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The Challenges:
Shootin' and Lootin' - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2000cR
A hundred enemies will be no trouble at all today as you will be playing at least one game of Firefight and then at least twelve game of multiplayer Matchmaking. The Firefight game alone will put you over a hundred kills with the multiplayer games just icing the cake metaphorical cake. No need to even worry about this, so just focus on everything else.
Katanarama - Kill 1 enemies using the Energy Sword in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1000cR
Linked Up with - Link your gamertag with and play a game in Halo: Reach Matchmaking. - 3000cR
Again, this challenge falls into the category of why is 343i promoting Bungie Studios in game. I do not have a problem with it, but it is just kind of weird. Either way, go to if you do not have an account and just register and make sure you connect it to your gamertag. After that, just play a game. At the end of the game the challenge will stick and you will be rewarded with credits. If you already are linked up, just play a game and you are set.
Who's the Big Winner? - Win 12 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 10000cR
All of the challenges today are quite easy, except for this one. On the bright side, you should be aiming for about eleven wins a day while working on the Weekly Challenge, so this will help you out in that regard. The same ideas and tips apply for this challenge as the Weekly: First off, play with your friends, as you will be more comfortable with them and will communicate better. Secondly, don't not play in gametypes with more than two teams, which includes free-for-all. The more teams, the lower are your chances of winning. Secondly, stick to gametypes with no more than five players per team. The more players, the more insignificant you may be in the game, and therefore less in control of gaining a win.
See the Weekly Challenge here.
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