Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 8/31/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! 

The Challenges:
More than a Handful - Kill 25 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1000cR
Twenty-five kills will take you about one to three games depending on the gametype. The only other multiplayer challenge you need to worry about today is "Cook 'em, Clean 'em" which should be simple enough but might not get enough kills to complete this challenge. Once you have finished the jet-pack challenge, if need be play another game in whatever playlist you wish to finish off the challenge.

Support Structure - Earn 30 assists in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2250cR
It has been a long time since we have had any challenges requiring us to get assists and it is a welcome change to see these challenges again. For this challenge, I am going to recommend Firefight Arcade. Thirty assists will probably take you about two games depending on your teammates. I would go for games like FRG, Sniper Fight and Arcade Fight. Stay near your teammates and try to purposefully stop killing enemies so you teammates can nab them. If you have a microphone, try talking to your teammates and letting them know that you want assists. They will probably oblige you.

The Little Guys - Kill 125 Grunts in Campaign today on Normal or harder. - 1000cR
There, unfortunately, is not a really good place to farm Grunt kills in campaign. My advice for you is to start with Winter Contingency and play on through until you hit the a hundred and twenty-five Grunt kills It would not hurt to die once or twice just after fighting a bunch of Grunts to get those kills again. You can probably complete this while on the level ONI: Swordbase.

Cook 'em, Clean 'em! - Kill 10 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking while you're jet-packing. - 1200cR
The only really issue with this challenge is finding gametypes that have the jet-pack in them. Your best chances, now a days, are in Action Sack. If you can get the Dino Blasters gametype, you are all set. Dino Blasters gives the player a concussion rifle and an unlimited jet-pack during the match. This will make it very easy to get ten kills while jet packing. Splockets is also a good choice if it arises. Remember that you must be using the jet pack ability as the kill occurs otherwise you will just be getting a kill while falling which counts towards no challenge at all. Also remember that this challenge does not need to be done in a single game.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 8/30/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! 

The Challenges:
Covenant-cide - Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1100cR
This will hopefully be completed in a single game, but you will need to play two games of Firefight Matchmaking due to the "Demon" challenge. Typically, a games for Score Attack will yield you a hundred and twenty kills, but you normally fall under that number, hence the requiring of a second game. Well, there is not much more to say for this...

Demon - Kill 30 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1200cR
I would expect this to take two games of Firefight Matchmaking to complete. You will want both games to be 2X Score Attack as the final wave will always be about twenty Elites which are easy to kill due to the 2X damage. The DMR is you best option for that final wave since you will want to keep the Elites at distance due to the fact that some of them are invisible and have swords. I would suggest maps like Beachhead or Courtyard for this challenge.

Golden Opportunity - Find and kill the Gold Ranger-class Elite in any Campaign mission on Heroic or harder. - 2500cR
There are two really easy places to get Gold Ranger-class Elite (BoB) kills. The first one is on Winter Contingency. Once you get into the civilian vehicle, drive to the right and turn into the first set of buildings. Often, the Elite will be there and you will need to run him down. If he does not appear there, he will often appear at the next set of buildings down the circle. The other easy to get to BoB is on the level ONI: Swordbase. Load up Rally Point Bravo and go to the objective. Once you are in the garage, move up the ramp and a BoB might be at the top of the ramp going to the left. If he does not appear there, he might appear later in the level, being stationary near the MP Shotgun spawn. And I would try these on Heroic.

Five-time Champ - Win 5 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1750cR
Considering that you were required to play fifteen games yesterday, this probably seems like a very easy challenge. However, actually winning games is much harder than simply completing them. Whether you want to do slayer games or objective games is entirely up to you, but play to your strengths. Stick to games with only two team as that will increase your chances of winning. As well, be a team player do not be the lone gunmen. Yes, you might score a lot of kills, but you will most likely lose.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
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Monday, August 29, 2011

Halo Reach Daily and Weekly Challenges Guide - 8/29/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! 

The Challenges:
Light Fare - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 1000cR
This challenge will be completed with your first and only required game of Firefight today if you decide to finish that first. If you attempt the "Put Your Quarter Up" challenge first, you are also very likely to hit a hundred kills before it is completed. The moral of the story is that this challenge is free credits and will be done without you even thinking about it. So, do not worry about it.

The T.G. Opposition - Kill 40 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with the Shotgun. - 1000cR
2X Score Attack is great for this challenge since one of the possible loadouts, at start, features the Shotgun. As well, with 2X Score Attack, damage is increased which pretty much gives you increased range with the shotgun making it easier and easier to score kills. Get as many of the Grunts with the shotgun as you can since they are easy targets. Once you have hit forty, I would recommend dying and grabbing a DMR from a different load out to speed the game along.

Put Your Quarter Up - Complete 15 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1750cR
This is a hefty set of games for today. Again, why we get this during a weekday and a challenge for three measly wins during the weekend still boggles the mind. Living Dead can be a very fast playlist, especially if you are playing Alpha Zombies whereas Living Dead can also be very, very slow if people camp excessively. Stay away from maps like Swordbase and Boardwalk, which are a delight for campers. Grifball can also go fairly fast if the teams are uneven, which is typically the case.

A Simple Spree - Earn any spree in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1000cR
You should get this challenge while going for "The T.G. Opposition." Frankly, this challenge is very, very easy. Whether or not weapon sprees count towards this challenge is unknown, but if you do not get the challenge on the first weapon spree for the Shotgun at five kills, this challenge will pop for the first killing spree at ten kills. As I said, very, very easy.

The Weekly Challenge:
Co-op Dash - Clear any Campaign mission on Heroic, in co-op, in 9 minutes or less. - 30343cR
I do believe that this is a new Weekly Challenge and new ones are very welcome. This one, however, is relatively simple. Very few missions can be done in so short a time. The only reliable one is Nightfall. This is because you can just run through the entire thing following the route from this LASO guide. Setting the difficulty to Heroic and having no skulls on will make this much easier, however. You should be able to just have a second controller idle if you do not have anyone wanting to do the challenge with you. The Iron skull is not on, so if you player just keeps running, it does not matter how many times the other one dies. Good luck.

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 8/28/11

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The Challenges:
Blastin' and Relaxin' - Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 1350cR
You need to play at least on game of Firefight today and at least a few games of multiplayer Matchmaking. On top of the Weekly Challenge, which must be completed today, a hundred and eighty kills looks quite obtainable. Do not stress over it and if you are still needing of kills once all the other challenges are done, just keep playing until you hit the mark.

Streaky Shooter - Earn 7 sprees in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1750cR
This challenge requires you to hit seven sprees during the entire day. You do not need to hit this number in a single game. Weapon sprees have not been counting for these challenges recently, so do not depend on those. I would stick to Grifball and Living Dead since those two playlists are great for getting kills and sprees. Hopefully, you can score several in a game and have this challenge done in relatively short order.

Survivor - Earn 9 Sprees in a Firefight Matchmaking game. - 1000cR
Nine sprees in a single game will be easy enough to earn though the trick is to die on purpose if you are in Score Attack. It is impossible to get nine sprees without dying. There are, at max, eight that would be awarded if you hit a thousand kills in a single game. Since that is clearly not happening in a gametype that allows you, at maximum, a hundred and twenty kills, you will need to die once you hit fifty and score forty consecutive kills for challenge completion. Easy as pie.

Go Right Ahead Folks - Earn a First Strike in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1000cR
This will probably be the one challenge keeping you playing today unless you have to finish off the Weekly Challenge. A First Strike is when you get the first kill of a Round. Yes, I said round. So if you play a game like Grifball, you can have up to five chances a game to get the First Strike medal and at least three if the game goes quickly. Of course, this can be completed in any playlist where you get to slay opponents. Just be the first one.

Last day to complete the Weekly Challenge. See how to here.
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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 8/27/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! 

The Challenges:
Light Fare - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 1000cR
A hundred kills should not be too bad to come by today as you only need to play Multiplayer for the challenges. There is only today and tomorrow left for the Weekly Challenge of getting seventy-seven accounts of Revenge on another player in matchmaking. Finishing off the Weekly Challenge will likely put you over a hundred kills but if you still need some, you can load up Crashsite in the Score Attack playlist and finish off whatever kills you still need.

The Dream Shake - Earn 4 Double Kills in the same match in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2000cR
Earning four separate Double Kills in a single game of Multiplayer Matchmaking is not as hard as it sounds. Basically, you will want to utilize any available power weapons and grenades if you are trying this in Multi Team. Grifball is also a very easy playlist to get this challenge in as kills come quickly and in large amounts. Multi Kills are also very common in Grifball, but please do not spawn camp. That just ruins it for everyone.

Sticky Icky Icky - Earn 3 sticky grenade Kills in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1250cR
Multi Team is generally your best answer for this challenge since there is a plethora of targets for you to stick with Plasma grenades. You will also have a chance to get Elite Slayer in Multi Team which is pretty much and automatic completion of this challenge. If you cannot get Elite Slayer and objective gametype, like Crazy King, is the next best thing. Games of Crazy King in Multi Team typically go down to the last minute which means that you can get as many kills as you want in that time. Just seek out the Plasma Grenade spawns on whatever map you are on and you will be fine.

Un, Deux, Trois - Win 3 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1450cR
I find it quite confusing why, on a weekday, they give us a challenge of completing fifteen game and, when it comes to Saturday, we get a challenge just asking us to win a measly three games. Either way, three wins should not be too difficult to come by. I will urge you to play gametypes you enjoy after completing the other daily challenges. Remember that you need to hit a hundred kills and that you will need Revenge medals if you are still working on the Weekly Challenge.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
Also on my blog.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 8/26/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! 

The Challenges:
More than a Handful - Kill 77 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2310cR
You might have to go out of your way to get this challenge, but that depends on how you do with "Came From Behind" and "...Got a Triple Double". Get those done fast and you will need to play some extra games to make up the difference. If those challenges take you a few games, you might be all set for this challenge. Grifball is a good way to make up remaining kills but any other playlist you enjoy will do just fine.

Came From Behind - Perform 3 Assassinations in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1200cR
For this challenge, Team Snipers or any sort of Objective game should get the job done. One of the advantages of Team Snipers is that players become narrowly focused down their scopes and tend to stay in the same place. Objective games are good as well since player are not focused on killing you and you can often tell where they are coming from, which makes ambushing them much easier. Three in a game can be a chore but it is certainly doable. Just only focus on it at first and you will get it.

... Got a Triple Double - Earn 3 Double Kills in the same match in Multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1500cR
Grifball or Multi Team is your best option for this challenge since these gametypes tend to have the most kills per game. Double kills are, typically, very easy to come by in these gametypes and getting three in a game should not be a chore at all. Since they are multikills, if you do not space them out they will stack so remember that getting a Overkill or a Killtacular will not get you this challenge. You need three separate instances of Double Kills.

It was the Winter... - Complete Winter Contingency on Legendary without dying. - 1500cR
Short of Nightfall, Winter Contingency is the easiest mission to complete. Follow this LASO guide, which shows you how to run through large parts of the level The only challenge part should be the very end due to the Sword Elite who you have to kill. Remember to kite him back to Jorge and then assassinate him as he is laying into Jorge. Pick up the sword and the other Elites are toast.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 8/25/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! 

The Challenges:
Light Fare - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 1000cR
This will be easy enough to finish since the "Grunt Spelunking" challenge, itself, requires you to get a hundred kills. As well, the "Who's the Big Winner?" challenge is requiring you to win fifteen games in multiplayer Matchmaking. You will be well over maybe even two hundred kills after finishing off that challenge. In closing, do not worry about this challenge. You have bigger fish to fry today.

Survivor - Earn 7 Sprees in a Firefight Matchmaking game. - 1000cR
Seven sprees in a single game of Firefight should be very easy to come by. However, you will need to allow yourself to die. To get seven sprees without dying, in Firefight, well, you would need to hit five-hundred kills (That would be the "Inconceivable" medal). That is not happening in Firefight Matchmaking, obviously. So, after hitting fifty kills, or a hundred kills, you will need to die purposefully and score one or two more sprees.

Who's the Big Winner? - Win 15 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3000cR
I do not get what is with these inane challenges on weekdays. You would have hoped that some of this extremely time consuming stuff would have ended once 343 took over. Clearly, that is not happening. Regardless, stick to games types with only two teams. Less teams means less competition for that top spot. As well, try to play with people you know and people you typically win with. I would also stay away from gametypes with more than eight players a game. So many other players makes it less within your control to take-over, and win, a match. Whether you play objective or slayer is up to you, though objective can go much, much, faster.

Grunt Spelunking - Kill 100 enemies on Glacier in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1000cR
Glacier is a very enjoyable map, to be honest. There are many places where you can get great sightlines on every single part of the map (almost). A hundred kills will be very easy to come by and you should be going for the "Survivor" challenge while you do this one. I would go with Gruntpocalypse or 2X Score Attack for this challenge. Since this is on Glacier, Sniper Attack is also always a good choice.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 8/24/11

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The Challenges:
Fire When Ready - Kill 30 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1100cR
Thirty enemies in Multiplayer should be relatively easy compared to other challenges we have had. You should also be going for Revenge medals and playing till you hit your quota of at least eleven a day. You will need to play SWAT or the like for "Not as Clumsy or Random..." but afterwards you can hit up Grifball or whatever playlist you have been having success in at getting Revenge medals. Thirty kills should take two to three games.

Overlook's Overwatch - Kill 125 enemies on Overlook in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1100cR
This should hopefully only take you two games of Score Attack or Firefight Arcade/Doubles on this map. To be honest, I was never really a fan of this map though it was great for Firefight Versus. A hundred and twenty-five kills might be just out of range in most games but you will probably get the most kills in 2X Score Attack. Try to play Crashsite on the map if you still need kills.

A Side of Huevos - Kill 60 enemies with Sniper Rifle headshots in Nightfall on Normal. - 1500cR
This is a lot of headshots to get. More than likely, it needs to be done in a single playthrough as well even though it is not stated (like the Moa challenges). My advice is to set the game to Normal and play through it till it is almost complete. Once you reach the end, go to the menu and hit "Restart Mission." You should be able to hit about forty to thirty headshots in a single playthrough at least and then finish it off during the second play-through.

Not as Clumsy or Random... - Earn 5 kills with precision weapons in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1000cR
A game of Team SWAT or Team Sniper will be best for this challenge as those gametypes start you with precision weapons. The Arena, MLG, and a multitude of other playlists will also be usable for this challenge as you can pick up a precision weapon in almost any playlist. Precision weapons include the Sniper, DMR, Needle Rifle, and the Focus Beam Rifle. Remember to aim for the head for quicker kills.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 8/23/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! 

The Challenges:
Covenant-cide - Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1100cR
Hopefully, this will only take you a single game of Firefight in the Score Attack playlist. Aim for 2X Score Attack since it generally seems to have the most enemies. Try for a map like Beachhead so there is a high chance for some Drop-pods to come in a bring an extra four enemies. Normally, you will get about a hundred and twenty kills right on the dot, but you it common to hit around one-fifteen as well. Play a game of Crashsite if necessary afterwards to get those final kills.

Fire When Ready - Kill 50 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1500cR
Grifball will be you answer for this challenge and also your best hope for Revenge medals for the Weekly Challenge. Fifty kills will actually take you two games in Grifball but do not be afraid to play more if you are trying to get you Revenges for the day. You can also get a lot of kills in Multi Team or you can just play regular matchmaking like Team Slay or FFA and have some fun doing what you want. The choice is up to you.

Short, Controlled Bursts - Kill 100 enemies with automatic weapons in the Campaign today. - 1000cR
The first level of the campaign, Winter Contingency on Normal or Heroic is actually great for getting automatic weapon kills. First off, automatic weapons cover the AR, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Repeater, the Spiker, and the Needler. Getting kills with any of those in campaign will count towards this challenge. Try to carry two automatic weapons when you can. Remember that you do not have to personally kill every Covie to get credit for it. If you see a crowd of enemies, just spam bursts into it and you will get credit for the kill with an automatic weapon once the rest of Noble Team or an ally takes it out.

Oops! All Kills - Earn 10 Multikills in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2000cR
This is an easy challenge due to the fact that it is not in a single game. This is also a reason why I am encouraging you to play Grifball since Multikills are very common. Now remember that a Double Kill counts as a single double kill and that increases with every subsequent Multikill upon that. Triple kill is two Multikills, Overkill is three, et cetera. And you can get all Double Kills and get this challenge so do not be afraid to take your time. Remember, you do need to get a lot of Revenge Medals.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
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Monday, August 22, 2011

Halo Reach Daily and Weekly Challenges Guide - 8/22/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! 

The Challenges:
Gunslinger - Kill 75 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2250cR
Getting seventy enemy kills today should be pretty simplistic. The daily challenges will not get you to this challenge, but you should hit it while working on the Weekly challenge. The Weekly challenge will be best earned on Grifball (and so will all the other challenges except for "Explosive Ordnance Distribution") and that is also the fastest way to get kills in multiplayer Matchmaking. Good luck.

Explosive Ordnance Distribution - Earn 5 kills with ordnance weapons in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1250cR
Explosive Ordnance kills are typically a pain, unless you know the right playlist. Not much was though of Action Sack by most people when it came out, but it has turned into one place where you can get Rockets, Lasers, and Concussion Rifles at start and for the entire game. Go for the Splockets or Dino Blasters gametype and you will be all set. You only need five kills for the challenge. Try to get some revenge medals while you are at it too. If you get the gametype, this should take a single game.

Double Nickels - Earn 2 Killing Sprees in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1500cR
A killing spree in Multiplayer Matchmaking is when you get five kills without dying. This challenge no longer counts Zombie killing sprees, which is sad, but Living Dead is still a great playlist as well as Grifball due to the pure number of kills you can get. You can get ten uninterrupted kills in a row and get this challenge via a Killing Frenzy, or you can twice get five kills without a death and score two Killing Sprees. There is a chance that you might need to get it the later way by two Killing Sprees but the challenge is not clear since a Killing Spree is a specific medal and also a type of medals. Comment below if one does not work.

Linked Up with - Link your gamertag with and play a game in Halo: Reach Matchmaking. - 3000cR
I'm going to go ahead and guess that 343 does not exactly have control over what challenges are picked every day. I'm also going to go ahead and quote what I said on this challenge last week. "If you already have an account and it is linked to, just play a game and you are set. If you do not have an account, go to and click on "Sign up" in the top right corner. During sign up you can enter your gamertag and then you just need to play a game afterwards to get the credits. (Note that this might take a will to kick in so give it time if it does not go the first time.)"

The Weekly Challenge:

Best Served Cold - Take your Revenge on 77 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 7777cR
It seems like it has been a long while since we has a Weekly Challenge that asked us to play multiplayer Matchmaking. It probably has not been, but it sure seems like it. Either way, taking "Revenge" on another player is signified by a medal (Surprise, surprise, it is called the Revenge Medal!) and can be earned by killing an opponent who just killed you before anyone else does. It sounds simple enough but can be very hard.

Remember that you have the advantage after someone kills you since you will probably know their relative location, but they will not know where you spawn. You need seventy-seven over the next week so you should at least aim for eleven a day. Stick to games with low numbers of player and only two teams. More players and more teams mean more players who can kill the guy who killed you before you can. Grifball has always gotten me a lot of Revenge medals but you should also be able to score some in the regular playlists like Team Slayer and what not.

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 8/21/11

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The Challenges:
One Spartan Army - Kill 400 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2000cR
This challenge will take four to five games to complete depending on the playlists you choose to play and your possible teammates. I would spend this time finishing off the Weekly challenge if you have yet to complete it as today is the last day. Firefight Arcade/Doubles is your best option for that but if you are almost done you can get away with playing Score Attack as well. Either way, be jealous with your kills and get to slaying some Covies.

Demon - Kill 30 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1200cR
Elite kills, depending on the gametype, can be extremely easy to come by. In Score Attack you can try 2X Score Attack and rake in about twenty or so Elite kills in the final wave. You can also play Firefight Arcade and get a healthy dose of Elite kills since they do spawn more frequently in various gametypes of the Arcade playlist. Expect this challenge to be done after multiple games, however.

Flat Tire - Kill 5 enemy vehicles in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1000cR
Since it is the weekend, five vehicle kills should not be too much of a bother. You can either play Firefight Arcade/Doubles while working on the Weekly Challenge and try to bang this out, or you can load up Score Attack and go for Sniper, Rocket, or FRG Attack on Holdout and attempt to destroy all the Banshees that spawn. If you are doing the Score Attack method, remember to make the game last as long as possible for maximum Banshee spawns. Expect this challenge to take two to three games to finish off.

Better, Closer, Warmer - Earn at least 10 kills in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1200cR
This is easy enough to knock out by playing a single game in almost any playlist. However, if you wish to be cautious, load up Multi Team or Grifball. You are almost guaranteed at least ten kills in these gametypes if you just go for kills. Objective games are awesome for this and that is a reason I would go with Grifball over Multi Team in an instant for total kill count.

Last day to complete the Weekly Challenge. See how to here.
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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 8/20/11

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The Challenges:
Blastin' and Relaxin' - Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 1350cR
More than likely, unless you actually play through a campaign level for the "Just a Shower" challenge instead of speed-running one, you will not hit a hundred an eighty kills with the challenges below. What you should do afterwards, is play some games of Firefight Arcade/Doubles to polish off the Weekly Challenge if you have not already done so. A single game of Firefight should finish off this challenge for you.

Explosive Ordnance Distribution - Earn 3 kills with ordnance weapons in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1000cR
Typically, this challenge would be irksome at best. Now, you can just jump into the Action Sack playlist and you will more than likely be able to get a gametype like Splockets or Dino Blasters which have starting explosive ordnance weapons. This is much more preferable than fighting the other seven to eleven people in a game for the single one that spawns. Splockets is the target gametype since it starts you off with Rockets, but the Concussion Rifle in Dino Blasters is a worthy second prize.

Eyes in the Sky - Kill 10 enemies with the Designator in ONI on Heroic. - 1000cR
Load up the level ONI: Swordbase on Rally Point Bravo. Drive up to the objective, hit the switch, and get inside. To you right will be the Target Designator which you would have gotten earlier had you played from the start. Grab it and ping one of the enemies coming down the causeway towards you. Hope that this hits the required ten kills. But, even if it does not, there are always some guys left over at top and you have two shots in that weapon. If the second shot does not take you over ten, go to the menu and hit Restart Level. Then you should have no problem getting it.

Just a Shower - Complete any Campaign mission on Normal or harder with Thunderstorm on. - 2000cR
You actually have some options for this one. The challenge requires you to complete any level of the campaign on Normal with the Thunderstorm skull on, which makes all the enemies "level up," basically. You can do a speed run of Nightfall, using the LASO guide here, or you can run another level. It is entirely up to you but Nightfall is the fastest method.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
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