Saturday, May 26, 2012

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 5/26/12

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The Challenges:
Shootin' and Lootin' - Kill 400 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 4000cR
So you will be playing at least one game in multiplayer Matchmaking and another game in Campaign. However, those will only get you around eighty to a hundred kills at most. Now, you likely need to work on the Weekly Challenge which is best done by playing in the Firefight playlist. The Firefight playlist will typically give you about a hundred kills per game. Three to four games will be enough to get this challenge done unless your team does not make it through all the rounds. Smaller maps should be faster games and you are more likely to complete the game before time expires.

T-Hug it Out - Kill 7 enemies with close quarters combat in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2400cR
This is the only challenge of the day that is asking you to play at all in multiplayer Matchmaking, asking you to score seven kills via close quarters combat. For those of you who don't remember, close quarters kills are those with the Shotgun, Gravity Hammer, Energy Sword, Melee, Beat Down, or Assassination. The playlist for this is Grifball as it allows you to get all but one of those kills types (Shotgun) in the game. As a matter of fact, those are the only kills you can get. In a typical game of Grifball you will likely get thirty to forty kills which means you will definitely hit seven. Get to it.

Cannon Fodder - Kill 50 infantry-class foes in the Campaign today. - 2000cR

So, in the Halo Reach campaign enemies are divided up by classes. These are ultimately useless titles as the various classes are actually divvied up by species. Grunts are infantry, Jackals and Skirmishers are Specialist, Elites are Leaders, and Brutes apparently are not part of any class that has been mentioned. Regardless, this means you will need to kill fifty Grunts on whatever level you choose. Winter Contingency is a very easy level for this challenge as there are tons of Grunts but you can also try levels like ONI: Swordbase or Tip of the Spear. Personally, I will be running through Winter Contingency. Should get this done in a single game.

Just a Shower - Complete any Campaign mission on Normal or harder with Thunderstorm on. - 4000cR
So, this challenge is extremely simple and should take very little of your time today. The Thunderstorm Skull just upgrades all the enemies in a mission to Ultras if such variants exist. I was originally going to recommend a simple speed-run of Nightfall but, due to the "Cannon Fodder" challenge asking you to get fifty infantry-class enemies, you are better off just playing through a regular mission to score the kills. Winter Contingency is the easiest level but ONI: Swordbase is also a good option. Winter Contingency is simply the fastest level to actually play through.

See the Weekly Challenge here.

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