Monday, April 30, 2012

Halo Reach Daily and Weekly Challenges Guide - 4/30/12

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below!

The Challenges:
One Spartan Army - Kill 400 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2000cR
Now, today, the other challenges will likely not get this challenge for you. You will be playing two games in Score Attack and then, likely, one in Firefight Arcade which will have you at about three hundred and fifty kills, maybe. If you have completed the other Firefight challenges today without completing this one, the decision of what to do is entirely to you. Personally, I would hop into a game of Crashsite, found in the Score Attack playlist, and just get the remaining kills I needed. Once I have those, I can die or let the generator explode to legitimately end the game.

A Friend In Need - Earn 10 assists in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1000cR
You will get an assist in Firefight Matchmaking when you do forty percent damage to an enemy that someone else on your team kills. This means that you will need teammates and, therefore, you will need to be in Firefight Arcade. I would say that almost any gametype is fine beside Rocket of FRG attack. You need to do forty percent damage to an enemy before they are killed, which is not easy to do with, traditionally, one-hit kill weapons. Try to communicate with your teammates and let them know that it is OK for them to steal your kills. What I mean is, let them know that you are going for assists. Once you have your ten, try to help them get theirs as well. It only makes stuff easier.

Five-time Champ - Win 5 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 4343cR

This is really the "odd-man out" challenge as all the other ones are Firefight related. This challenge, however, is asking you to win five games in multiplayer Matchmaking. This is an easy enough feat, but can turn into a gruesome experience. Here are some hints for scoring wins: Firstly, stick to gametypes with only two teams. More teams means less chances of your team being number one. Secondly, play with your friends and people you know as you will likely play better with them. Thirdly, stick to gametypes you know. When going for wins, exploring new and potentially irritating gametypes is a bad idea. Finally, take breaks. Doing this all in one sitting probably is not healthy.

Demon - Kill 50 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3000cR
The hardest enemies to kill, in Firefight Matchmaking, are the Elites (I do not care what you say, Hunters are easy as hell to kill). There are ways, however, to make life a lot easier for yourself. The key here is 2X Score Attack in the Score Attack playlist. Basically, at the end of every game of 2X Score Attack, the final wave is about twenty or so Elites. These Elites are extremely easy to kill as the AR shreds right through them. As well, two games of this will get you about forty kills. Go for the final ten while working on the "A Friend in Need" challenge. If you still need some, play one more game of 2X Score Attack and you should be all set.

The Weekly Challenge:
This is How We Do It - Complete 9 Campaign missions on Heroic. - 30000cR
For those of you that remember, this was the very first Weekly Challenge that we had on Reach's release. Back then, I assume that everyone just did the same thing, which was actually play through the game on Heroic. Now, that is an option, but the challenge just states that you have to complete nine campaign missions, not nine different campaign missions. You can just beat the same one several times over and have all those attempts count towards the challenge. You can probably tell what I am aiming for here. A speedrun of the level Nightfall takes about seven to ten minutes to complete. You just need to do this nine times over the course of the week to complete this Weekly Challenge. Follow this guide for the path you need to take. Video of the run can be seen here. The other alternative is to actually play through each level, or just play the short levels over and over. The choice is yours.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 4/29/12

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below!

The Challenges:
Blastin' and Relaxin' - Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2343cR 
I'm not going to really write a lot for this challenge today for one simple fact; look down at the next challenge and then look back up. Now, do I really need to explain how this challenge is completely taken care of by the other challenges today? I thought not. Good thing we are on the same page. Moving on.

More Like In Post - Kill 1000 enemies on Outpost in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3000cR
This will be the focal point challenge of the day. A thousand kills is a lot, no doubt about it. Since you should be near done with the Weekly Challenge and it is very difficult to get a particular map in Firefight Arcade due to multiple player, I will suggest that you go for this challenge in the Score Attack playlist. In Score Attack, you will get about a hundred and twenty kills per game. This means that you will be playing about nine games to complete this challenge. I would aim for gametypes like Gruntpocalypse and 2X Score Attack as they will be the faster gametypes and make this all easier.

A Walk in the... - Kill 150 enemies on Beachhead in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1125cR 
This challenge seems more like an aside to the "More Like In Post" challenge but at least it is a lot easier. Basically, as you already know, you get about a hundred and twenty kills per game in score Attack on average. This means that you will need to play two games on this map to finish off this challenge. I would recommend two full games, not one and then Crashsite, so you can finish working on the Weekly Challenge. Beachhead also it a large map so make sure you get ranged weapons for it.

Mostly at Night - Complete Nightfall on Legendary without dying. - 1700cR

Well, this challenge is laughably easy for anyone who has spent any amount of time looking at these guides or going through all the LASO challenges that came up. Basically, the easiest way to complete this challenge will be to do a speedrun of the level. All in all, cleanly making it through, this takes about seven to ten minutes to complete. Follow this guide for the path you need to take. Video of the run can be seen here. It is easier to do this without any sort or partner as they just add unnecessary complications to the speedrun. It is doable with two people, just not a great idea.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 4/28/12

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below!

The Challenges:
Light Fare - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 3000cR 
So none of the challenges today are that hard or even time consuming, sparing the "Who's the Big Winner?" challenge. Due to the, at least, twelve games you will need to play for the "Who's the Big Winner?" challenge, you should have no problem reaching a hundred kills as you should be hitting about ten two fifteen kills per game. If you are having trouble hitting that number, play some games in Grifball as you will typically get about twenty to thirty kills in that gametype.

A Great Friend - Earn 15 assists in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1125cR
You will be rewarded an assists anytime you do about forty percent damage to an enemy that someone else kills. Over the course of the, at least, twelve games you will be playing for the "Who's the Big Winner?" challenge, you should have no trouble picking up assists. If you are having trouble, then you might want to try a gametype like Multi Team. Basically, Multi Team is four teams of three where everyone is stealing kills from everyone else. It can be aggravating for getting kills, but just a great place to go and get assists. Stick to small map and wide open spaces. Remember to try not to kill your opponent, just damage him/her so someone else can get the kill.

Double Double - Earn 2 Double Kills in the same match in Multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2000cR
A Double Kill in multiplayer Matchmaking is when you score two kills within four seconds of each other. Scoring another kill with four seconds of the last kill will make a Triple Kill and so on and so forth. Now, we just want to do Double Kills so that means after you score the first one, wait more than for seconds for the next kill. Honestly, this should be happening naturally for you every so often and certainly more than once every twelve games. If you are having trouble, go to Grifball. Multi Kills there are more common than people actually trying to score the ball. If you hit up Multi Team for the "A Great Friend" challenge, that is also a good place to get some Double Kills.

Who's the Big Winner? - Win 12 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 10000cR
This challenge is really the focal point of the day, isn't it? Twelve wins in a single day. Now, I am actually much more OK with this today as it is a weekend and there is a decent number of credits involved. Really, this mostly comes down to personal preference and skill. Certain people will excel at certain gametypes that other people will not. Now, here are some guidelines to help you along, however. Firstly, stick to gametypes with only two teams. More teams means less chances of your team being number one. Secondly, play with your friends and people you know as you will likely play better with them. Thirdly, stick to gametypes you know. When going for wins, exploring new and potentially irritating gametypes is a bad idea. Finally, take breaks. Doing this all in one sitting probably is not healthy.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 4/27/12

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below!

The Challenges:
Gunslinger - Kill 150 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 5500cR
So the challenges today are actually pretty easy, but they will bring you in a butt ton of credits for some reason. Not that I am complaining but it just seems very odd in how these challenges are rated for credits. Anyway, you will likely have no problem completing this particular challenge as you can farm challenges easily in a gametype like Grifball. The other challenges today will not get you enough kills for this challenge so you will need to play a bunch of games afterwards. If you do play Grifball, this should take a lot less time to complete.

This is My Rifle... - Earn 40 kills with precision weapons in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2600cR
The best way to get this challenge is in Team SWAT or Team Snipers as those two playlists start you with precision weapons and the gametypes allow you to score easy headshots as well for the "Headshot Honcho" challenge. This challenge will take you multiple games to complete as forty kills is a little much for one of these gametypes. There are rare objective gametypes for these playlists in which you can get a bunch of kills. Otherwise, expect this challenge to take at least three to four games to complete.

Freelancing - Earn at least 23 kills in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 10000cR
There is a rare chance that you may be able to complete this challenge while working on the "This is My Rifle..." challenge. Twenty-three kills is a lot of kills but it is not unheard of in these gametypes, just rare. Your best bet is to play in the Grifball playlist as you will regularly score about twenty-five to thirty kills in that playlist. Invasion and Multi Team are the other playlists in which you can score this many kills, but Grifball is still your best bet.

Headshot Honcho - Kill 11 enemies with headshots in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2640cR
You should have no problem completing this challenge while working on the "This is My Rifle..." challenge as it is asking you to score forty kills today with precision weapons. With precision weapons come a lot of headshots. If you play in the playlists for the "Headshot Honcho" challenge, Team SWAT or Team Snipers, there should be no issue getting a bunch of headshots because ninety percent of the kills in this playlist are headshots. If you cannot get it in these playlists, then you are probably screwed.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 4/26/12 - Firefight Day

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The Challenges:
One Spartan Army - Kill 150 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2250cR
Like every Thursday, the challenges are chalk full of Firefight. And, as usual, the first challenge, asking you to get a certain number of kills in Firefight Matchmaking is one that you do not even need to worry about. In a game of Score Attack, you will get about a hundred and twenty kills on average. That can be slightly higher or slightly less in Firefight Arcade. Either way, you will have this complete in two games today as long as they are both Firefight.

J.H. Death Machine - Kill 70 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with the Grenade Launcher. - 1250cR
There are only a few gametypes in which you can even get the Grenade Launcher. In Score Attack, it's Score Attack, 2X Score Attach, and Nade Attach. In Firefight Arcade, it is Arcade Fight and Nade Fight. This will obviously be easier to choose in Score Attack, so I recommend playing it there to get these done fast. Seventy enemies is very doable in a single game, though it can be done in multiple games since the challenge does not stipulate a single game. Aim for groups of enemies and tight quarters and as they spawn. Also remember that the Grenade Launcher round bounces at least once. And do not hold the trigger as the rounds are more deadly when they are not doing an electric shock.

Hyper Lethal Vector - Kill 150 enemies with headshots in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1125cR
I will not really call this challenge difficult, just time consuming. I would work on this once you have finished all the other challenges for today as you are likely to get some of this done while working on the other challenges. After that, jump into Firefight Arcade to work on the Weekly Challenge and choose games like Sniper Attack or Arcade Attack. Both give you chances to start with a precision weapon (Sniper or DMR, respectively) and after a few games you should have this challenge in the bag. No sweat.

One Game, One Spawn - Complete a Firefight Matchmaking game without dying. - 2000cR
This is probably an easier challenge to complete in Score Attack since it is only one round, whereas Firefight Arcade is three rounds. I would go for the Beachhead or Glacier map because both have some good hiding spots you can reach with your Jet-pack. On Beachhead, you get jet-pack up to the little balconies above your spawn. On Glacier, you can jet-pack up to that large tower like structure above the base. For gametypes, Gruntpocalypse is the easiest and will definitely help you towards the "Hyper Lethal Vector" challenge. But be wary of the time, you need to complete the game, which means you might need to leave your hiding spot to hunt some Grunts.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 4/25/12

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The Challenges:
More than a Handful - Kill 77 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3500cR 
On average, you should be scoring about twelve to fifteen kills per game if you are looking to add those games to the win column (depending on the gametype, of course). As you will be playing at least five games for the "Five-time Champ," that should take care of at least fifty to sixty kills for you, if you have a bad game or two thrown in there. You simply need to complete two or three more games for this challenge. If you are looking to get a bunch of kills quick, Grifball is always a great option to score a bunch of kills. You will likely score double or triple what you would in a normal game.

Katanarama - Kill 5 enemies using the Energy Sword in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1500cR
There are two ways you can go about this challenge. The first one has you playing 2X Score Attack on a small map like Corvette. In the final wave of 2X Score Attack, you will always face about twenty or so Elites. If you stay back and out of range, some invisible Elites with swords will typically come find you, thus supplying you with an Energy Sword. You can figure out the rest from here. The second method has you playing Firefight Arcade but there is a catch. A lot of the Firefight Arcade gametypes, now, do not allow you to pick up weapons. You need to go for a gametype like Arcade Fight. Now, possibly, at the end of one of the rounds there will be an Elite with a sword. Once he is dead, take his sword and use it during the next round. And remember, these do not all need to be done in a single game, and you are likely doing multiples for the Weekly Challenge anyway.

If it Bleeds... - Find and kill the Gold Range-class Elite in any Campaign mission on Normal or harder. - 5000cR

Now, I was under the impression that Gold Ranger-class Elites only appeared Heroic or higher, but I guess some of the Heroic location ones appear on Normal on occasion. I have never seen them there though, but then I never play on Normal. Now, the easiest Gold Ranger-class Elite (or BoB for Born-on-Board) to kill in the Campaign quickly is on the level ONI: Swordbase. Load up ONI: Swordbase Rally Point Bravo on Heroic. Drive up to the gate and grab the Target Designator to your right. Walk up the ramp, dispatching the enemies immediately in front of you and turn left. If you see a dual-wielding Elite running away from you, the BoB has appeared. Tag him with the Designator and put some shots into him. Hopefully he is eliminated and the challenge is completed. If he does not appear, you can either restart this, or continue on in the mission for the other BoB location, which is near what is the multiplayer Shotgun spawn. You can sneak up and assassinate this one quite easily.

Five-time Champ - Win 5 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 4343cR
This is the second time this week that we have had a challenge asking you to win a certain number of games. This one is slightly more bearable as it want two less games. Here are some types to go by: First off, try to play with a team of people you know. Who knows who matchmaking will set you up with, so diminish its effect and come into matchmaking with a full team. You will likely communicate and work better with a group of people you already know. Secondly, stick to gametypes you already know, enjoy, and do well in. Whenever you are going for wins, exploring new games types is likely a bad idea. Thirdly, stick to gametypes with only two teams. More teams means less chances for you to win as the odds are against you. Finally, smaller maps have faster games. The faster the game, the quicker you can try and score that next win.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 4/24/12

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The Challenges:
Light Fare - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 3000cR
With the playthrough of a long campaign mission, a challenge asking for seventy kills in Firefight Matchmaking, and another challenge asking you to complete seventeen games in multiplayer, I think I am pretty confident in saying that this challenge should be well taken care of. Now, if you do manage to complete all the other challenges today and not complete this one, I would love to see your stats and shake your hand for being the least aggressive Halo player I have ever met.

J.H. Death Machine - Kill 70 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with the Grenade Launcher. - 1250cR
You can go about this challenge two different ways. The first way is to load up a game of 2X Score Attack and get this as the Grenade Launcher is featured in one of the loadouts. Try to hit clusters of enemies as they spawn and remember that the grenades do bounce some. Do not hold the trigger has the are more deadly when you do not. You should be able to complete this in a single game and also have the one round completed count towards the Weekly Challenge. However, you can also try for the Arcade Fight or Grenade Fight gametypes in Firefight Arcade. I believe both have the Grenade Launcher, but I am not a hundred percent on Arcade Fight. Now, the odds of getting these gametypes, and having people actually pick them, are low but you need to complete rounds for the Weekly Challenge anyway.

Lost Tyree, Lost Hutch - Complete Long Night of Solace on Legendary without dying. - 3800cR

This is actually nowhere near as challenging as it sounds once you learn that you can actually die as much as you want. There are no real shortcuts for this level, unfortunately, though you can bypass the entire first fight by just running along the edge of the shore. After that you will need to fight practically everything, but do not worry if you die. Simply play through till the every end and, just before you go to Jorge after beating the four Zealots in the hangar, Save and quit the game if you died. Then hit Resume Campaign and complete the level. This should pop the challenge for you and let you move on to the other challenges today.

The Love of the Game - Complete 17 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3700cR
Whoever is setting up these challenge must really think that, as games, we have a ton of free time to play this game. But, you know, some of us have work, or school, which likely takes this challenge to the level of absurdity. Either way, this challenge will take some serious dedication, and likely some perseverance to obtain. Seventeen games will likely take multiple sittings as I would not suggest playing them all in a row. Now, the fastest gametypes tend to be SWAT on a small map and Grifball if you are actually trying to score. You will actually want to typically stray away from Objective games, but Grifball is the oddity there. Play with friends if you can to make the time pass faster. As well, remember, you do not need to win the games, just complete them. If you quit, lose connection, or get kicked, that game will not count towards the total.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Halo Reach Daily and Weekly Challenges Guide - 4/23/12

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below!

The Challenges:
 Gunslinger - Kill 40 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3500cR
As you are being tasked with winning seven games today in multiplayer Matchmaking, you should really have no issue completing forty measly kills in that time. You should be hitting at least ten kills per game, if not almost fifteen, and you will likely be playing more than seven games for the "Home Field Advantage" challenge. The end point is this, just ignore this challenge as it will be taken care of automatically. Do not worry about it, stop reading, move on.

Shootin' and Lootin' - Kill 400 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 4000cR
For the Weekly Challenge, "Like a Record, Baby" I am encouraging you to play about three to four games today in the Firefight Arcade playlist. Now, in a standard game of Firefight Arcade, you will likely hit around a hundred kills as you have a lot of people to compete with than you do in Score Attack (What percent greater is three than zero? Infinity?) so your total kills might go down some. Either way, play four games and you should be right at four-hundred kills. If a little short, play another game or go into Score Attack, which can also be useful for the next challenge.

Flat Tire - Kill 5 enemy vehicles in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2000cR

Killing enemy vehicles is often an arduous task in Firefight Matchmaking as they used to be hard to find. Some levels, like Installation 04 and Holdout, have Banshee spawns that you can practically farm for kills, though this will be a little difficult in Firefight Arcade because three other people will be going for those kills too. Large maps like Beachhead will typically have vehicles drop in at the start and end of every round which means you will have a better chance of getting vehicle kills since you know when they will be coming. Therefore, you should get this done will doing "Shootin' and Lootin'," but if need be, play an extra game of Score Attack on Installation 04 or Holdout (Not 2X Score Attack) to finish off the kills you need.

Home Field Advantage - Win 7 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2050cR
I have never been a fan of any challenge asking you to win a large number of games in a day because there is very little you control in matchmaking. Seven wins is not too large of a number, but it is sure getting close. Try to play with friends that are skilled in this game and in playlists that you typically do well in. This will hopefully insure that you score wins enough that you have time for all the Firefight challenges today. As well, also stick to playlists that you know and do well in as to help expedite matters.

The Weekly Challenge:
Like a Record, Baby - Complete 75 Rounds in Firefight Matchmaking. - 28000cR
This challenge is not too difficult depending on the gametype you play it in, just time consuming. Basically, in a typical game of Score Attack, you will complete one round if you complete the entire game. In Firefight Arcade, you will complete three rounds. Since the time difference is no too great, you will want to stick to Firefight Arcade clearly. Now, seventy five rounds needed and getting three per game means that you will need to complete twenty-five games of Firefight Arcade this weekend, or seventy-five games of Score Attack. Personally, I will take the Firefight Arcade. Now, this means you will need to hit about three to four games a day to get to seventy-five rounds. Try to play with friends and always with a full team of four. Small maps like Corvette and Courtyard will, of course, go faster than larger maps like Beachhead or Installation 04. Again, not difficult, just time consuming.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 4/22/12

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below!

The Challenges:
Covenant-cide - Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3200cR
You really have no need to worry about this challenge, asking you to get a hundred and twenty kills in Firefight Matchmaking. In a typical game of Firefight Matchmaking, you will likely score about a hundred and twenty kills, though there is a good chance you maybe short some. The "Hyper Lethal Vector" challenge will have you playing two games, which means you will more than take care of two-hundred kills.

Hyper Lethal Vector - Kill 200 enemies with headshots in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3000cR

This challenge will take you two games in Firefight Matchmaking, most likely in the Score Attack playlist. You will get a hundred and twenty kills per game, so two-hundred headshots will take at least two games. Gruntpocalypse is a great gametype for this as you can get headshot kills on every single enemy that you face with relative ease. You can definitely do that against other enemies, but it is nowhere near as easy.

Survivor - Earn 5 Sprees in a Firefight Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
A Spree in Firefight Matchmaking is ten kills uninterrupted by death and these are very common in Firefight Matchmaking. You need to score five, which can be done in one long spree of fifty kills, or split up in sets of ten in any way you choose. Score Attack will be perfect for this challenge and you should have no trouble completing the challenge while working on "Covenant-cide" and "Hyper Lethal Vector"

The Little Guys - Kill 125 Grunts in Campaign today on Normal or harder. - 2000cR
Grunts are the most common enemy in the campaign on any level. These only need to be on Normal but Heroic can be useful to make sure you get more of the kills, instead of your AI teammate. I would start with Winter Contingency and play through till you complete the challenge. You should be done during ONI: Swordbase or near the start of Nightfall. Remember that if you just damage an enemy and then an AI teammate gets the kill, it still counts as your kill. Therefore, damage as many of them as you can, then focus on killing the little guys.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 4/21/12

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below!

The Challenges:
One Spartan Army - Kill 250 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3500cR
In an average game in the Score Attack playlists of Firefight Matchmaking, you will get about a hundred and twenty kills per game. You will likely end up with slightly less than this with a very slim chance of having slightly more kills. Regardless, expect this challenge to take you three games to complete. I would recommend 2X Score Attack for the first two games and then Crashsite for the final game, if you are lucky enough to have it appear. With Crashsite you can just get the kills you need and then die or let the generator explode to end the game legitimately.

This is My Rifle - Earn 100 kills with precision weapons in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1500cR

The easiest way to get precision weapon kills in Multiplayer Matchmaking is by playing in either the Team SWAT or Team Snipers playlists. The gametypes are mainly focused on precision weapons, the DMR and Sniper respectively, and should give you about twelve to fifteen games per game. Obviously, at that rate, this should take about seven to eight games to complete. This process can be sped up some if you get an objective gametype in either of these playlists, but they are quite rare. As well, the small the map, normally, the quicker the game. Therefore, large maps will just make this a longer process.

...Got a Triple Double - Earn 3 Double Kills in the same match in Multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3000cR
In multiplayer Matchmaking, a Double Kill is scored anytime you get two kills within four seconds of each other. You can obviously stack more kills upon that for higher multikills, but it will only count as one Double Kill for our purposes. You will need to get three separate Double Kills to satisfy this challenge. Any sort of objective game is your best bet but I would also try for this while working on "This is My Rifle" as Team SWAT and Team Snipers are great places to get Multikills. If you are having a lot of trouble with this. Try a single game of Grifball, as multikills as common as kills in playlist.

Tough Luck... On - Complete a Campaign mission on Heroic or harder with the Tough Luck Skull on. - 2500cR
The Tough Luck skull causes all enemies in the Campaign to avoid your shots and dodge grenades more often. Since this does not really change the difficulty too much, most people should have no problem with this skull. As per the usual, the easiest way to complete this challenge will be doing a speedrun of the level Nightfall, which takes about seven to ten minutes. I would not recommend doing this with multiple players as that is likely to create other issues. You can also just do a mission like Winter Contingency as it is really short and easy to complete.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 4/20/12

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The Challenges:
Fire When Ready - Kill 50 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3000cR
Overall, the challenges today are actually pretty easy and should not even take up a lot of your time. However, the other Daily Challenges will not add up enough kills for you to complete this challenge. You will likely only need to play three separate games for the challenges below and even if you get fifteen kills a game you will still be at minimum one game worth of kills short of completing this challenge. Load up Grifball and an extra game in that should take care of you.

Explosive Ordnance Distribution - Earn 3 kills with ordnance weapons in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2000cR

An explosive ordnance weapon in Reach refers to the Rocket Launcher, the Grenade Launcher, the Concussion Rifle, and the Fuel Rod Gun. These weapons, as usual, are always high sought after in Matchmaking and therefore it is difficult to get a hold of. However, Action Sack has gametypes where you can only use these weapons and start with them. You only need to score three kills, but these weapons are hard enough to find in Matchmaking so try action sack. Splockets and Dino Blasters are two gametypes that should be perfect for this.

Neuroscience - Kill 10 enemies with headshots in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2400cR
Team SWAT or Team Snipers is your answer for this challenge as both playlists start you with head-shot capable weapons (the DMR and the Sniper) and those are the only weapons available to the player. Both gametypes will also allow you to score one-shot, headshot kills as shields do not exist in SWAT and will not stop a Sniper round. You should be scoring above ten kills in these playlists, around twelve to fifteen kills, so this challenge should be in the bag.

Up Close and Personal - Kill 5 enemies with close quarters combat in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2343cR
My personal advice for this challenge is Grifball, though that may not even be necessary. Close quarters combat kills are scored by using the Gravity Hammer, Energy Sword, Shotgun, Melee, Beat Down, or Assassination. These are the only types of kills you can get in Grifball, sparing the Shotgun, which makes this gametype perfect for this challenge. You can likely get this done in other playlists as well, but it is almost a guarantee in Grifball, plus the large number of kills you are likely to get will help finish off the "Fire When Ready" challenge.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 4/19/20

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The Challenges:
Shootin' and Lootin' - Kill 150 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 5343cR
It really does boggle the mind how this challenge is worth five-thousand credits, but a challenge to win fifteen games is only worth like three-thousand credits. Anyway, you should have no problem completing this challenge today as all the other challenges today require you to play Firefight Matchmaking. Do not worry about this challenge and move on as you will likely have it completed after two games.

Flat Tire - Kill 10 enemy vehicles in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2343cR

This will be the hardest challenge of the day. Now, I must admit that I was wrong about something. Firefight Arcade is not a good playlist in which to get this challenge now as vehicles are only spawning at the beginnings and ends of rounds. Instead, you will want to go back to your old standby on Holdout. Banshees will spawn on this map every two and a half to four minutes. You will typically get anywhere from two to five vehicle kills per game through this method. Make the game last as long as possible to get all the vehicle kills you can. Go for gametypes like Sniper Attack, or FRG/Rocket Attack. Do not choose 2X Score Attack as those kills do not count. Expect this to take from three to five games to complete.

Heroic Spelunking - Kill 125 enemies on Glacier on Heroic in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1100cR
Glacier is actually one of my favorite maps besides Beachhead and Courtyard. Score Attack, as it is also your option for the "Flat Tire" challenge, will also be your best option for this challenge. You will typically get about a hundred and twenty kills in a game in the Score Attack playlist which means you are likely to end a few kills short. Play either a second full game on this playlist or, if you are very lucky, play a game of Crashsite. Then get the kills you need and either die or let the generator explode to end the game.

Demon - Kill 40 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2800cR
For once you should have no problem completing this challenge today as all the other challenges have you playing enough games that you will undoubtedly encounter at least forty Elites in all your games. If you find that you are short some Elites somehow (don't know how you possibly could be) play a game of 2X Score Attack in the Score Attack playlist. The final wave of every 2X Score Attack game is about twenty Elites which should be perfect to make up for any that someone is missing.

See the Weekly Challenge here.