Friday, September 30, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 9/30/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! 

The Challenges:
Light Fare - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 3000cR
If you follow the guide for all the other challenges today, you will very likely not hit a hundred kills while working on them. You will be drastically short, guaranteed. The best strategy is to play some Firefight in the Score Attack playlist afterwards to finish off the boatload of remaining kills. Gruntpocalypse is probably easiest or you can play Crashsite and end the game as soon as the challenge is completed by dying or letting the generator explode.

Not as Clumsy or Random... - Earn 5 kills with precision weapons in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
Five kills is at the low end of the spectrum, to be honest. Team SWAT or Team Snipers will get this challenge done for you, seemingly even if you have a bad game. Both of those games start you with precision weapons and any headshot is a one-shot kill. If you can get any sort of Objective game you should be guaranteed to get this challenge completed since there is no time limit for the game. You should have this done in a single game however and then you can focus on harder challenges.

Three Dog Fight - Earn a Triple Kill in Multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2000cR
The easiest way to complete this challenge is to play Grifball or Multi Team. This challenge is definitely doable in any playlist, but those two typically bring the highest chances of multikills. You will need to score three kills, each within four seconds of each other. Use your grenades if you are playing Multi Team and pay attention to any Beat Down Battles since they will likely be an easy double kill. As well, any power weapons will help greatly. If you are running Grifball, just hammer away. Triple kills are very common in the playlist and should be easy to get.

It was the Winter... - Complete Winter Contingency on Legendary without dying. - 3000cR
The only level easier than this one is Nightfall, but you can run/drive through large portions of this level as well. Follow the LASO guide for the route you need to take and other strategies. You should definitely be able to do this without death but the final part can be challenging. Remember that you can Save and Quit and then Resume Campaign to complete the level and still get the challenge.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 9/29/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! 

The Challenges:
Blastin' and Relaxin' - Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2343cR
It will be a Firefight day but this should not be a surprise at this point, it is Thursday. Regardless, this challenge will be completed once you finish off the rest of the challenges. Do not worry about it since you have harder challenges to focus on.

Bulletproof - Complete 2 Rounds in a Firefight Matchmaking game without dying. - 2200cR
It has been a very long time since we saw a challenge like this. This challenge is not particularly hard, but it has some quirks. First off, you need to survive the first two rounds. If you die in the first round, it will not let you complete the second and third round for credit. You die at all and you will need to start another game to complete this challenge. Team Kills also used to count against this, but friendly fire has been removed, so that is not an issue anymore. I would suggest hanging back while going for this challenge in Firefight Arcade. You can try Doubles, but having more players makes it easier. You can either get a ranged weapon or get a Needler or Needle Rifle and work on the challenges.

That Pink Mist - Kill 100 enemies with a Supercombine from the Needler or Needle Rifle in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2500cR
There used to be a really good way to do this though I think they changed the playlist. It used to be that you could pick up whatever weapon you wanted during Sniper Fight. I know they disabled that in Sniper Attack, but it has been a long time since I player Sniper Fight. If you can pick up a Needler in Sniper Fight, that is the playlist you will want. Otherwise you will want to play regular Score Attack or something similar and try to get as many Supercombines as possible. Remember that to get a Supercombine, the explosion must occur before the Covie dies, otherwise it just counts as a regular kill. It might also be a good idea to play Mythic Attack. That way you can Supercombine every enemy.

Blast Radius - Kill 75 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with grenades. - 2500cR
This is honestly a very easy challenge. You can get about forty grenade kills in a single game. Once good strategy is to hit enemies right as they spawn. Grunts, especially, will just sit there for a moment and by the time they react to the grenade it will be too late. I would definitely recommend doing this challenge on 2X Score Attack after finishing "Bulletproof" and "That Pink Mist." But definitely do not shy away from Grenade kills in the earlier games. The more you get earlier, the less you have to do later.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 9/28/11

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The Challenges:
Gunslinger - Kill 150 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 5500cR
A hundred and fifty kills in multiplayer Matchmaking is actually quite easier than it sounds. This is thanks to playlists like Multi Team and Grifball. I would personally stick to Grifball since, if the teams are even, you can rack up some insane kill numbers. Multi Team lets you get less kills but has some more variety and less timing involved. Perhaps, play both to mix it up some.

A Walk in the... - Kill 125 enemies on Beachhead in Firefight Matchmaking. - 1100cR
Beachhead is actually my favorite Firefight map in Reach, though Courtyard is a close second. Either way, a hundred and twenty-five kills is just slightly more than what you would get if you played a single game in the Score Attack playlist. 2X Score Attack will probably be your best option as you can hopefully get a drop-pod or two to bring in some extra Covies to kill. Likely, however, you will be just short of a hundred and twenty-five so either try to get Crashsite on the map or play another full game.

L.D. Solace - Complete Long Night of Solace, without dying, on Legendary with Mythic, Thunderstorm, Tilt, and Tough Luck on. - 8500cR
This will be the most aggravating challenge of the day. It would be nice to have to run this level without the Skulls on, but this is what we are tasked with. Follow this LASO guide for ways to run through the level in some parts and general strategies to get through. There is an upside to this challenge, however. You can die as much as you want. What you need to do is just get to the final objective, which is to meet up with Jorge after the hangar has been cleared dying as much as you want along the way. Before completing this objective, Save and Quit. Then, resume the Campaign and you can complete the quest and get credit for not dying.

Better, Closer, Warmer - Earn at least 9 kills in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2343cR
Nine kill in a multiplayer Matchmaking game should be something that most players do every game. However, you will need to score a lot of kills today for the "Gunslinger" challenge so I would stick to playlists where kills are plentiful. This mostly means Grifball and Multi Team since you can score twenty-five to sixty kills in those playlists. Nine kills should be a breeze in comparison.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
Also on my blog.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 9/27/11

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The Challenges:
One Spartan Army - Kill 150 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2250cR
Descriptions will be a little short today, but I hope to convey just as much information. A hundred and fifty kills in Firefight Matchmaking will take two games in the Score Attack playlist. Go for 2X Score Attack to work on the "Demon" challenge.

Demon - Kill 50 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3000cR
If you play 2X Score Attack, the final wave will always be about twenty or more Elites. With this count it will take you three games to get to fifty. Try for maps like Beachhead so you can hope for a drop-pod with four extra Elites.

If It Bleeds... - Find and kill the Gold Range-class Elite in any Campaign mission on Normal or harder. - 5000cR
Load up ONI: Swordbase, Rally Point Bravo on Heroic and make your way to the garage. Quickly go up the ramp and then turn left. You should see a white dual-welding Elite. That is in fact a Gold Ranger-Class Elite (aka a BoB). If he is not there he might be near the Shotgun spawn on the multiplayer-map portion of the map. He might not spawn at all, which would mean you need to start over.

Double Double - Earn 2 Double Kills in the same match in Multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2000cR
Grifball is easily the best gametype for this challenge. As well, this will also be extremely easy to get in Multi Team. Remember that these need to be two separate Double Kills. Stacking for an Overkill will not get the challenge done.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
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Monday, September 26, 2011

Halo Reach Daily and Weekly Challenges Guide - 9/26/11

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The Challenges:
Blastin' and Relaxin' - Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2343cR
So you will at least be hitting a hundred and twenty-five kills in multiplayer Matchmaking for the "More than a Handful" challenge. After that, you will still need fifty-five kills to complete this challenge. You can either keep playing in multiplayer or you can go on to Firefight. A game or Crashsite would allow you to get the leftover kills and then just let the game end by either dying or letting the generator explode. As well, if you plan to actually play through a campaign level for "Just a Shower," that would take care of the remaining kills as well.

More than a Handful - Kill 125 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2500cR
A hundred and twenty five kills. That is a hefty amount of kills for a single day but the number is obtainable. You will want to hit at least forty-five kills today with Precision weapons to help with the Weekly Challenge. After that, however, you can keep working on Precision weapons or move onto more "productive" gametypes. By more "productive," I mean Grifball and playlists like Multi Team. Once you hit the a hundred and twenty-five kills you can stop with Multiplayer and start finishing up the "Blastin' and Relaxin'" challenge.

Just a Shower - Complete any Campaign mission on Normal or harder with Thunderstorm on. - 4000cR
As usual, the easiest way to complete this challenge will be on the Campaign mission, Nightfall. The Thunderstorm skull will upgrade every enemy in the mission, which is especially troublesome with Elites. So, I would recommend running through Nightfall on Heroic (To help with the Flawless Cowboy Commendation) for this challenge. You can run through the entire level following this LASO guide here. This should take you five to six minutes and it really is an easy four-thousand credits.

Five-time Champ - Win 5 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 4343cR
You will likely be playing a lot of multiplayer today. Winning five matches can likely be a pain however. Once you have reached the number of Precision weapon kills you hoped to hit today (along with racking in a few wins, hopefully), switch to a gametype which you enjoy an hopefully excel at. If you have a playlist you often win in, play in that playlist. Try to stick with teammates that you seem to do well with or play with friends if they are on.

The Weekly Challenge:
Camp Froman, Indeed - Earn 300 kills with Precision weapons in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 28343cR
It has been a while since we had an actual grinding Weekly Challenge. This challenge is requiring you to get three hundred kills with Precision weapons in multiplayer Matchmaking over the entire week. As we already know, Precision weapons include the DMR, the Sniper, the Needle Rifle, and the Covenant Focus Rifle. By my math, you will need to hit about forty-five kills a day to get this challenge done. Now, the playlists which you will be utilizing for this challenge should be fairly obvious; Team Snipers and Team SWAT. Both start you off with Precision weapons where any headshot is a one-shot kill. You can also try MLG and The Arena as you commonly start with a DMR in those playlists as well.

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 9/25/11

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The Challenges:

Killagruntjaro! - Earn 25 multikills in a Firefight Matchmaking game. - 3000cR
Since you will be playing 2X Score Attack for the "Demon" challenge, these twenty-five multikills will be very easy to achieve in a single Firefight Matchmaking game. Now a multikill in Firefight is when you score two kills within a second of each other and you can stack on another one until you reach ten kills. If you hit a Killionaire, congrats. Now stop, and let the multikill reset. There is nothing past Killionaire so you are just wasting kills at that point. This might take two tries but is definitely doable in a single game.

Un, Deux, Trois - Win 3 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2900cR
Typically, these "Win X number of games" challenges are irritating and that is mainly due to them being on weekdays. However, on the weekends, it is not much of an issue as long as a low number of wins are needed. Three is pretty tame. I am simply going to encourage you to play what gametypes you like and are typically successful in. Get a bunch of friends on and have a full team even. Just relax and enjoy some Halo.

Demon - Kill 30 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2400cR
Thirty Elites kills in Firefight Matchmaking can be difficult to achieve if you are not in the right playlist or gametype. For this challenge, stick to Score Attack and specifically go for the 2X Score Attack gametype. The final wave of this game will feature twenty plus Elites, all for you to slay. You will obviously need to play two games of 2X Score Attack to hit the required number. The DMR is probably best for this so you can keep range. Be warned that there will be several Elites with Invisibility and Energy Swords.

Nature vs. Nurture - Kill 15 Moa in Winter Contingency on Normal or harder. - 4000cR
If you wanted to do this challenge legitimately, you would need to play through Winter Contingency and seek out every single Moa in the level. However, you can simply reload a save with some Moa and keep killing them over and over again for the challenge. There are two Moa at the start of the level once you debark off of the Falcons and just after hitting a checkpoint. Kill the two Moa and reload the save for to kill them again.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 9/24/11

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The Challenges:
Covenant-cide - Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3200cR
This is a relatively simple challenge and takes relatively little time. A hundred and twenty kills is what you would typically hit in a single game of Firefight in the Score Attack playlists. You might actually fall a little short so you can expect this challenge to require to games. For the first game, I would play Gruntpocalypse or 2X Score Attack. These will both allow you to get a lot of kills quite quickly. For the second game, you will likely need a very low amount of kills. You can play another full game if you feel like it, or you can play a game of Crashsite to get the needed kills and then die or let the generator explode.

Helping Hand - Earn 10 assists today in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2000cR
From what the players were told by Bungie before they handed the game over to 343 Industries, you are awarded an assist when you take down at least forty percent of a enemies shields and health. You will need to do this ten times today to get this challenge completed. Multi Team is always a great place for assists as they come regularly. I am not going to suggest just going for challenges since you will need to focus on the "Single Wield" challenge, but I am willing to bet that attempting the small arms challenge will inadvertently give you a lot of assists.

Single Wield - Earn 77 kills with small arms weapons in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2800cR
So small arms include the Magnum, the Needle, the Plasma Pistol, and that is it. I'm pretty sure the Plasma Rifle and Repeater do not count towards this challenge though, of the two, the Plasma Rifle might. Seventy-seven kills will take quite a while and will most likely take about eight to ten games. You will likely need to focus on using just small arms weapons. This will probably be at the cost of doing very well during the matches, but it will help you get the challenge done faster.

Storm's Comin' - Complete a Campaign mission on Heroic or harder with Mythic and Thunderstorm on. - 3500cR
Easiest level for this challenge is Nightfall, as you can run through the entire level and you do not have to actually fight hardly any Covenant. Follow this LASO guide for the route. It takes about five to seven minutes to run through the level and get this challenge completed. Mythic and Thunderstorm effect the enemy difficulty so Nightfall is ideal due to the lack of combat from running through.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
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Friday, September 23, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 9/23/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! 

The Challenges:
Gunslinger - Kill 150 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 5500cR
Like every Thursday is for Firefight, every Friday is for some multiplayer Matchmaking shenanigans. Today is no different. For the typical multiplayer challenge fare, there is one blanket kills challenge. However, you will probably need to go out of your way to finish this one off today. You will need to complete eight games for the "Credits for Completion" challenge but that will likely not bring you to a hundred and fifty kills. Once you have finished off the other challenges, jump into Grifball or Multi Team to rack up the kills.

This is My Rifle... - Earn 30 kills with precision weapons in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2500cR
I will recommend a lot of Team SWAT and Team Snipers for this challenge if you are worried about getting it done quick. However, if you have time today (Remember that you do have to play eight games!) just play through regular playlists and you should have no issue getting thirty kills with precision weapons. Now, remember that precision weapons include the DMR, the Sniper Rifle, the Needle Rifle, and the Focus Beam Rifle. However, if you want this challenge done fast, use the previously mentioned playlists; Team SWAT and Team Snipers.

... Got a Triple Double - Earn 3 Double Kills in the same match in Multiplayer Matchmaking. - 3000cR
Scoring three Double Kills is actually much easier than it sounds. If this challenge was to score two Triple Kills, that would be much harder. However, you can get this challenge done in a multitude of playlists. Grifball is always a guarantee of many hammer-slamming multikills but it can get irritating at times. Living Dead is another option but sometimes the kills are spread out to much and it is only fun if you are a survivor. You might want to simply stick to Multi Team. Any sort of objective game would be best as you do not need to worry about the amount of time left. Just go for kills and you should be able to rack up the multi kills on unsuspecting players going for objectives.

Credits for Completion - Complete 8 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2800cR
Now, this is the type of challenge that makes sense at the end of the work week (school week, whatever). Any challenge to win a large number of games can be tedious since you normally have no control over your teammates unless you have friends to play with. Now, you need to complete games for this challenge which means no getting kicked, quitting, or unplugging your internet. Play what games you need for the other challenges and afterwards just have some fun.

Last day to start the Weekly Challenge. Will be impossible to start and complete after today. See what to do here.
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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 9/22/11

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The Challenges:
Covenant-cide - Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3200cR
Another blanket challenge with no real point but to give you free credits. This challenge is practically identical to "Heroic Overwatch" sparing the map requirement and five kills. It is interesting to note that five less kills apparently equals and increase of twelve-hundred credits, but I am not complaining. As per the norm, do not worry about this challenge. It gets taken of while doing the "Heroic Overwatch" challenge. Expect it to take two games though it can be done in one if you are lucky.

Heroic Overwatch - Kill 125 enemies on Overlook on Heroic in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2000cR
Overlook is not my favorite map, but as long as you use the elevation to your advantage, you can burn through enemies quickly. Gruntpocalypse is best for this map due to the "Hyper Lethal Vector" challenge. Now, you will likely fall short of a hundred and twenty-five kills. It's sad, but true (\m/). Typically, you get a hundred and twenty kills in a game of Score Attack. To remedy this, you will need to play a second game on the map. This can be a full game if you want, or it can be a quick game of Crashsite. Once you have hit the required number, die or let the generator explode.

Hyper Lethal Vector - Kill 100 enemies with headshots in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2000cR
This challenge is actually one of the easier ones due to the Gruntpocalypse gametype. Basically, All Grunts can be killed easily via headshots, including the Ultras whose helmets you need to shoot off first. A hundred headshots is extremely easy to get but it can take just over a game to accomplish. If you do not get it within a single game, remember that you will likely need to player another game for the "Heroic Overwatch" challenge so do not fret.

A Simple Spree - Earn any spree in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2000cR
Another easy challenge like I we had yesterday, but easier. This one simply requires you to get a spree in Firefight Matchmaking. As we discussed yesterday, a Spree in Firefight Matchmaking is ten kills without a death. I do not think that Weapon Spree count for this challenge either but you should really have no trouble getting ten kills without a death.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 9/21/11

Please subscribe above this and/or follow me on twitter! Have any ideas or comments about the challenges? Post them down below! 

The Challenges:
More than a Handful - Kill 125 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 2500cR
You will need to go out of your way for this challenge, in all honesty. The only other multiplayer Matchmaking challenge today is asking you to get a simple nine kills via headshots. This will clearly not cover a hundred and twenty-five kills, so I suggest that you head for Multi Team or Grifball to rack up the kills quickly. If you can get an objective game on Multi Team, that will be even better. Here is a PSA, though; please do not spawn camp. It might be fun and easy for you, but eventually, someone will do it to you because someone did it to them, then no one is happy.

Survivor - Earn 5 Sprees in a Firefight Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
Well, finally a Spree challenge in Firefight that does not need you to die for completion. So, a Spree in Firefight (and Campaign) is ten kills without a death. If you get to fifty kills without a death, then this challenge will be completed and you can keep playing the game of Firefight without needing to die to get more sprees. This can be done in Firefight Limited, Arcade, Doubles, or in Score Attack. Weapons sprees do not seem to be counting towards this but I have been unable to get Sniper Attack to pop up recently, so maybe it will.

The Little Guys - Kill 125 Grunts in Campaign today on Normal or harder. - 2000cR
A hundred and twenty five grunts in campaign is not actually too challenging. I would expect this challenge to take two, maybe three, campaign levels to complete. It is easiest to just start on Winter Contingency and work your way up. Heroic is really the best difficulty setting as it is not the most difficult and also limits NPCs stealing your kills.

Headshot Honcho - Kill 9 enemies with headshots in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2160cR
The easiest way to get this challenge is to go to playlists like Team SWAT or Team Snipers. Both gametypes start you with headshot capable weapons and everyone in the game can be killed with a single headshot. SWAT would probably be better since headshots do seem to be more common. In Snipers you can get away with two body shots, but not in SWAT. You have one game to do this but you do not even need to hit double digits so it is extremely doable.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 9/20/11

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The Challenges:
Blastin' and Relaxin' - Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2343cR
This challenge will take care of itself today as you will be hitting at least two hundred kills in Firefight Matchmaking today doing the "Hyper Lethal Vector" challenge. So not much at all to worry about for this challenge as it will pop probably in the same game as "Hyper Lethal Vector." Do not worry about it and move on.

Hyper Lethal Vector - Kill 200 enemies with headshots in Firefight Matchmaking. - 3000cR
Two hundred head shots will be really easy to come by in Firefight Matchmaking due to the Gruntpocalypse gametype. Every enemy can be killed with a headshot. The game starts you out with a DMR but there is not unlimited ammunition so you will need to stay near a ammo crate. On average, you can get a hundred and twenty kills a game with this gametype. This means that this will take you at least two games and maybe more depending on how many headshots you get per game. Expect it take two games however and to get this challenge and "Blastin' and Relaxin'" at the same time.

If It Bleeds... - Find and kill the Gold Range-class Elite in any Campaign mission on Normal or harder. - 5000cR
The easiest Gold Ranger-class Elite (otherwise known as a BoB) to kill is on the level ONI: Swordbase. Load up Rally Point Bravo on Heroic difficulty and get to the garage. At the garage, make your way up the ramp and go to the left. There is a chance that you will see a huge Elite dual wielding plasma rifles. He is your guy. Kill him as fast as you can and the challenge should be completed. If he is not there, than he might spawn later on in the level near the shotgun spawn on what would be the multiplayer map. You can sneak by him easily and just assassinate him. There is also a chance that he will not spawn at all, so then you will need to start over.

Make a Wish... - Earn a Running Riot in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 5000cR
This will be the most irritating challenge of the day, but it is good to see these challenges finally get some higher credit rewards. Anyway, Living Dead is the best playlist for this challenge as it is one of the few places these streaks happen normally. For those of you who do not know, a "Running Riot" is fifteen straight kills without a death. You will need to be one of the survivors and probably be on a map like Boardwalk or maybe Swordbase with the regular Zombies gametype, not Alpha Zombies. I have never been extremely good at Living Dead on Swordbase, but I am on Boardwalk so my opinion skews towards it. Try to stick around other survivors to watch your back. As well, be jealous with your kills. You have a limited amount of time to reach fifteen.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
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Monday, September 19, 2011

Halo Reach Daily and Weekly Challenges Guide - 9/19/11

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The Challenges:
Shootin' and Lootin' - Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2000cR
The rest of the challenges today will probably not get you to a hundred kills unfortunately. You will probably end up around forty to fifty kills. However, you can easily finish off this challenge by loading up Score Attack and picking the Crashsite gametype. With Crashsite, you can just get the remaining kills you need, and then either die or let the generator explode to end the game. Or you can continue playing multiplayer or Campaign. The choice is yours.

Roast 'em, Toast 'em - Kill 10 enemies while jet-packing in Exodus on Normal. - 2400cR
I have yet to figure out Bungie's and 343's obsession with this challenge and jet packing in general. Yes, it is sometimes a useful strategy and is kind of cool, but it is getting old. Anyway, load up Exodus, Rally Point Alpha, and you should be all set to start jet-packing pretty quickly. Remember that you have to actually be jet-packing when the kill is made for it to count. You cannot be falling but your finger must be on the Armor Ability button and it must actually be going. Ten kills should take you a very short time.

Aggressive Negotiations - Earn at least 17 kills in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 3430cR
So, seventeen kills is entirely possible to do in a multitude of playlists. However, two particular playlists are pretty much guarantees. That is right, I am talking about Grifball and Multi Team. I would assume that you all are completely tired of me recommending these gametypes but, hey, they work. Aim for objective gametypes if you are doing Multi Team if you are worried about falling short of seventeen kills.

Clip It. Share It. - Make a clip from your Local files and upload it to your File Share. - 2500cR
For those of you that do not know, you can load up a gameplay video in the theater, hit the record button, and make a clip. You can then find these clip in the File Browser and upload it to you fileshare. Once you do that, you will be awarded the credits on the next game you play. If you already have clips, you can just re-upload one and get the credits as well.

The Weekly Challenge:
Dedication/Time - Complete 10 Daily Challenges this week. - 25000cR
Probably one of the easier Weekly Challenges that we have had in a while. You will not be able to complete this challenge until Wednesday at the earliest due to the fact that we only get four challenges a day. You must start trying to get these daily challenges done by Friday or it will be impossible for you to complete this Weekly Challenge. Good luck.

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