Monday, October 24, 2011

Halo Reach Daily and Weekly Challenges Guide - 10/24/11

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The Challenges:
Blastin' and Relaxin' - Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach. - 2343cR
A hundred a eighty enemies kills today should be very easy to achieve as "The Little Guys" challenge is already setting you up with a hundred and twenty-five kills and whatever kills you get in between. You will also be attempting to win five games in multiplayer Matchmaking, so that will set you up with a good number of kills as well. No need to really focus too hard on this challenge since it will basically complete itself.

The Little Guys - Kill 125 Grunts in Campaign today on Normal or harder. - 2000cR
The best way to get this challenge done is to just play through the campaign from start until you get the challenge. I would personally recommend setting the difficulty to Heroic as it makes the game not quite a hard and also makes it so your AI teammates steal less of your kills. Remember that as long as you got some shots in on the Covie and then the AI teammates get the kill, you will still get credit for it. You can either keep replaying the first mission, Winter Contingency, or just keep playing through the campaign until it is complete. Will likely complete around the end of ONI: Swordbase and the start of Nightfall.

Five-time Champ - Win 5 games in multiplayer Matchmaking. - 4343cR
Nice to see that 343 is still following Bungie's poorly planned Challenge schedule of having us play a lot of game on school/work day. It still does not make a ton of sense to me, but it is not like I can stop them. Here are some tips for winning games; Stick to playlists with only two teams. Start increasing the teams and you will start decreasing your chances of winning. Stick to gametype and maps that you know and enjoy. Every gametype plays a certain way and you do not often get used to new gametypes until after a few games Therefore stick to ones you already know. As well, stick to maps you already know so you do not have to "discover" weapon spawns the painful way. Finally, do not stress. Once you start gripping your controller really tight, you performance will suffer, believe me.

Killing Frenzy - Earn a Killing Frenzy in a multiplayer Matchmaking game. - 4000cR
A Killing Frenzy in multiplayer Matchmaking is ten kills without a death or a new round/game. Your best chance for this challenge is the Living Dead playlist. Try and pick the regular Zombies gametype as Alpha Zombies tends to be a shorter game and have less kills. I have, personally, always had success on Boardwalk, without being a dick and jumping up to the Flag pole. In fact, if you go up there, I'm that asshole who will team kill you to get you down and then do my best to block the way. Swordbase can also be a good map without constantly sitting in the air-duct on the lower level. You can just constantly run around the level and still score a lot of kills.

The Weekly Challenge:
Alexandria: LASO - Complete Alexandria, Legendary, All Skulls On (LASO). - 23430cR
As usual, LASO makes another return for a Weekly challenge as it does every week. New Alexander, however, sparing the Hospital section is one of the easier LASO levels. The Hospital Section actually can be very easy, but it is simply time consuming. Follow this LASO guide for tips and strategies. You will likely just need to set aside a single day this week to complete this challenge since we are likely to get other Campaign challenges which will ruin you save game. You will, likely, not need the Blind skull on, but check the challenge to make sure.

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