Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 6/29/11

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The Challenges:
More than a Handful - Kill 125 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2500cR
For once in a long while, you will have to go out of your way to get this challenge done. A hundred and twenty-five kills should not be too hard to hit if you are playing Grifball after you have finished off "I'm Rubber, You're Glue" in a different gametype. You can score thirty to fifty kills a game in Grifball so you can actually get this done quite fast if your games do not end immediately.

Hyper Lethal Vector - Kill 100 enemies with headshots in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1000cR
A simple game of Gruntpocalypse will complete this challenge for you. The only weapons you can use in Gruntpocalypse are the pistol and DMR which are both headshot capable weapons. Sparing that you do not over use grenades, you will have about a hundred a twenty kills within which to get a hundred headshots. That is not at all a difficult task and it should take you about a single game which will last about ten minutes.

L.D. Pillar - Complete The Pillar of Autumn, without dying, with Mythic, Thunderstorm, Tilt, and Touch Luck on. - 5000cR
This will be the hardest challenge of the day, but then it does have quite a high cR value as well. Follow my LASO guide for the quickest way to complete this level. And it will be a pain. But, do remember that you can die. If you do die, before the last objective, simply Save and Quit. You can then reload the game and the challenge will be active again. However, if you follow the guide, this level is very doable without dying since shields regenerate and weapons do not have half the ammo they normally do.

I'm Rubber, You're Glue - Earn 1 sticky grenade Kills in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 1000cR
A single game of Multi Team, sparing that you do not get stuck in a game of Rocket Hog Race, will net you this challenge. But you might have to work for it. If you can, try to pick Elite Slayer since you will then have a starting loadout which includes Plasma Grenades. Otherwise, you have to use the ones that spawn on the maps. And you only need a single kill, which is not too bad. I would complete this challenge first and then go for "More than a Handful." This challenge should only take a single game.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
Also on my blog.