Saturday, April 7, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 4/7/12 - Grifball, anyone?

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The Challenges:
Shootin' and Lootin' - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2000cR
You might have this challenge completed for you today or you might not. It all depends on the games types you play and if you are lucky. Today is kind of a weird day as everything can be completed in a single game mode but not in a single game. That game mode is Grifball, though you can try others as well. Here is the thing for this challenge, if you complete Five-time Champ quickly and easily, you will likely need to get some extra games in to reach a hundred kills. If it takes you some games, however, you might have this challenge in the bag. Also depends on the length of the games you play. Might have it even if you only play five games.

T-Hug It Out - Kill 4 enemies with close quarters combat in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2000cR

You achieve a close quarters combat kill when you kill an enemy with either a Shotgun, Energy Sword, Gravity Hammer, Melee, or an Assassination. This can likely be done in an number of playlists but, since we are working on the "Twin Trips" challenge as well, I would aim to complete this challenge in Griffball. Every single kill that you get in Grifball, excluding those gained by the bomb explosion, count as close quarters combat kills which makes this challenge exceedingly easy. No hassle at all.

Twin Trips - Earn 2 Triple Kills in the same match in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2000cR
A multi kill is gained when you kill two players within four seconds of each other. A Triple Kill is when you kills three players each within four seconds of each other. Grifball will be our playlist of choice for this as you are already playing in it for everything else. However, Grifball is a great playlist to farm multikills in. Double, Triple, even Overkills are exceedingly common. Now remember that you only need two Triple Kills so, after you get the first one, stop killing people and let the counter reset. You need two Triple Kills, not a Killtrocity.

Five-time Champ - Win 5 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 4343cR
This is the one challenge that will not only be defining your day for a while in Reach, but also taking up a small portion of it. It is the weekend, however, so time is quite abundant. Now, winning games can sometime be an arduous task due to poor teammates from matchmaking or just getting unlucky in map and gametype selection. I am urging you to do some of these games in Grifball, at least for the "T-Hug It Out" and "Twin Trips" challenges. Games in Grifball, however, can also be very fast so this is a decent play to go for wins as well. But, be forewarned that the games can also be frustrating and go very long. After you have finished those challenges for today, just play in whatever gametype you wish to score wins. You just need five so I leave the choice in your hands.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

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