Saturday, June 4, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 6/4/11

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The Challenges:

Covenant-cide - Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1100cR
None of the challenges today are too hard and most just require time.  This challenge, however, is just plain easy.  You will simply need to complete a single game of Firefight and you would be best off in the Score Attack playlist.  A game of Gruntpocalypse will probably be best for your purposes.  I would also recommend following up with a game of Crashsite to finish off any lingering kills due to a Grunt's tendency for suicide.

Pass the Rock - Earn 20 assists today in Multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1500cR
Multi Team is your best option for this challenge.  This will most likely take you two to three games if you are actively trying for assists.  A gametype like Crazy King on a small map would definitely be preferred since the more tightly packed the players are, the more likely someone is to steal your kill and get you an assists.  But, seriously, just run up and melee someone and watch the vultures snag the kill.  They get their kill, you get your assists.  Sounds like a win-win situation to me so have at it.

T-Hug It Out - Kill 6 enemies with close quarters combat in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1200cR
So close quarters combat ends up being any sort of melee kill, typically, but the shotgun counts as well, if you are close enough.  This is very doable when going for the "Pass the Rock" challenge, but you may want to just focus on assist, which is completely understandable.  If that is the case, head for Grifball after the assist challenge is done and you should have no trouble hitting six close quarters kills in that time.  Good luck and good hitting.

Participation Counts - Complete 4 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 1200cR
Completing for game is definitely a much easier achievements then yesterday's "win five games" challenge.  You will probably be a game or two short while working on the other two multiplayer Matchmaking challenges.  Just play something you enjoy and find to be fun.  Make life easier on yourself and have some relaxation while you own some noobs.


  1. I follow your shit daily because honestly i could do these alone but your outlook on game types usually makes me think oh, way simpler. so thanks, and keep this going, you have a follower here and im sure many others.

  2. Thanks for the compliment. I'll, hopefully, be keeping this going for a long time and adding some additional features and a larger variety of games.
