Saturday, December 31, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 12/31/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below!

The Challenges:
Shootin' and Lootin' - Kill 400 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 4000cR
Four hundred kills is not too much to get, but the other Daily Challenges will not complete this challenge for you. You might get about a hundred or so kills but you will still be short. Three or so games of Firefight Matchmaking should take care of that for you as each one will bring in about a hundred and twenty kills. If you do not care for Firefight Matchmaking, then hit up some Campaign to get easy kills fast.

I'm Rubber, You're Glue - Earn 1 sticky grenade Kills in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1000cR
To complete this challenge, all you need to do is stick one enemy with a plasma grenade and then have that grenade kill your opponent. This will get you a Grenade Stick medal and this challenge completed. My advice is to play in the Multi Team playlist. If you can get any gametypes where you are an Elite, you should be fine as you will spawn with a plasma grenade after every death. Multi Team also presents you with a bunch of targets so you can likely start tossing them like crazy and get a grenade stick kill.

There Are Many Like... - Kill 50 enemies with precision weapons in the Campaign today. - 1000cR
Best way to complete this challenge is to play either ONI: Swordbase or Nightfall. Both levels start you with a precision weapon (DMR and Sniper Rifle respectively). Just nail fifty kills with said weapon and you should be fine. If you are planning to do "Just a Shower at the same time, I would recommend playing Nightfall then, as the Sniper will be easier for taking down upgraded enemies.

Just a Shower - Complete any Campaign mission on Normal or harder with Thunderstorm on. - 4000cR
The Thunderstorm skull upgrades all enemies in a mission. Grunts will become Ultras, Elites will all go up a rank, and you probably will not see much of a difference from Jackals and Skirmishers; best I can think is that their health will be slightly upgraded. Nightfall can be a good place to run this challenge since it starts you with a Sniper Rifle. You will be trying to get fifty kills with it for the "There Are Many Like..." challenge and once you are finished you can just start speed running the level.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 12/30/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below!

The Challenges:
Fire When Ready - Kill 30 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1100cR
Really easy challenges today and, in fact, all but one of these can be completed in a single game. I will refer you to the "Close Talking" Challenge to see how to complete that challenge as well as "Fire When Ready" and "T-Hug It Out." Good luck.

Close Talking - Earn 20 kills with close quarters combat in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3000cR
If you have not figured it out yet, let me tell you the best way to complete this challenge along with the "Fire When Ready" and the "T-Hug It Out" challenges; Grifball. It really is very simple. First of all, every kill you get in Grifball is a close quarters combat kill. Unless you get kills from the bomb explosion, that is how it is. Secondly, you get a huge amount of kills in Grifball in comparison to the other gametypes so hitting thirty kills in a game is quite easy. Thirdly, which is a combination of the first and second points, these massive amounts of kills will mostly be close quarters combat kills which will get you all three challenges done if you do it right.

T-Hug It Out - Kill 7 enemies with close quarters combat in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1400cR
See the "Close Talking" challenge for how to complete this challenge and the "Fire When Ready" challenge.

Credits for Completion - Complete 4 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2400cR
Completing four games today will get you an extra twenty-four-hundred credits to put in the bank. But you must complete this games. You do not have to win but you cannot quit the games, disconnect, or be kicked for them to count towards your four completions. Gametypes like Team SWAT tend to be very fast games if you are looking for quick games after finishing the Grifball matches for the other daily challenges.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 12/29/11

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The Challenges:
Light Fare - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 3000cR
This will not at all be a problem today. Regardless of how many games you play today, this challenge will be completed in a single game of Firefight as you will typically get about a hundred and twenty kills in Firefight. This pretty much falls under the "Do not worry about it" category as you will get it while working on any other challenge today.

Demon - Kill 30 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2400cR
Typically, I would suggest that you play 2X Score Attack in the Score Attack playlist for this challenge. However, today there is the "Flat Tire" challenge which will likely have you playing a bunch of games which will generate a fair number of Elite kills. It might even get this challenge done for you. My advice is to first complete the "Flat Tire" challenge and then if you still need at least ten Elite Kills, play 2X Score Attack for that final wave of twenty-plus Elites to complete the challenge.

Survivor - Earn 7 Sprees in a Firefight Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
A Spree in Firefight Matchmaking is ten kills without death. You can get up to five Sprees with fifty kills. However, once you get past fifty kills, then next Spree medal is at a hundred and then five-hundred kills. This means that it is not likely for you to stay alive the whole game and complete this challenge. You will actually be one kill short. What you will need to do, unfortunately, is die. This will make it so you can restart you spree at ten kills per and will allow you to hit seven in a game.

Flat Tire - Kill 10 enemy vehicles in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2343cR
We had this challenge on Christmas day, so I will just repeat the same info that I gave out then: This challenge is always a pain and it will require a lot of patience on your part. The only way to get any sure vehicle spawns in Firefight Matchmaking and not have to fight a bunch of other people for them is to play Score Attack on the map Holdout. Every two to four minutes, a Banshee will spawn on the level which you can shoot down. The best gametypes for this are Sniper Attack. Rocket and FRG Attack are ok, but Sniper is the best. Do not play 2X Score Attack as vehicle kills in this playlist do not count for the challenge. Expect this to take four to five games to complete.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 12/28/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below!

The Challenges:
Fire When Ready - Kill 50 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3000cR
Overall, these are simplistic challenges today that should not require too much work to complete in a short fashion. This challenge is pretty much taken care of thanks to "The Magic Number" challenge so do not worry about it. As long as you score, on average, about seven to eight kills a game over those seven games, you will hit fifty kills during your play session. As I said, not much to worry about as it takes care of itself.

Above the Law - Complete a Round in Firefight Matchmaking without dying. - 2000cR
The easiest way to complete this challenge, as you only need to survive an entire round and not a wave, is actually to play Firefight Arcade. A round is made up of five waves. After you spawn, simple stick to long range weapons and hang back, being safe. Survive the first five waves and this challenge will be completed. The reason to play in Firefight Arcade is so you have teammates who will eliminate enemies. This way, you do not have to take out every single enemy and this will raise your life expectancy.

Eyes in the Sky - Kill 10 enemies with the Designator in ONI on Heroic. - 1500cR
Easiest way to complete this challenge is to load up ONI: Swordbase on Heroic at Rally Point Bravo. At this point, return to the garage area and note the Target Designator on your right. A bunch of enemies will come down the ramp towards you and this is where you paint them with the Designator. You might fall slightly short of the ten required kills but you do have multiple shots. Has well, you can reload the checkpoint if you did not venture too far ahead and repeat the feat to add to your numbers. Easy credits here.

The Magic Number - Complete 7 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3000cR
There really is no trick to this challenge to get it completed faster. You simply need to play games and finish them. Best you can do is go for shorter games, like Team SWAT or Grifball, and do your best to end them fast. If you quit, get kicked, or get dropped from games, they will not count towards your total and may push you towards getting a hour ban. Remember to try and rack up kills for the "Fire When Ready" challenge. You need to hit at least fifty during this seven game span.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 12/27/11

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The Challenges:
One Spartan Army - Kill 150 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2250cR
You will need to play at least two games of Firefight Matchmaking for the "Demon" challenge so this challenge asking for a hundred and fifty kills in Firefight will pretty much be taken care of. Seriously, nothing to see here so just go and look at the next challenge.

Demon - Kill 50 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3000cR
Getting fifty Elite kills in Firefight Matchmaking can be pretty tedious unless you are in the right playlist and get the right gametype. For me, the best playlist is Score Attack and the best gametype is 2X Score Attack. On the final wave of 2X Score Attack, you will face about twenty to twenty -five Elites. Clearly, you will need to do this at least twice and maybe even three times since you might end up short after two games. You can try for exterior maps and hope for a drop-pod full of Elites but that is never a guarantee.

Huck It, Luck It - Complete a Campaign mission on Heroic with Cloud, Tough Luck, and Catch on. - 2000cR
As usual, a speed run of Nightfall is simply the easiest way to complete this challenge. Follow this guide to see the path you should run. Generally, these skull will not affect you but the Tough Luck skull will have enemies throwing grenades more often so that is definitely something to be wary of. This should, overall, take you about six to seven minutes to complete if you follow my guide.

Up Close and Personal - Kill 5 enemies with close quarters combat in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2343cR
Grifball is by far the easiest way to complete this challenge as practically all of your kills will be close quarters combat kills. The only way to score otherwise is to have opponents killed by the bomb you plant during Grifball. You only need five, however, so this can easily be done in a single game. This can also be done in a playlist like Multi Team or in any regular slayer gametype but you will really need to be trying for it.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Halo Reach Daily and Weekly Challenges Guide - 12/26/11

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The Challenges:
Covenant-cide - Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3200cR
You will have no problem completing this challenge today as you will likely be playing two matches in Firefight Matchmaking. You will normally hit about a hundred and twenty kills per game in Firefight Matchmaking but you can also likely fall short so the extra game might end up being a necessity anyway.

Be Their Huckleberry - Kill 50 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with the pistol. - 1000cR
I would suggest not doing this at the same time as the "Points, Points" challenge since the pistol will likely limit your ability to get multikills and streaks due to the low power and clip of the weapon. Gruntpocalypse would be the best playlist for this challenge as the all the Grunts can be killed with quick headshots, though the Ultras will take two headshots. You only need to score fifty kills so, after you hit that number, you can switch back to the DMR and finish the game of a little quicker.

Points, Points - Score 20,000 points in a Firefight Matchmaking game. - 1750cR
This can be a trying challenge. You can try for this in multiple playlists and either Score Attack or Firefight Arcade will get this done. Firefight Double is also a personality but it seems like you are less likely to stay alive and get streaks going in that playlist. For Score Attack, 2X Score Attack is likely your best option. Go for an exterior map so you can hopefully get a drop-pod and some vehicles to kill in the final wave. Go for large multikills as well since they will give you extra points and try to get long streaks as well. If you can survive the entire game, then that will greatly help your cause. If you decide to play Firefight Arcade, just be a dick and try to steal all the kills. Then you will definitely hit twenty-thousand points.

Killing Spree - Earn a Killing Spree in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2000cR
A "Killing Spree" in multiplayer Matchmaking is five kills uninterrupted by death or the end of a round. If you play smartly and carefully, you can get this in practically any playlist. Living Dead is probably the easiest one if you are a survivor. Just get ten Zombie Kills in a round without killing yourself and you are all set. Seriously, this challenge is extremely easy and will take very little time at all.

The Weekly Challenge:
Co-op Dash - Clear any Campaign mission on Heroic, in co-op, in 15 minutes or less. - 15343cR
This is an amazingly easy Weekly Challenge and 343i seems to agree since they are awarding you such a meager credit reward. Whether you have an actual teammate or just an extra controller, running through Nightfall is the best option for this challenge and it will just take you six to eight minutes. Connect an extra controller and load up a random profile on your 360 if you have no one to play with. Now, load up the mission Nightfall on Heroic and follow the path shown here to run through the level. This should not take long and it is an easy fifteen-thousand, three-hundred and forty-three credits thanks to this.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 12/25/11 - Christmas Day

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Today is Christmas so have some fun, relax, open some presents, and play some Halo!  Happy Holidays!

The Challenges:
One Spartan Army - Kill 100 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2000cR
Some simple and at least one irritating challenge for Christmas day 2011, but what are ya gonna do? Anyway, that one irritating challenge, "Flat Tire," will luckily take care of this "One Spartan Army" challenge which is requiring you to get a hundred kills in Firefight Matchmaking. You will be playing a ton of games and you will likely rack up about five-hundred to six-hundred kills over that time.

Cannon Fodder - Kill 50 infantry-class foes in the Campaign today. - 1000cR
Fifty kills in Campaign is a relatively low number. You should hit about double that in, probably, every campaign mission you do. I am suggesting that you do a speed run of Nightfall for the "Iron Will" challenge. However, if you want to get that done at the same time as the "Cannon Fodder" challenge, you can play normally through Nightfall and then start the speed run after getting fifty kills, or play a level like Winter Contingency. Good luck.

Flat Tire - Kill 10 enemy vehicles in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2343cR
You would figure that on Christmas day the challenge would be short, easy, and painless. And it looks like that would have been the case but then you see this challenge. This challenge is always a pain and it will require a lot of patience on your part. The only way to get any sure vehicle spawns in Firefight Matchmaking and not have to fight a bunch of other people for them is to play Score Attack on the map Holdout. Every two to four minutes, a Banshee will spawn on the level which you can shoot down. The best gametypes for this are Sniper Attack. Rocket and FRG Attack are ok, but Sniper is the best. Do not play 2X Score Attack as vehicle kills in this playlist do not count for the challenge. Expect this to take four to five games to complete.

Iron Will - Complete a Campaign mission alone on Heroic or harder with the Iron Skull on. - 2500cR
Easiest way to get this challenge done is to do a speed run of Nightfall on Heroic with the Iron Skull on. Running through the level takes about five to seven minutes. A guide to do so can be seen here. The only irritating spot is using the Forklift to push yourself past the gate. If you do not do it fast enough you will come under fire and the Forklifts do not last long. As well, this challenge can be completed on a multitude of other missions, like Winter Contingency or New Alexandria. This one is just the easiest.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 12/24/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! As a note, I am no longer writing on due to a lack of time.

The Challenges:
Covenant-cide - Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3200cR
Pretty simple challenges today that will only require you to play in multiplayer Matchmaking and Firefight. This challenge will have you playing in the later. A hundred and twenty kills is pretty easy to come by in Firefight Matchmaking and it is what you will typically amass in a single game. You can fall slightly short if you only play Gruntpocalypse but I would rather try 2X Score Attack as the enemies are slightly less likely to commit suicide.

Throwing Fireballs - Kill 2 enemies with grenades in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
Grenade kills are things that happen all the time in multiplayer Matchmaking and you should be bringing some in every so often. You will need to score two grenade kills in a single game to complete this challenge. Now, Multi Team really is the best playlist for this challenge because there is a ton of targets, you can get a ton of kills, and people are always weakening each other making grenade kills even easier. Just do not pick Rocket Hog Race. That will really ruin your chances of getting grenade kills.

Explosive Ordnance Distribution - Earn 3 kills with ordnance weapon in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
This challenge used to be a complete pain since only a few levels have ordnance weapons and they are, normally, highly sought after. The remedy for this is the Action Sack playlist. Aim for gametypes like Splockets or Dino Blasters. Both gametypes start you with ordnance weapons that all have unlimited ammunition. It should not be hard at all to score three kills in a single game in those circumstances. This can definitely be done in your more vanilla playlists, but this just makes it much easier.

Five-time Champ - Win 5 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 4343cR
Winning games can always be a challenge because there is so much that is not under your control. Five games should not take you all day but be prepared to spend more than ten games getting this challenge done. Here are some rules to help you. Firstly, pick gametypes that only have two teams. This, simply, increases your chances of being on the winning team. Secondly, stick to gametypes, maps, and teammates that you know. You will likely do better in a more familiar setting. Thirdly, take a break if you get frustrated. Trust me, it is better that way. Good luck.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 12/23/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! As a note, I am no longer writing on due to a lack of time.

The Challenges:
Gunslinger - Kill 150 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 5500cR
As is the usual expectation, Friday is full of multiplayer Matchmaking challenges. None of these are particularly difficult but this challenge, asking for a hundred and fifty kills, will take some time. On average, you might get about ten to fifteen kills a game. That number can be much higher in certain gametypes, like Multi Team or Grifball, so hit those up if you want wins faster. Expect to put at least six to seven games into this challenge.

Sweep the Leg - Perform an Assassination in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
An "Assassination" is something that you will actually see just about once every game or two depending on the game type. To get an assassination, you need to go behind your opponent and hold the melee button. This will trigger an assassination animation which must almost fully complete for you to get the medal and this challenge completed. Team Snipers has always been a good playlist for me to get this challenge done.

Vengeance Found - Earn your 'Revenge' in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
A "Revenge" medal is awarded in multiplayer Matchmaking when you kill an opponent who had killed you most recently before anyone else does. You have an advantage once someone kills you since you most likely know their most recent whereabouts, but they do not know yours. This should help you in ambushing the other play and getting the kill before someone else does. You can do this in any playlist but I would stick to one with two small teams, which means less people to steal your kill.

Twin Trips - Earn 2 Triple Kills in the same match in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2000cR
A "Triple Kill" is when you score three consecutive kills, each within four seconds of each other. Scoring one is typically difficult, but scoring two can be infuriating sometimes if you are in certain playlists. The trick is to make sure that you are in the right playlist. Grifball is by far the best for this challenge as multikills are insanely easy to come by. Multi Team is also good for this but you are less likely to score two Triple Kills.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 12/22/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! As a note, I am no longer writing on due to a lack of time.

The Challenges:
Covenant-cide - Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3200cR
Today, you will be playing a ton of Firefight. Probably eleven games, at minimum. This challenge, simply asking for a hundred and twenty kills, is the least of your troubles and will be completed, likely, within your first game. Do not worry about it at all since you have much bigger challenges to worry about.

Hyper Lethal Vector - Kill 200 enemies with headshots in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3000cR
This is the other challenge in which you do not actually need to try for it. Unless you are playing only Rocket or FRG Attack, you should be scoring headshots regularly in Firefight and can finish this challenge easily in about two to three games. Gruntpocalypse is a great gametype for this challenge and one that I am suggesting you use for the other challenges below.

Fortified Court - Kill 1000 enemies on Courtyard in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3000cR
This is the big irritating challenge of the day. A thousand kills is a ton. You will bring in about a hundred and twenty kills per game of Firefight Matchmaking that you complete on the Courtyard map. Now, this is one of the smaller maps but it is by far one of my favorite since you have plenty of sightlines and the map is rather long. Due to the size of the map, games should go by pretty fast. You will need to play nine to ten games to get this challenge done.

Heroic Spelunking - Kill 125 enemies on Glacier on Heroic in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1100cR
I would simply consider this challenge a miniature version of the "Fortified Court" one. Basically, a hundred and twenty-five kill on Glacier should be doable within a single game. However, it is very likely that you can fall just short of it in a single game. Plan to have to play a second game since you might fall just a few kills short. Aim for Crashsite if it happens to pop up for you.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 12/21/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! As a note, I am no longer writing on due to a lack of time.

The Challenges:
Fire When Ready - Kill 50 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3000cR
Pretty simplistic challenges today and the only one that will be giving you any grief at all will likely be the "Streaky Shooter" challenge. You will need to score fifty kills today in multiplayer Matchmaking to get this challenge completed and that should only take you about four to five games to hit. You will be playing plenty of games for the "Streaky Shooter" challenge anyway, so these are just extra credits.

Demon - Kill 30 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2400cR
Best way to get this challenge done is to play two games of 2X Score Attack in the Score Attack playlist. The final wave of every 2X Score Attack match is about twenty to twenty-five Elites. You can occasionally get a drop-pod on some of the exterior maps but that will still leave you short. Plan for this to take two games and remember that, on 2X Score Attack, the AR and DMR are machines for killing Elites.

The Little Guys - Kill 75 Grunts in Campaign today on Normal or harder. - 1000cR
The easiest way to get this challenge is done is to just start playing through the campaign from Winter Contingency onwards until you hit seventy-five Grunt kills. You should have it done sometime during ONI: Swordbase though it is entirely possible to get it done on Winter Contingency if you die and reload into some of the high-occupancy areas, such as once you land at the communications depot. I would also play on Heroic to make sure you are getting the most kills possible.

Streaky Shooter - Earn 7 sprees in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1750cR
This will, undoubtedly, take you a decent number of games to accomplish. A streak in multiplayer Matchmaking is five kills uninterrupted by death or the end of a round. Recently, these challenges have only been counting Killing Sprees and ignoring Weapon/Assist/Spawn Sprees. The challenge does not specify Killing Sprees so the others will possibly count. Living Dead is a great playlist to get various types of sprees and you can quickly tell if they are working or not. If they are not, then you will just have to grind it out.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 12/20/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! As a note, I am no longer writing on due to a lack of time.

The Challenges:
Shootin' and Lootin' - Kill 150 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2250cR
This challenge should be taken care of by the rest of the Daily Challenges for today. You will be hitting about a hundred and twenty kills in a game of Firefight Matchmaking for the "J.H. Death Machine" challenge, another ten or so kills for the "Not as Clumsy or Random...", and then an additional thirty to forty kills for the "Points Pyramid" challenge. All in all, you should hit well above a hundred and fifty kills.

J.H. Death Machine - Kill 70 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with the Grenade Launcher. - 1250cR
The best way to complete this challenge is to play some 2X Score Attack. One of the loadouts features the Grenade Launcher and that will be the one you are aiming for. Now, the Grenade Launcher can be a pain to use but if you can hit enemies in a group, you should be able to get multiple kills in a single shot. As well, you will need to be away of where you Ammunition Crates are as you do not carry a lot of ammo for this weapon. Should definitely be doable in a single game.

Points Pyramid - Score 100,000 points on any Campaign mission. - 3500cR
The best way to get this challenge is to load up the level New Alexandria and do some Banshee hunting. Video of this method can be seen here. Before starting the mission, add a bunch of skulls that will not affect you while you fly around. These include the Thunderstorm , Tough Luck, Catch, and Famine skulls. Set the difficulty to Heroic and then just go around killing Banshees and Phantoms the entire time. After you hit about eighty-thousand points, if you are still under ten minutes of play time you can likely Save and Quit the mission. You will receive a time bonus at the end which should put you over a hundred thousand.

Not as Clumsy or Random... - Earn 5 kills with precision weapons in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
Simply enter multiplayer Matchmaking and enter either the Team Snipers or Team SWAT playlists. Either one starts you with precision weapons and scoring five kills should be extremely easy. This can also, definitely, be done in other playlists but it is almost a sure-fire completion in these two. Should only take you a single game to complete.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Halo Reach Daily and Weekly Challenges Guide - 12/19/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! As a note, I am no longer writing on due to a lack of time.

The Challenges:
Covenant-cide - Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3200cR
You will be going for a hundred and fifty kills in Firefight Matchmaking on the map Holdout anyway, so that pretty much takes care of this challenge. Besides that, there is not much to say. You might get this in your first game, but you are also likely to fall just short. Either way, you will be playing another game on the map.

Helping Hand - Earn 10 assists today in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2000cR
To register an assist, you need to deal forty percent damage to and enemy and then have someone else score the kill. That person does not need to be on your team, but also cannot be on your opponents team. I am unaware of any time-limit on this, but once the opponent regains health and shields, you will likely no longer get an assist. It also seems like you need to do more than forty percent damage, so try and get the target down as much as you can. Multi Team is a great playlist for this since it is an extremely target rich environment and there are a bunch of people ready to steal your kill and award you an assist. Works out perfectly.

Cannon Fodder - Kill 100 infantry-class foes in the Campaign today. - 1250cR
In campaign, this basically means Grunts and, I believe Brutes. Skirmishers and Jackals count as specialists and Elites are leaders. Now, the easiest way to get this challenge is done is to just start playing through the campaign from Winter Contingency onwards until you hit a hundred infantry kills. You should have it done sometime during ONI: Swordbase. I would also play on Heroic to make sure you are getting the most kills possible.

Heroic Holdout - Kill 150 enemies on Holdout on Heroic in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1125cR
This will require two games of Firefight Matchmaking on the Holdout map unless you are lucky enough to play Firefight Doubles and get the map. Now, the first game should be something like Gruntpocalypse or 2X Score Attack since those ones go the fastest and typically get you the most kills. For the second game, you can either play a full game or, if you are lucky enough, you can play a game of Crashsite and just get the remaining kills. Afterwards, you can either die or let the generator explode to end the game.

The Weekly Challenge:
Endure: The Return - Complete four sets on any Firefight map in co-op play on Heroic or harder. - 30000cR
This is a really easy challenge that is not much of a challenge at all to be honest. You need to complete four consecutive sets in a Firefight game. This will need to be in a custom Firefight game since no game of Firefight Matchmaking will have four sets and much less have you surviving all of them. You will also need someone to play with you. You can either get a friend online, get a friend at your house, or just have an extra controller sit there for the additional player.

Now, since this is not in Matchmaking, you can set the gametype settings to whatever you want. I would suggest Invincibility, Unlimited Ammunition, Unlimited Armor Abilities, and fooling around with the makeup of the various waves. A ton of gametypes are present in Fileshares that already have this done for you. Click here for one such gametype which I know works fairly well. This will honestly not take a long time, especially on Heroic, and make sure you pick a small map, like Corvette.