Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges Guide - 10/18/11

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The Challenges:
Blastin' and Relaxin' - Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2343cR
A hundred and eighty kills will be very easy to come by today. You will need to play, most likely, two games of Firefight, ONI: Swordbase on Legendary, and then several games of Multiplayer to take care of the "Not as Clumsy or Random..." challenge and the Weekly Challenge. See, no problem getting to a hundred and eighty kills at all.

Flat Tire - Kill 5 enemy vehicles in Firefight Matchmaking. - 2000cR
This is a challenge that everyone hates now. It used to be much easier since enemies during Firefight were always dropped in via Phantom. The Phantoms would also tend to drop vehicles as well. Now that there are no Phantoms during a majority of most games, vehicles are very rare. The only place to get reliable vehicles spawns, is on Holdout. Try for a game like Sniper Attack on Holdout. The trick is to make the game go for the full time. You will likely be left with a Hunter at the end, but just kite him around while waiting for Banshees to appear. If you are lucky, you can have five appear in a single game. That is rare and you will typically see two to four spawn per game. Try to kill them as fast as you can. Expect this to take two games. As a note, do not attempt this with 2X Score Attack; the kills just do not count for some reason.

L.D. ONI - Complete ONI, without dying, on Legendary with Mythic, Thunderstorm, Tilt, and Tough Luck on. - 7500cR
On Legendary difficulty, this is typically one of the harder missions. Having skulls on is just bringing it that much close to LASO difficulty as well. Follow this LASO guide for tips and tricks on getting through the mission. Now, this challenge is much easier than LASO since, regardless of what the challenge says, you can die. The trick is that before the final objective, which would be killing the Phantom and Banshees for this mission, if you died at all, Save and Quit the game. Now you can load it up again, complete the final objective, and complete the challenge as the game thinks that you did not die, which is true, in a sense. You did not die during "this" play session.

Not as Clumsy or Random... - Earn 5 kills with precision weapons in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 2000cR
This will be your easiest challenge of the day and it can be done in five minutes in the playlists Team SWAT or Team Snipers. Both games start you with precision weapons and you are able to do one-shot head shot kills on any player. This should take you a single game and not give you any real trouble.

See the Weekly Challenge here.
Also on Examiner.com.

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