Monday, April 18, 2011

Halo Reach: LASO Weekly Challenge Guide: Part 6 – Exodus: I

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Another two weeks have passed and it is now LASO time.  This week, we will be playing through the level Exodus.  Now, after the trials and tribulations of the last two LASO challenges (Tip of the Spear and Long Night of Solace), this week’s challenges is a refreshing change.  It is definitely easier but it still has its own challenges.

One of the more welcome changes for this level is the complete lack of Elites.  Brutes are a much easier opponent and tend to only have short-range weapons on this level.  The biggest threat on this level is any enemy equipped with a Fuel Rod Gun.  Make them a priority and all should be fine.  Another thing to remember is that this mission will have time where you have to grind down a lot of enemies.  Just be patient and stay calm.  Need to recap on what LASO means and some tips?  Look here and here.

Exodus Walkthrough:
So you will start this mission in a bit of a hole.  After Jorge threw you out of a Covenant Corvette out into the cold vacuum of space towards Reach (Thanks, buddy!), using the re-entry pack on you back, you were able to land back Reach.  The nearest settlement, New Alexandria, is getting hammered by the Covenant.  It is time for you to lend a hand.

You are hurt, have little ammo, no secondary weapon, and have no backup.  This mission will be a little different because you have no fellow SPARTANs to act as damage sponges.  You have to utilize cover and keep your distance.

To start off, go up here to get some extra pistol ammo.  Afterwards, make your way to the doors in front.  After passing through another doorway, you will see three Jackals ahead of you.   

Once you think you have a good shot, headshot them with your pistol.  If you cannot take them out, they will flee back but you do not need to worry about them.  Pick up a Plasma Pistol just so you have a secondary weapon and move into the next area.   

Now step back because as soon as you step in, the three Grunts in there will go kamikaze.  All of the Grunts in this area will do this as soon as they see you.   Give them plenty of space so they explode prematurely alone.  Constantly, you will be entering areas and retreating here.

Once you get through all the corridors, the rooms will open up and a nice row of Grunts will be coming down some stairs.  Take out one and you will normally take out all of them.  But back up and give any late comers some space.  Typically, the Jackals you missed will be in this room, but they might be taken out by the Grunt Explosion.

Stock up on Magnum and Needler ammunition and hit yourself with a Plasma overcharge shot if you need to for health and shields.  Step through the door to the left and hide off to the side until the Spirit is out of site.  It is now time to meet the Brutes.

These Brutes are very easy to take out.  Just keep your distance and pour fire into them.  You can use the pistol to remove their headgear and headshot them.  Eventually, make your way up to this balcony.   

Leave the Sniper for now since it will be much more useful later.  Use the ledge of the balcony as cover and grind down the Brutes with whatever you can find.  Make sure you do not kill any civilians, however.  That will cause an insta-death.

Once all the Brutes have been dropped you have a short amount of time to stock up on ammunition until another Brute and three Skirmishers show up.   

Your biggest annoyance here will be the Skirmishers because of their agility.  I find that an AR works really well on them if you are out of Magnum ammo or hope to conserve your rounds.

Once the Skirmishers are down, enter through the doorway they used.  Do not worry about losing all the ammo out here because you can come back out at basically any time.  Head up the stairs immediately in front of you and melee/assassinate the Grunt.  Now, you need to get creative and have some patience.

You need to use any weapon you can get your hands on besides the DMRs in this area to take out all the Grunts, Brutes, and Jackals in the room.  Plasma pistols are quite effective against the Grunts but use the AR if need be.  Once the Grunts have been dispatched, head back outside and pick up the Sniper we left behind.
Take out the Brute Chieftain first and use the remaining shots on any other Brute you see.  You probably will not get too many kills with the Sniper, but try to make the shots count.  After you have used up the Sniper, cast it aside for the Needler.  I would suggest actually moving into the main room to finish off the final Brutes.  Use the ledges and elevations inside to your advantage.

After the last Brute has been dropped, you simply have three shield-bearing Jackals near the elevator.  You can get close and melee them to recharge your shields but do on stay close for long.   

After they have been eliminated, grab that DMR and whatever secondary weapon you choose.  Get some health and then tap the button besides the elevator.

Rush forward quickly and intercept the furthest drop ship.  Use your DMR to end the Skirmishers and the Brute Chieftain.  If he gets close, just get back and frag him or Needle him.   

As soon as he is down, turn around and head back up the stairs.  There is another Hammer Chieftain there waiting.  Make use of your Plasma grenades here and stick him while he charges at you.  

The rest of the enemies can be mopped up quite simply.  Once they are all done, get some health and ammo and head up the elevator.


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