Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 7/31/12

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The Challenges:
One Spartan Army - Kill 100 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2000cR
This will be an interesting challenge today since I am urging you to go for assists first. However, one hundred kills is obtainable in any mode of Firefight Matchmaking, regardless of what gametype you choose. After you have the assists taken care of, play whatever you wish and you should be all set. The question is what playlist. If you originally started play in Firefight Doubles for the assist challenge, you can likely get this challenge done as well, but in other playlists, this may require another game. If you only need a few kills, stick to Crashsite in the Score Attack playlist where you can get the kills you need and then die to end the game.

Supporting Role - Earn 20 assists in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2500cR
Now, assists in Firefight Matchmaking are just like assists in multiplayer Matchmaking. Deal forty percent damage to an enemy and then let a teammate grab the kill. The best method for getting a bunch of assists in Firefight is to grab a friend and play Firefight Doubles. You will want to play Arcadefight since it will allow you to have a plethora of weapons to make your life easier. Coordinate with your friend and have him basically steal twenty of your kills, though note that this will be hard to do on Grunts until the Mythic Skull is on. This should be pretty easy to complete in one game and you can probably get "One Spartan Army" done as well.

Inclement Weather - Complete a Campaign mission on Heroic or harder with the Thunderstorm Skull on. - 3000cR
Ahh, a simple campaign mission run looks to be in order. For those of you who are unaware, the Thunderstorm Skull simply upgrades all the enemies to the next tier type. This make pretty much all Grunts Ultra as well as all Elites. In the end it simply gives them slightly more health or shield/armor and makes them slightly deadlier. This only needs to be on Heroic so my advice is to do a Speedrun of Nightfall, which can be done in about ten minutes. You can run through the entire level and skip practically the entire ending utilizing the Fork Lift. Should take about seven to ten minutes following the (LASO/Speedrun) guide located here.

Up Close and Personal - Kill 8 enemies with close quarters combat in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2600cR
To me, this is the easiest challenge of the day and should really not take any time at all. Simply load up the Grifball playlist and choose the "Vanilla Grifball" option. This means no Speedball or the one with Jetpacks. Just stick to regular Grifball as it is still the best for these sorts of challenges. Every kill you can make in Grifball, sparing the bomb explosion, is a close quarters combat kill. Simply getting eighty kills in the game will likely complete this challenge for you. One game and then move along. This can also be done in gametypes like Multi Team or Team Slayer, but just expect it to take more than one game.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

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