also recommend sticking players with Plasma grenades a lot.

Up Close and Personal - Kill 8 enemies with close quarters combat in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1600cR
Close quarters combat kills are typically any kills with the Energy Sword, Gravity Hammer, melee, assassination, or the Shotgun. Grifball is really your best option for this as every kills in that mode is a close quarters kills. However, Multi Team, which I am encouraging you to play for the "Throwing Fireballs" challenge, is also really good for close quarters combat kills. Though, do not go for the close quarters kills in the same game you are going for the grenade kills. If you do, you will likely get neither challenge completed.

Who's the Big Winner? - Win 12 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 10000cR
This will be the most difficult and aggravating challenge for today. This challenge is also quite odd since earlier this week the same challenge was for fifteen wins but only offered three-thousand credits. As I said for that challenge, this is pretty much dependent on your personal skill and what gametypes you enjoy. Try to play with friends that you are normally successful with and who you can rely on to actually try in win instead of just playing around. Take breaks throughout if you are frustrated or the wins are not coming.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/27/12

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The Challenges:
Blastin' and Relaxin' - Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2343cR
A hundred and eighty kills is more than you will hit today doing the other challenges. What you will need is a good game or two of Firefight Matchmaking to bring in those missing kills. You can also work on the Weekly Challenge if you are still needing kills, or you can just play some games in Grifball to get some very easy kills. It is all up to you at this point.

T-Hug It Out - Kill 7 enemies with close quarters combat in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1400cR
This one can be done in multiple playlists. Close quarters combat kills are kills with an Energy Sword, Gravity Hammer, Shotgun or melee kills. If you do not get it while working on the "Make a Wish..." challenge, you will be best off playing a game of Grifball for the close quarters kills. In Grifball, you can score about thirty to forty kills a game and all of them can likely be close quarters kill. Since that is definitely a larger number than seven, you should have no problem with this challenge. This will also be great for the "Fourth Horseman" challenge.

Fourth Horseman - Earn 5 multikills in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2500cR
Since I am encouraging you to play Grifball for the "T-Hug It Out" challenge, I am also encouraging you to go for the five multikills required for this challenge as they will come quite easily. A multikill, in multiplayer matchmaking, is a multiple number of kills, up to ten, each within four seconds of each other. Typically, I get about fifteen or twenty multikills in Grifball and that is about average. You should be able to hit the same and get this challenge done in a single game.

Make a Wish... - Earn a Running Riot in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 5000cR
Completion of this challenge requires you to score fifteen kills in a row without dying in multiplayer Matchmaking. This is, ultimately, very challenging and expect it to take you a couple games. In terms of gametypes, Living Dead is likely your best option as long as you are a survivor and you use a decent and legitimate camping spot. Remember to switch between the Magnum and Shotgun when necessary and to conserve ammunition for the long haul.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/26/12

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The Challenges:
Covenant-cide - Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3200cR
You will be play multiple games of Firefight Matchmaking today so this challenge will be done in very short order, if not within your first game. Typically, a game gives you about a hundred and twenty kills. The only reason you will not get this in your first game is because enemies sometimes kill themselves before you can get to them and forces you to wait another game to see this challenge completed.

Demon - Kill 40 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2800cR
I will urge you to work on the "Flat Tire" challenge and then return to this one. You will likely pick up about ten to twenty Elite kills while working on the Flat Tire challenge which will make this one easier. Aim for 2X Score Attack since, in the final wave, you will face about twenty to twenty-five Elites. I will be urging you to use the Grenade Launcher for the "J.H. Death Machine" challenge but you should have that completed by this point. Try to stick to the DMR and AR for the Elites since those two weapons tear through them in 2X Score Attack. Hopefully this will be just enough to get you to forty but you might end up short a few kills and be stuck going for another round of 2X Score Attack.

Flat Tire - Kill 5 enemy vehicles in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2000cR
Hopefully, today, this challenge will only take a game of two depending on what gametypes you get. First off, you will need to be on the map Holdout. This map is the best one for getting vehicle kills as it is guaranteed to spawn at least three Banshees a game, though five is not unheard of. You cannot play 2X Score Attack, which is best for the "Demon" challenge, while getting vehicle kills since they just do not work for the challenge. Instead, aim for Sniper, Rocket, or FRG Attack in that order as Sniper is the best one for the challenge. Make sure you have the game last the entire time to maximize your Banshee kills. The Banshees spawn about every two and a half to four minutes. The quicker they die, the quicker a new one spawns.

J.H. Death Machine - Kill 70 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with the Grenade Launcher. - 1250cR
To some, the Grenade Launcher is just a frustrating weapon which is difficult to aim and lacking any real firepower. Though it can be very effective in several modes, it is actually a great weapon, depending on your map, for 2X Score Attack. You will be playing this anyway for the "Demon" challenge and the Grenade Launcher is one of your loadout options. Clearly, you will want to aim for clusters when using this weapon as there is an area effected with each shot. You do not have a lot of ammunition so you need to be mindful of the location of ammo crates. You should have no trouble hitting this in a single game, but make sure that you get a lot of kills during the early waves.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide 1/25/12

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The Challenges:
More than a Handful - Kill 125 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2500cR
A guide is really not needed for this challenge today as you will be playing at least fifteen games of multiplayer Matchmaking for the "Who's the Big Winner?" challenge. As long as you get at least nine to ten kills a game you should have no problem hitting a hundred and twenty-five kills. It is likely, however, that you will need more than fifteen games today so really do not worry about this challenge.

Katanarama - Kill 1 enemies using the Energy Sword in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1000cR
It is not difficult to get a kill with an Energy Sword in Firefight Matchmaking. The difficult part is acquiring the Energy Sword. These weapons are only carried by Elites and typically only by Elites that arrive in the final wave of a round. Regular Score Attack always has one Elite in the Final Round with a sword, but you can also typically score one in 2X Score Attack as long as you are on a small map like Corvette. Just make sure there are other enemies around for you to kill before you get the sword and you will be fine.

Iron Will - Complete a Campaign mission alone on Heroic or harder with the Iron Skull on. - 2500cR
The Iron Skull, when you are playing solo, causes you to have to restart a level whenever you die. Since this only needs to be on Heroic, you can really do any level. Taking it slow will be the best method of attack to go without dying. If you want to try and get through it as fast as possible, Nightfall is you best option, as usual. A guide to speedrunning through the level can be seen right here. This method should take you about seven to ten minutes to complete.

Who's the Big Winner? - Win 15 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3000cR
Yikes, fifteen wins in a single day. I really do not understand how this challenge is only worth three-thousand credits as you could be at this all day and still not score fifteen wins. You may end up playing thirty or so games for this challenge so make sure you take care of "Iron Will" and "Katanarama" first. Then, just start playing whatever gametypes you enjoy and are good at. Plan on playing a lot, but do not do it all in one sitting. Take breaks often and try to play with friends so the time passes faster.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/24/12

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The Challenges:
Blastin' and Relaxin' - Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2343cR
This challenge is requiring you to hit a hundred and eighty kills today in any game mode in Reach and that will be easily hit thanks to all the other challenges today. Two other challenges are asking you to hit over a hundred kills and that should have you easily at more than a hundred and eighty kills if my meager math is correct. Do not worry about this and move on.

The House of Blue Leaves - Kill 177 enemies in a single Firefight Matchmaking game on Heroic. - 1300cR
The best way to complete this challenge will be by playing Firefight Doubles. You might have a chance for this in Firefight Arcade, but it is not likely, and the most you can get with Score Attack is around a hundred and twenty. So that leaves Firefight Doubles which paints you and another teammate in three rounds of Firefight against about a hundred and twenty enemies a round. If you split that in half it is about a hundred and eighty kills during the game. Either way you will be cutting it close but make sure you get all the targets you can. Try not to worry about being even with your teammate because you need some wiggles room to hit this number. Some rounds might have less enemies than others.

The Little Guys - Kill 135 Grunts in Campaign today on Normal or harder. - 1200cR
A hundred and thirty-five Grunts is a hefty number but definitely not unobtainable. The simplest way to complete this challenge is to set the game to Normal, start up Winter Contingency, and play until you hit the number. Here are some things to note, however. You do not actually need to kill the Grunt to get credit, you just need to put shots on it and then an AI Teammate can kill it. As well, if you go through a section with a lot of Grunts and have yet to hit a checkpoint, you can die, load an earlier save, and get all those kills again. Expect this challenge to complete during ONI: Swordbase.

The Dream Shake - Earn 4 Double Kills in the same match in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 4000cR
This is a rather easy challenge thanks to Grifball. In Grifball, multikills are extremely common and there is no reason why you should not get at least six Double Kills in a single Grifball game. Even if the game, is pretty much one-sided, getting kills is never an issue. You should get this challenge done in a single game and just hammer away until the challenge pops. No trouble here at all.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Halo Reach Daily and Weekly Challenges Guide - 1/23/12

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The Challenges:
Covenant-cide - Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3200cR
A hundred and twenty enemies in Firefight Matchmaking should be a single game in the Score Attack Playlist as long as you play something like Gruntpocalypse or 2X Score Attack. Other gametypes, like regular Score Attack will have you about a hundred and ten kills. There is a definite possibility that you could fall slightly short of a hundred and twenty kills

Gunslinger - Kill 150 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 5500cR
This is a lot of kills for a single day in multiplayer Matchmaking. You will get some kills while working on the Weekly Challenge but, once you are done with that for the day, I would just load up Grifball and stark racking up the kills. You can get about thirty to forty-five kills a game in Grifball and even more than that if it becomes a long game. Expect this to take about three to five additional games to get to a hundred and fifty kills.

Short, Controlled Bursts - Kill 200 enemies with automatic weapons in the Campaign today. - 3000cR
This challenge will take a lot of time today to complete. Automatic weapons in campaign include the Automatic Rifle, Needler, Plasma Repeater, and the Plasma Rifle. You should really have no trouble finding automatic weapons on the ground and I would carry around two in case you run out of ammunition for one. You should be fine playing on Normal as you will be working on the "Just a Shower" challenge. Start on Winter Contingency and play until the challenge is complete. Remember that you just need to get shots on the Covies. After that, it is fine if your AI teammates get the kills.

Just a Shower - Complete any Campaign mission on Normal or harder with Thunderstorm on. - 4000cR
Just for today, even though I would normally tell you to play Nightfall for this challenge, play Winter Contingency so you can work on the "Short, Controlled Bursts" challenge. Since you can do this challenges on Normal it makes everything easier. The Thunderstorm Skull just makes it so all the enemies are upgraded to the next level, i.e. all Grunts become Ultras. On Normal, you will not see much of a difference and this challenge will be done after you complete the first mission.

The Weekly Challenge:

Single Wield - Earn 200 kills with small arms weapons in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 20343cR
This Weekly Challenge will simply take dedication, though there is a way to get small arms kills that is not as aggravating as the rest. Living Dead will be a great playlist for this challenge as you can get a ton of small arms kills by shooting Zombies with headshots. There are more playlists in which you can get small arms kills, like Multi Team or Team SWAT. However, Living Dead gives you the best kills per time spent. You need to score at least about thirty a day for this challenge over the next week. That will put you at two-hundred and ten kills, which is ten more than required.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/22/12

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The Challenges:
Blastin' and Relaxin' - Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2343cR
You should have no problem hitting a hundred and eighty kills today due to the other Daily Challenges. "Heroic Court" is asking you to score a hundred and twenty-five kills in Firefight Matchmaking, "Return of the Mack" is asking you to get fifty Elite kills in the Campaign, and, on top of all that, "Who's the Big Winner?" has you playing at least twelve games of multiplayer but likely many more since you need twelve wins. Do not even worry about this challenge today since you have bigger fish to fry.

Who's the Big Winner? - Win 12 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 10000cR
This will definitely take up most of your day. Just completing twelve games, by itself, is a lot and having to win that many is even worse. Typically, games of Team SWAT and Grifball are some of the faster games, though they can also be quite long if camping or spawn camping occurs, respectively. Play whatever playlists you enjoy today, but I would stick to gametypes that have no more than two teams since that raises your chances of being on the winning side. This could take anywhere from twelve to twenty-four games so be prepared for the long haul.

Heroic Court - Kill 125 enemies on Courtyard on Heroic in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1000cR
Courtyard is probably my favorite Firefight map and one of the easiest to play on. There are great sightlines everywhere and plenty of elevation so you can step back out of range of your opponents. A hundred and twenty-five kills should be done in a single game as long as you pick Gruntpocalypse of 2X Score Attack but there is a very large chance that you will be just short of a hundred and twenty-five kills due to enemies committing suicide accidentally. You may need to play a second game on the map just for a few kills but it should not be too bad.

Return of the Mack - Kill 50 Elites in Campaign today on Normal or harder. - 1700cR
ONI: Swordbase is a great mission for this challenge as is Long Night of Solace when started from Rally Point Bravo. Both missions feature a ton of Elites and, time wise, they are about the same. Really, Long Night of Solace is probably the better mission since you will pretty much be in there solo and can secure all the kills where as Kat might steal a few on ONI: Swordbase. Both of these mission will not get you this challenge in a single play through so expect to play the level twice as well or to go on to the next level. Do note that after Long Night of Solace, Elites are non-existent until The Package.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 1/21/12

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The Challenges:
Shootin' and Lootin' - Kill 400 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 4000cR
Four-hundred enemies is a lot to go through and the other challenges today will not get you to that number. However, there is no requirement on what mode the kills needs to be achieved in. Once you have finished the other challenges for today, load up some games in the Score Attack since Firefight Matchmaking will be much better for getting kills. Play whatever you wish but expect it to take about three to four games, depending on how many kills you had before hand, to reach four-hundred kills.

Sweep the Leg - Perform an Assassination in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
To perform an Assassination on another player, you need to approach them from behind and then hold down whatever button you use for melee. Doing that should initiate an Assassination animation and, once it is complete, you will get credit for this challenge. Since you only need a single Assassination, you can pretty much do this in any playlist that you want and do not be afraid to take your time with this one since you do need four-hundred enemy kills today.

Close Talking - Earn 100 kills with close quarters combat in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1500cR
Grifball, as usual, will be the easiest way for you to complete this challenge as it is one of the only gametypes where you are pretty much exclusively getting close quarters combat kills. A hundred is a lot to get but also come very fast in Grifball with thirty to forty kills being the norm and even seventy kills is not unheard of. Expect this challenge to take three to four games to complete. Now go get to hammering.

It was the Winter... - Complete Winter Contingency on Legendary without dying. - 3000cR
Like all the rest of the "without dying" campaign challenges, there is a trick to this one. Now, Winter Contingency is not a terribly difficult level, except for the Elites at the end, and your major issue will be how long it takes you to run through the level (a guide for doing so which can be seen right here). Now, the trick is that you can die as much as you want. What you will need to do is get to the last objective, while dying as much as you want, and then Save and Quit the game. You can Resume Campaign from there, complete the objective, and then get credit for completing the challenge without dying.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide – 1/20/12

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The Challenges:
More than a Handful - Kill 77 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3500cR
Over the entire day, in multiplayer Matchmaking, you need to score seventy-seven kills to complete this challenge. Two other challenges will be netting you at least thirty kills (twenty for the “This is My Rifle…” challenge and ten for the “Double Nickles” challenge) but you still need to grab the other forty-seven required kills. After completing the other challenges, I would just play a game of Grifball to score a ton of easy kills and complete this challenge.

This is My Rifle... - Earn 20 kills with precision weapons in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1000cR
As with all these precision weapon challenges, Team SWAT or Team Snipers is likely you best bet. Both gametypes start you off with precision weapons, DMR and Sniper respectively, and those are the only weapons on the map. I would expect to hit about fifteen kills a game which means that this challenge will take you at least two game. Do not be afraid to play more since you need to hit at least seventy-seven kills in multiplayer Matchmaking.

Double Nickels - Earn 2 Killing Sprees in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 3000cR
A spree in Firefight Matchmaking is five kills uninterrupted by death or the end of a round, hence the “Double Nickels” (55) name. Now, you also need to get two sprees in a single game and it does not matter if they are sequential or separate. Living Dead is a great playlist for this challenge since, if you are a survivor, sprees can be very easy to come by. Do not worry about playing multiple games for this challenge since you need to score seventy-five kills anyway for the “More than a Handful” challenge.

Mythic Bustin' - Complete a Campaign mission on Heroic or harder with the Mythic Skull on. - 1000cR
If you have yet to do the LASO Challenge for this week, doing it today would be a great idea and would also get this challenge done for you. If you have already done it, then I urge you to run Nightfall again since it is still the fastest way to complete the challenge. It will take you about seven to ten minutes and you only need to be on Heroic and no other skulls are necessary besides Mythic, which doubles the health of all your enemies. A guide to running through the level can be seen here.

See the Weekly Challenge here.